Down that hole

    2 years ago

    Also, anyone who says “try this, it’s neat”:

    :(){ :|:& };:

    Don’t. It’ll lock up your computer. The markdown is adding code to the above. Ignore the “amp;”. It’s just an ampersand.

    Also anyone who tells you run level 6 is the best one…

    Don’t. It’ll set you in a boot loop.

    Basically, Google whatever someone suggests to you just to verify they’re not being a dick. I would say spend a bunch of time in the command line interface (CLI). There’s nothing wrong with the GUI desktop, but the real power of Linux is in the CLI because you can do so much with it. It’ll also get you on the road to scripting, if you’d like. That unleashes the power even more by making your Linux box so cool stuff on its own. Then learn the power of cron tables (crontab) so that you can schedule your computer to do cool things on its own.

    Good luck and have fun!