• @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    If the only reason you are a good person is because you fear punishment then you are not a good person.

  • 667
    191 year ago

    They exercise a fascinating amount of cognitive dissonance by simultaneously holding that Christianity is based on moral dictates of god–the ten commandments–yet ignore, or are conveniently excused by the New Testament, the other 603 dictates.

    Their morality extends only so far as it is convenient, and then the rest are “well those morals were written for a different time”. No dude, according to your moral code derived from your religious text–that’s the way it’s supposed to always work, and your willful ignorance of them won’t get you into your concepts of paradise.

    The natural result here is that anyone not 100% compliant with the dictates of the sky wizard are going to hell, or–more reasonably–it’s all made up and revised as periodically needed.

    • InternetTubes
      41 year ago

      It’s just a way to project and sync their ego for the followers. They just have to try their best and can faith their sins away if you are in it, yet for outsiders they act like it’s the most solid belief system ever and demand a completely different standard they don’t hold themselves to.

      • 667
        41 year ago

        Concur. It’s a system that (still!) relies on people not actually reading the the text. Even a cursory review reveals these flaws. But organized religion is generally specifically known for discouraging questions.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    This part of history is crazy to me… and even crazier is that there are still a lot of people with thise beliefs

    • Poplar?
      1 year ago

      In some societies genital mutilation is accepted, I dont think you will agree that means it is moral and ok if they practice it. Saying society defines morals also means if you lived when slavery was accepted you would have to say abolitionists were wrong.

      • Flying Squid
        11 year ago

        They think it’s moral, which is the point. Morality is fluid, not objective. Do I think genital mutilation or slavery are moral? Absolutely not, I think they violate basic standards of human rights. But those standards are, themselves, human inventions and not objective truths.

        Almost no one thinks they’re the bad guy in the story.

        • Poplar?
          1 year ago

          I haven’t missed the point, what I’ve given are stock responses to moral relativism. I got them from ethicist Russ Shafer-Landau’s books “The Fundamentals of Ethics” and “Whatever Happened to Good and Evil.” If my comment doesn’t make sense do read it, the chapters on relativism are short.

          I will try to repeat. If morals are made true by the perspectives of societies, you are absolutely wrong in saying genital mutilation is wrong for them. It is only wrong for you, because your society says so. You must admit they are correct in saying it is something moral. A ridiculous conclusion.

          I’d like to hear why you think there aren’t objective moral facts. I’m an atheist myself and try to defend it is possible to use reason to figure out what is moral.

  • @[email protected]
    -21 year ago

    To be honest there really is nothing to be the base of anything, if we dont take religion as base. Since religion is a given idea by a being which is ontologically higher than us, it is logical to base everthing on it; but first you have to accept it, where the problem begins.

    This mat seem too much skeptic, indeed radically skeptic but you can not justify any premise you make. Even the basic logic like, a is equal to a. Many things may seem intuitionally true but when you try to justify it, you cant.

    But here we are, i have a stomach which wants food, i have a mouth which wants to talk, i have dick/pussy which wants to fuck. We are a society, and we are here, we want to be together. So we need some limits to live together. Thats how we create our fucking morals.

    • Poplar?
      1 year ago

      Statements like a=a, the law of non-contradiction or mathematical facts are called “necessary truths” (as opposed to contingent truths), they don’t depend on anything like a god to be made true and will always be true. This is very basic stuff.

      Another reason you cant base it on Gods is because you need logic and other things we use to reason to decide on the very question of the existence and nature of the Gods. You have to use it before you can even justify it.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Analytical truths are by definiton are true and independent of any emprical evidence or observation. So let me tell it more simple: we accept they are true. Saying they are true without depending on anything or this is basic stuff doesnt make them true. Let me ask a simple question, why do we define them true without dependence on anything. You can not answer it becuase this is the limit of where our comprehension stretch out.

        I said we cannot find anything to be the base of our morals except religion. And I especially state that you have to believe them, not logically prove them to take them as your base for morals. You can take anything as your premises, like religion or analytical truth or synthetic truths; its upon you. To me the most useful one is to take analytical truths as base.

    • Flying Squid
      91 year ago

      Thanks for missing the point, which is that religion doesn’t automatically grant you morality either.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Oh come on, its not a strawman, this is the MO of christianity as a whole throughout history. Christianity has always been used as the basis to justify hatred and cruelty. I mean thats the entire reason the bible is so vague in its wording, so it can be interpreted any way the community/cult/church leaders say it should be. People claiming their morality is based on their religion, just mean that they’re told on a regular basis by some other sick fuck what their morals are supposed to be for that week.

    • JackGreenEarth
      71 year ago

      Doesn’t the old testament encourage you to take slaves from the other nations and beat them until they’re nearly dead, but ‘mercifully’ not actually kill them?