Bottom looks like the Fabulous Power Rangers. Power rangers have done nothing but save the planet time & time again. We should be grateful for their service
Look up “statistics drag queens crimes against minors” on Google.
Now do the same for “statistics priests crimes against minors”.
Notice anything interesting?
If a certain narrative is relying only on isolated stories and journalistic reports, and the other has statistical studies to back up its claims, I’d trust the latter to have a closer grip on reality.
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This weird whataboutism that religious apologists engage in speaks really bad about you, but I’ll bite.
Any institution that gives adults authority over children and creates room for abuse should be scrutinized and have tight checks and controls. Fortunately, many educators across the West are taking action by teaching children about consent so that they’re capable of protecting their rights and calling out abuse against themselves as early as possible. Unfortunately, I’ve seen plenty of Conservatives lashing out against this and religious schools have a worrying tendency to resist incorporating comprehensive education about consent into their curriculum.
Most of the people I’m around believe that priests and drag queens abuse children so that specific argument isn’t helpful. The issue is their news sources confirm and compound their general fear of the unknown.
Well, yeah, then they wouldn’t be able to abuse children with impunity. Haven’t you been paying attention?
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I have only read 2 comments and i can already tell that this comment section is gonna be a warzone.
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Anti-Muslim =/= Anti-Islam. If you instinctively react to criticism of Islam in a way that you don’t react to criticism of Christianity, you likely have a bias that you may want to check out. Broad criticisms against Muslims and/or Arabs is hate speech, and in certain cases, racism; criticizing Islam is as necessary for any society that wants to get rid of moral dogma as it is criticizing any other major religion.
- This and this are both higher quality memes than this and deserve more upvotes.
- There are comments on the lower quality one implying it has less upvotes specifically because it’s about Islam. Not because it’s lower quality.
- This criticism (of people who understandably downvote low-quality memes) is performative outrage, and is more telling than this page’s alleged bias against anti-Islam memes.
Which of these claims do you take issue with?
I agree with your first two points, but I think that the third one denotes lack of nuance.
Take a look at this thread. There are plenty of well reasoned anti-religion arguments that are found to be controversial (looking at the upvote/downvote proportion) to a degree that you aren’t going to see in a post where the object of criticism or mockery is Christian. The meme itself isn’t the epitome of comedy, but it’s close to the average to the channel; the essence of its criticism is correct and the target is religious figures, so I think my narrative explains that situation better.
This doesn’t mean there aren’t also people here who are motivated by bigotry, which we should shut down. In fact, I think that a lot of well meaning progressives instinctively suspect that, which is why they become overzealous at the minimum suspicion of racism, but take it to the worrying extreme of being suspicious of criticisms that they’d agree with if they were directed at the religions they grew up with.
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Youa re just gonna see bullshit from whoever engages in this shit so if you wanna have a good laugh then grab some popcorn and have at thee.
Unfortunately the hypocrites don’t care that they’re hypocrites.
God I know it’s beside the point, but man that season was such a powerhouse of queens.
the bottom is just exhibitionist autogynophiles forcing us to watch them in fetish as they demean women and demand respect from society. literslly just blackface for women i hate it so much. im not claiming however we’ve seen large rape amounts by them so top is way fucjing worse. both fucking suck though
both fucking suck, top is worse by far
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Both are equally degenerate
raping kids is worse ngl mate
And chopping off their diks is even worse ngl mate
*more than one group
It’s because of the top group and their antics that we’re worried about the bottom group. Or any group that takes an unhealthy interest in other people’s children…
Maybe BOTH.
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Both? I’m gonna say both. This argument is basically falling for the “Black and White” fallacy.
If it were worded like… “One of these groups definitely hurts children more”…you could probably get away with it though.
But the way it’s worded is basically a claim into itself that the bottom group has NEVER…EVER harmed a child. Which, being an absolutist statement probably doesn’t hold water.
The top group is definitely more responsible for hurt children simply by measure of influence - that’s undeniable.
Both serial killers and librarians kill innocent strangers for no reason. Whew, I’m glad I’m being so clever and avoiding the black and white fallacy!
The real fallacy is religion
“Gotta rip that Band-Aid off now. You’ll thank me later.”
This TikToker actually goes through all the news stories and logs every child abuse case and whether or not it’s a drag queen or trans person. She even publishes all the data so you can fact check. Currently the count of drag queens abusing kids is ZERO since she started. So… no, you’re wrong.
You’d be quite internet famous if you found inaccuracy. Please go for it.
Check it out, if you’re interested in learning or being correct:
To be fair, we’ve got a pretty big backlog of priests that need prosecution so counting articles might bias the results.
Weird that they didn’t have this one: – This “Drag Mom” who was convicted seems to have been left out…
Maybe…your site is a little biased?
It’s not uncommon for absolutist statements to not hold up to scrutiny very well.
