I don’t know if this is just a placebo effect, but it feels like there’s a lot more socialization and faster upvotes in the past hour Sync was released.
I signed up for lemmy when Reddit started pulling it’s shit. But I didn’t really do anything here until today when sync informed me that the lemmy app was available.
I bet I’m not the only one.
Nope. I’ve messed around with other apps but nothing comes close to Sync.
Connect for Lemmy has been really good so far, too.
I did try Connect for a bit, but it just wasn’t Sync. That’s not a diss on Connect because it is a good app. I’m honestly just happy people have 3rd party options to find the one that works for them.
I tried sync today but so far I prefer connect. May try it again later.
Summit is pretty cool.
It took me a while to stumble across Summit. I’m really enjoying it! I’ve tried everything so far and, while each has something going for it, Summit has the most of what I think I want so far. Tbh it just reminds me of Boost, which I’m really looking forward to. But yeah, Summit is my current favorite.
I never once tried Sync before but now that it’s here I’ll give it a go
I really like liftoff
People really seem to be sleeping on Thunder. For me it’s by far the slickest of all the Lemmy apps I’ve tried.
I’m using Jerboa, as I don’t want to use a closed source app with In App purchases and Google tracking. It’s nice there are so many options!
Jerboa am the way. I used Sync before, but Jerboa had the perfect amount of customization with ease of use. I say that, but I feel hypocritical cause I’m currently testing Sync.
I switched from Jerboa to Sync, as I felt Jerboa was not registering my upvotes? In addition I somehow couldn’t subscribe to communities. (Maybe all user error.)
I’ve been using Jerboa and I like it other than when typing comments or posts. If you have to backspace it just completely shits it’s pants and ends up deleting things you don’t want, removing spaces between words, refusing to append text without removing words. I just want a normal typing experience.
The mobile browser version if lemmy is pretty good. But here I am now with Sync. I never used it for reddit (I was an Infinity fan), but it does seem pretty nice
My issue with Jerboa has been that it doesn’t register when I have copied things so it’s difficult to paste links/articles/quotes.
I might try out Sync so that I can contribute more informative responses, but I like the idea of Jerboa being open source as that’s what drew me to the app.
Jerboa has some good ideas and features, but it has sadly been consistently the most buggy out of all the clients I’ve tried, across updates.
I was using Connect until yesterday, which I found to be the best option thus far, but I don’t think it’s open source. Liftoff is also good though, but in terms of looks something is off with it for me. Maybe it’s a little to cluttered.
Sync is fantastic in terms of features, look and feel and customization. It’s definitely the best app I’ve used so far. The issues of free-with-ads and the steep pricing for ad removal/Ultra are definitely there, but I can’t deny that it’s the best feeling app for Lemmy right now.
Really? What kind of OS are you using? I haven’t had that issue on android.
Android. And I haven’t had issues like that with typing in anything ever. I’ll be backspacing a couple of chars and all of a sudden the words have been concatenated and trying to get a space back was so hard. I really can’t explain how bad it was, but it was definitely just Jerboa and not my keyboard or phone as its perfect for everything else.
I’m using the open-source Infinity for Lemmy app. I used to use Infinity for Reddit, so I find IfL amazing to use.
Man I really wanted to like Jerboa but it just has such terrible UX. I ended up signing up for Kbin.social as I thought it had the best UI and now I’m back to Lemmy through Sync.
Same here. Lemmy websites are not that good. Sync app is great
Hey it’s me
There are dozens of us. Dozens, I say! DOZENS!
Maybe even more!
I hadn’t created an account til today. I was going to just use sync for reddit with the revanced patch at first but I decided to just ghost reddit until this came out, and now I’m getting my sync fix again lol so far so good, besides there being a bit less content on lemmy vs reddit the experience so far it has been great. Plus, it feels like fewer bots, at least for now, so that’s also a major plus.
