The sheriff of Fulton County, Ga., said on Tuesday that if former President Donald J. Trump were to be indicted in connection with efforts to overturn the 2020 election in the state, he would not receive special treatment, and would be booked and photographed like any other defendant.
Firstly, I can’t read this article as it’s behind a paywall. I have, however, read other articles about it.
Second, imagine how famous the image of a former president’s mugshot will become. This idiot is going to have his picture in every newspaper, for the 500th time. And anyone planning on voting for him currently is not going to change their mind because of it.
I want him to get charged with every crime under the sun, but there has got to be a way to do it without giving him the national stage time and time again. It could be 2016 all over again if the media doesn’t change its behavior.
The mugshot will drive everyone to vote on both sides and, we all know, when more people vote across the board, republicans lose, so I’m all for it.
I guess you’re right, I just automatically cringe at the thought of his photo going down in history as the first mugshot of a former president. Like it’s the kind of infamy that he probably gets off on. This dude deserves total washed-up obscurity and nothing more.
I’m hoping that a very public display of a person like him, losing in the hardest way, stands as a warning to the would-be followers for a very long time. He can have his pride, he was warned what that would bring by the fictional character he claims to believe in.
They say any publicity is good publicity. They are wrong. There are countless cases of people who are widely known, and just as widely reviled. Like it or not, Trump is not someone who will disappear into obscurity, through efforts to accomplish that or otherwise, for decades. He’s made too big of a mess to just be overshadowed and forgotten entirely. However, what that lasting legacy will actually be is still mutable. He might go down as just a controversial one term president with a smug smile. Or, the image of his scowling mugshot might become historically synonymous with every future memory of him.
I know I’m finally gonna vote. And it ain’t for the nazi Russian GOP.
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