Have you not been paying attention to what’s been going on? The protests have done serious damage to Reddit’s reputation, the viability of its IPO, and is causing a significant drop in the number of users. Not to mention the loss of content creators and moderators who are necessary for the site to function. The protests are intentionally making the site unusable to bore and drive out those who are reasonable, and leaving only those who shill for and lick the boots of Spez and the rest of the incompetent administration team. And without content to consume, those people will leave as well.
All of this protesting bs will never work
The only way to make any difference would be to delete your Reddit account and leave the platform
Have you not been paying attention to what’s been going on? The protests have done serious damage to Reddit’s reputation, the viability of its IPO, and is causing a significant drop in the number of users. Not to mention the loss of content creators and moderators who are necessary for the site to function. The protests are intentionally making the site unusable to bore and drive out those who are reasonable, and leaving only those who shill for and lick the boots of Spez and the rest of the incompetent administration team. And without content to consume, those people will leave as well.
i fully support bots and reposters in reddit now, make the content in the site garbage
Yet you’re here.