I’m using sync until infinity beta goes public, at least.
edit: and I’m not longer using Sync! 😊
Me too, I started my download almost immediately after being notified.
This is exactly my case. Received the notification for the new Sync and I’ve been exploring for like 2 hours. Amazing
Yep, same here. Tried a bunch of different apps but never became comfortable with any of them, so I completely stopped using Lemmy, but Sync gave me a reason to come back here.
Yep, me too. First posting here 😊
Nope, that’s why I’m here!
Same. There were also lots of server errors in the week after sync stopped working for Reddit so I took some time off.
The sync app is amazing though.
Sync drastically reduces the barrier to using Lemmy for sure.
I appreciate the vanilla Lemmy experience but Sync has my muscle memory / usage habits after all. And it fixes some of my UX complaints that seem mildly annoying but enough to disengage me from the browsing session.
Yes! Long press on thumbnails was the #1 reason I just couldn’t get into the other apps.
ljdawson’s decision to develop a Lemmy app played a significant part in locking down our decision to bring /r/android to [email protected].
Syncforlemmy has 12.8k subscribers.
Loads of them were poised ready to strike once the beta launched.
But aren’t the people subbed here already on Lemmy? I was waiting for the client to come out too and switched immediately, but I was already using Lemmy with other clients before sync came out.
It’s possible that people were idling their accounts while waiting for Sync to come out, and are using the platform more now that it has.
I was lurking via connect without an account till sync came out personally
Same here. Connect UI was not nearly as good. I used Sync for years and feel right at home now.
The Connect UI is alright in my opinion, but Sync is definitely more polished. That makes sense though, Sync has been around significantly longer and thus has seen a lot more improvement.
I’m a kbin user who just made a lemmy account so I can upvote on Sync.
Lemmy was pretty unusable and hard to post/comment. Default web UI is buggy as hell, you have to reload the page multiple times to post anything or even switch pages when browsing. Jerboa is even worse. For example, I can’t even bloody login into LW through Jerboa!
I was subbed, and used it by browser a bit.
But Sync feels like home. And once more I’m enthused about using a platform.
Threads never stood a chance with me. I closed down and deleted my Facebook/insta accounts ages ago. All they have is my ghost profile. Reddit app and site are ass on mobile, which is the main device profile I use for social media.
I’m not the biggest fan of the usability of the default lemmy clients either, but there are tons of other clients too. Sync is the best on mobile right now, but connect was really good before too, not as polished or stable, but still very good and much better than jerboa. Also, lots of web instances support
subdomains that host an old.reddit style ui if that’s what you preferred in desktop. Just addold.
as a subdomain for the instance to see if they have it hosted.All together the amount of choice we now have on Lemmy (and soon to be even more with big new clients coming out) has gotten really really good! Even better is there’s not corporate platform monopoly that could ever take that away. I’m much more excited about the platform too.
I was literally waiting for sync to pounce. It was nice being away but good lord I never want to use Instagram that much ever again
Spez’s biggest mistake was sending all the world class 3rd party developers working to make Reddit better straight to his biggest competitor.
Hijacking your comment to ask - what is the difference between Sync and Jerboa?
Sync has nice features that let you customize your experience pretty nicely. It feels like using Reddit which for some of us that migrated is a great experience.
On top of that, it is fully functional in a tablet mode style with larger devices and it just works really well. The layout of the app also makes it seem a little easier on the user to add instances and accounts. There is also a migrate button, scheduled theme modes, and other nifty little tucked in features. Give it a try if you like it but the Ultra subscription to help the dev. 100% worth it.
Your best bet is to really just give it a try. For me, it’s about the polish and UI customizations.
deleted by creator
s in the past hour
Since Saturday lemmy.ml and lemmy.world were not sending content correctly. The problem seems cleared up now.
I’m still seeing some issues but hopefully they celar up soon.
Sync makes Lemmy feel like a better version of Reddit, or an old school version of Reddit. It’s great for Lemmy and old Reddit users.
