Tap the account switcher in the top left corner and you should see the option.
See my comment for a screenshot. I don’t know why I can’t seem to post a screenshot in the body of post. Every time I try it gets removed.
Tap the account switcher in the top left corner and you should see the option.
See my comment for a screenshot. I don’t know why I can’t seem to post a screenshot in the body of post. Every time I try it gets removed.
That’s realllly steep for a single app.
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I also paid with my Google Opinion Rewards even though I didn’t use it, but this price is literally double what I’ve gained in a year. A bit greedy, innit?
I paid €2.69 in 2017 xD
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$0.99 in 2014. Was definitely a steal for how much I used it
As much as I browsed reddit throughout the day for the past 5 years…$20 seems like nothing. Hell I spend $10 a month of a few Patreons for ad free content.
Yes, but please consider donating to instance admins instead, who have monthly bills for hosting your content.
Why not both?
Hey if it’s not stopping you, more money to support the developer and signal more Lemmy content! I’m personally doing the $2 sub until Boost for Lemmy comes out and may switch. Dunno yet, may come back and buy Sync too.
It is but it also isn’t. I paid $5 for sync pro for reddit and have gotten literally thousands of hours out of it. $20 isn’t that significant in the grand scheme of things if you like the app.
I’m on the verge. Let’s be honest, it’s fucking expensive. Where I live it’s pretty much an entire day’s worth of work to
buy this appremove ads. I understand LJ wanting to be paid for his work, but this steep pricing seems like he doesn’t believe in Lemmy and just wants to capitalise on it before it eventually goes to shit. Let me just point out greed was what originally drived us all off reddit.Well to make it bearable, set your DNS to an adblocking like
and the ads will just be blank cuz they’re blocked.I have adaway, I don’t see them anyway (or perhaps because I’m in EU? Apparently revoking tracking permission removes ads?)
I’m doing the ultra at about $23 cdn per year. $2 a month for an app I use about 300 times a day for years seems like a good deal.
I’m not going to argue with what you’re happy to pay, I’m just curious why you are doing the math based on how much you use it instead of some other metric like the amount of labour it took to produce or maybe how much ad revenue you need to replace?
I see $23/year for a few years equaling the cost of outright owning a AAA video game (that will receive support and updates for years to follow too) that took millions of dollars and many thousands of man-hours to produce and it doesn’t add up…
These triple a games are expected to be sold in the millions. $20 is about enough for one hour of works in terms of labour. This times expected sales, which are on the thousands at max for Lemmy, and you got what it takes to develop an app like this.
I can turn it back around on you and say why do you think the worth is detached from how much usage it gets from its users? If anything something we use and enjoy using should be getting more rather than a one off AAA game we’ll enjoy for 20 hours one month.
There’s a resource and human effort cost that is the backing behind the pricing of most things. I’m actually having a very difficult time thinking of something that’s priced strictly based on the time+enjoyment metric without factoring labour+material at all outside of maybe famous works or art or other things that are “valuable” simply because they are rare. Are you able to provide an example of something commonly sold that would follow the time+enjoyment pricing scheme to help me wrap my head it?
A cruise and a staycation don’t cost the same even if they’re for the same duration, even if you get sick on the cruise and have to cut the trip short. It feels like you’re saying “I actually really enjoy the staycation, and even though more resources go into a cruise, I’ll gladly pay more to stay at home then go on the cruise” and that can’t possibly be what you’re saying…
Just to be clear I think at a base level labour and material should still be taken into an account. The problem right now is these apps are essentially warring over your attention and in order to do so are hacking our ape brains. Now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, that relationship can be somewhat symbiotic, we get entertainment they get ad revenue. However the situations gotten dire as they need to drive profits up and steal attention from each other and instead of innovating and progressing their platform they’re maliciously implementing ways to keep you on their platform. We need to swap to a system that’s revolved around our money being spent where our enjoyment is at. This negates malicious ad revenue driven profits and might actually drive an era of innovation across big tech which hasn’t happened since the early 2010’s.
When talking directly about the fediverse, sure the devs love working on lemmy, but for how long. Quite frankly nobody will agree but we should be paying them to work on it as we should be paying instance admins in some capacity. This is an ad free experience we should really put our money where our mouth (enjoyment) is.
Boy do I have some stuff to sell you then! How much do you happen to enjoy air would you say?
Haha, he down voted you.
That comment was actually meant to be to someone else lol. Oh well, wanna join my promising business opportunity? This thread has a bunch of potential
suckerscustomersRemoved by mod
First actual full featured client, so timing is a huge advantage. Maybe we’ll see a price dip when Boost for Lemmy comes out.
I bet if they sold a version called Sync-Budget for $4 they’d sell more than five times the amount than Sync-Ultimate.
Life in London is very very expensive, it’s one of the most expensive cities in the world. And Sync author lives in London. I live in London myself and I can see his price as fair, lol.
Could you give me a comparison by telling me the price in baguettes?