I definitely feel the same way. I had been on Reddit since before the Digg collapse. Back when it was mostly nerds and other IT professionals like myself. Lemmy gives a strong wave of nostalgia. Sync for Lemmy makes it a pleasure to use on a tablet. The webpage is alright, definitely serviceable. But Lemmy has strength in the third party apps scene. Sync is the returning champion for my Android tablet. Happy to support his work again.
Was just describing this to family today. I don’t know how many times I started to comment on Reddit, only to discard it because I didn’t want to deal with the Reddit brain. Lemmy feels like old school Reddit where engagement is good again.
I will definitely be more active as well, there was no app with this much customization. Now that there is much more people will find exactly what they want.
It’s the best of both worlds. Young, tight knit community with a mature UX.
I think it has a lot to do with the algorithm. I don’t know what he did but I’m not seeing duplicate posts anymore and I love it. Most things are from the past 24 hours instead of week old posts. Going from connect to sync made a massive difference for me.
It’s also such a smoother, less-laggy experience overall. Everything is quick and painless.
I’m also seeing this take place on the desktop site. The Sync admin can’t really do anything algorithmically as that isn’t supported by the API
He could request top posts in X time frame, like last 4 hours or so and then do manual sorting, but it seems more likely that it’s just an influx of users as a result of the app releasing.
I’ve arrived in the last 5 mins!
new version of lemmy just rolled out across instances that fixes the algorithm too. im not sure this is a sync thing.
My sentiments exactly
Because it has a clean interface and many people were waiting for the app to be released before they jumped on, at least that’s the case for me, I used jerboa a bit but is a bit too clunky after being used to sync for so many years
Honestly, I’m sticking with Thunder. They look nearly the same, and Thunder is FOSS. Loved Sync, but I’ve found my new home.
Tbh I like what Thunder could become. It’s great, but not there yet for me.
It just needs a little time and some love from other open source contributors.
It does! I’m totally willing to check in on it once in a while. The way it’s developing so quickly is encouraging.
I have a seen a good amount of changes on the UI part in the past weeks and have been keeping an eyes on that ever since.
I will still have Voyager around.
I literally was waiting for sync to be released to use Lemmy.
Me too
Edit: this is actually my first Lemmt comment. And its sent from sync.
Same,also first post. Learning my way around.
Same (also first too)
Yeep same here.
Yeah, I more or less stopped using Reddit when sync shut down, and now that sync is for Lemmy, I’m here.
Yeah, unfortunately I went back to Reddit (with a modded Sync Pro) out of habit because the default Lemmy web UI and the other 3PAs weren’t as good as Sync for Reddit was. I can finally settle on Lemmy and quit Reddit in the long term now
At least the experience scrolling through lemmy now is 100x better.
It’s night and day, Jerboa felt like an app from 2010
This. They were missing some key ease of access features like hide read posts
Sooooooo thankful that sync is up and running
I was missing Hide read sooo fucking much!
Does Sync have automatically hide read posts? I couldn’t find it in the settings, could you point me to it?
I don’t know about automatically but I have it on my actions. The three little dots in the top right you can bring up the menu and if hide read isn’t there you can hit the three dots again on that menu - action visibility, to add it. Can hold and drag the order of the actions too.
It does, at least auto-hide after seeing post media. Saw that in the settings. Very good offering overall.
Using web, going back always put the feed active, despite me changing the sort. So yeah, having the app back is good. And I got all my use patterns back!
It’s nice to have an app that runs smoothly and doesn’t stutter or jitter while scrolling and navigating through lemmy.
I call it plausible. The Sync UI is considerably more efficient than the Lemmy web UI. And many of us refugees were 3rd party app users and some of us were Sync users. I have been commenting more since this morning. Surely I am not alone in that?
And Sync in general is far more feature-rich than all the other Lemmy apps I’ve tried. Connect for Lemmy was the closest with its swipe to upvote mechanic, but it feels very nice to be at home again.
Honestly it’s so awesome just having the feel of it back. I remembered why I never bothered with reddit on the PC, trying to bumble around Lemmy gave me a similar ew lol.
I was very happy with Voyager which is great for a PWA but I’m in utter awe at how good the Sync beta is. I was expecting a minimum viable product that still needed a lot of updates but it’s amazingly polished from the start and basically works exactly as the Reddit version did. It’s always good to have options and I’m glad the Lemmy app scene seems to be flourishing.
For sure. It doesn’t feel like anything has changed, besides the variety in what I’m seeing. Which tbh the memes are a nice change of pace.
True, I really does feel the same, the only bugs I’ve ran into were broken comment trees but that’s also a Lemmy API thing
Thunder also has swipe gestures on posts/comments for upvote/downvote/reply etc, but I hate that I can’t swipe to go back when scrolling comments.
I could easily imagine people from reddit testing out sync. I am frankly shocked by how mature it already feels.
It’s already a full fledged Lemmy app.
I used Sync for Reddit for years. Never heard of Lemmy. I tried using the Reddit app the last month and it sucks hard. So I got the notification from Sync that Sync for Lemmy is out, and went and made a Lemmy account today. I still have no idea what it is, but here I am.
It’s just reddit, but content is spread on multiple sites that talk to one another. There’s some issues with the setup, such as content duplication, but as people learn the ins and outs (use crossposts, people), and the feature set upgrades, it should become better.
Welcome! Here’s a Youtube Short from @[email protected] that I think does a great job of summarizing Lemmy and the Fediverse:
Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/shorts/lOweVru5dO0
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.
As someone who signed up back when third party apps died for Reddit, this is my first post. I tried a few of the apps for Lemmy, but I couldn’t get into it. I tried Sync a couple of hours ago, and it just works. I can see that being the case for others.
Sync is great. Good ui = more users :)
Probably will increase even more as more and more users want to try Lemmy.
Probably they try to sign up for Lemmy.world and experience technical issues due to ddos, unfortunately.
I don’t mind lemmy.world being recommended to newcomers as it’s run by an established and reliable admin (so it’s unlikely to just disappear), but it might be a good idea to start recommending lemm.ee as an alternative, too.
Their admin is also great, it’s also general-purpose, and they are federated with most instances. It would help spread the load a bit, and would shield newcomers from suffering through the frequent attacks .world have been subjected to recently.
That argument is silly (instances may disappear).
It’s the other way around - if small instances don’t get users, they may decide to shut down.
So if you want a healthy fediverse, you should encourage many instances. Otherwise it becomes like reddit.
or if instances get too large they need more resources and may not be able to afford to keep going
The argument about instances disappearing has less to do with size and more to do with who runs it. Ruud having a track record with Mastodon.world suggests .world won’t be another vlemmy situation.
Lemmy.sdf.org is another great instance to recommend for the same reason.
Probably not a good idea to support just a few instances with reputation because that again eliminates 99% of instances from the Lemmy network.
I rather see it grow than to become a handful of people running instances. The more the better. It’s the same mindset as in open source I think. Everyone contributes and feels included.
I’m speaking from the viewpoint of onboarding newcomers, many of whom are not going to be tech-savvy. Keep in mind one of the most common complaints from people hesitant to try out Lemmy is that it seems “too complicated”. Sure, you could tell them:
“Okay, first go to the Fediverse Map and find some instances that are hosted close to your geographical location. Look at their stats and find a couple that seem to have good uptime. Now go explore each of them and look at what rules and policies they have, how their admins are behaving and what their plans for funding are medium-long term. Then just pick the one that comes out best in this evaluation!”
This is how I signed up where I did, but let’s be realistic and accept that this will not be a viable pitch to onboard most people.
For whatever is worth, this is my first post ever on the fediverse…
And this is my first comment…
Welcome aboard! But why Lemmy.world? It’s been so problematic lately over there.
This is my second