How about this one?:
Or maybe this one?:
I can go on. There are plenty. I’m not going to be ‘internet famous’ either, for correcting some delusional internet-dweller who thinks that a specific class of people are any more righteous than any other specific class of people. That’s the same as thinking cops don’t lie, or cheat, or steal, because they’re cops. Drag queens are just as fucked up as the rest of society. Claiming otherwise is simply naive. edit: I was being a little mean, so I removed my nasty statement
Link #3 is concerning, but not assault. That is a pedophile with CP.
Drag queens, and pretty much everyone else, have a substantially lower incidence rate of child assault than the clergy.
But if your point is literally trying to say “But ‘most’ isn’t the same as ‘all’!!1!!”, yeah fine. Be happy with your technicality, and miss the point completely.
Are you saying someone with CP isn’t perpetuating harm to children? Are you listening to yourself right now? In what world do you live that this is a reasonable argument to…anything?
But yes, I’m simply arguing technicality here. I think the spirit of this meme is funny. However, as you’ve clearly noticed - I’ve got a problem with people presenting misinformation as factual.
It isn’t misinformation, you’re simply making inferences that aren’t inherent to the post you’ve read. Exactly what the post title and text says is true. You’re either unable to cope with something like OCD (and therefore unable to accept the post as anything other than what you personally would consider ideal) or you’re being obtuse in order to derail the post as much as you can. But really it just seems like you just need to maybe chill out a bit, have a chuckle or don’t, and then move on.
First link was a crime from 2022, which is before the data set started. But also, the perpetrator wasn’t a drag queen. She was a pervert that liked dressing kids up in drag. That’s a straight non-drag person being psycho: Not a drag queen.
Your second link was a guy who read at drag story hour in 2018, and assaulted a kid before that. No indication that he ever did drag before he assaulted the kid.
And if you need to stretch back to 2018 to find something… which weren’t even drag queens but were just tangentially related…, but only had to stretch back to last week to find a non-drag assaulter, are you really being honest? Or are you just trying to be correct? - as I said, can go on. You’re moving the goalposts now. Now it has to be AFTER 2022 to count? Please…give me a break. The OP’s claim clearly states that the bottom group has no capacity whatsoever to harm children. I’ve clearly given you evidence of the contrary. And here you are blabbing “reasons” why my examples “don’t count”? Are you serious right now? I’ve given you your evidence that there are clearly drag abusers. I don’t have anything against drag queens at all, I’m merely trying to be technically accurate here.
Accuracy in statements is my goal here. You may be caught up in this post-factual society, but I am not.
Doesn’t have to be after 2022. I was talking about that one website.
This is the first link you’ve provided that has a drag queen being an abuser. That one is horrible. Super bad. She should be punished.
More importantly, do you just… collect these? You got a weird kink my dude.
Rather than admit that the other person was correct, you resort to ad hominem? This is exactly the insanity the other person is trying to fight.
Autism isn’t an insult. It’s a set of mental patterns. We can smell our own. It’s not an attack, it’s real advice.
Literally the first page of a Google Search. Never looked it up before in my life. What kind of degenerate fuck would actually keep a record of these? Oh wait, you did with the website you linked, didn’t you…as an effort to claim there had been NONE. So you’re lying. Do you know why you have to lie for this cause? More than anything I simply hate disinformation and liars. I don’t care about the debate about drag queens, what people do with their own time is their own business.
But more than anything, I hate liars. And I hate people who post things as fact and clearly, purposely, know that what they are saying isn’t factual. I know you think this helps your cause, but it doesn’t. And the only thing you have to do – is not use absolutist statements. That’s it.
That explains the poor quality links.
I’ve followed that other site for a couple months. She’s great on TikTok.
I claimed there were none on that site. This was accurate.
You should talk to someone about that need for pedantry. It shows a lack of understanding of how communication works. Maybe get a diagnosis. It will help. It helped me.
I tire of correcting you. Have a night!
Get your head out of your ass and look at reality objectively.
Your indignation is probably religiously based, so you’re automatically incapacitated to “look at reality objectively”.
I’m not only not religious, I bill myself as pretty anti-religious. So, wrong. Trying to attack me personally with some made-up trait about me doesn’t make you right just because you dislike my correction. Nice straw-man though.
Nor am I republican, nor am I against drag queens, or any other bullshit made up trait you can think of. I’m wholly for the equal treatment of all humans, regardless of … well, practically any trait you could categorize a group of people with.
To me it seems that on lemmy (as it was/is in reddit) the majority of users is leaning more to one side (if not the extreme side) of the ideologies and people who try to be reasonable get quickly shut down for not fitting this or that narrative. That’s sad in my opinion because all it’s doing is replicating what used to be the norm on the opposite side of the spectrum and you can clearly see that most don’t even notice it. For all intents and purposes they believe 100% that they are right and therefore no nuances are allowed, period. But you know, maybe the biggot is you for not accepting that last 1% of the current narrative… I feel I’m in the same boat as you though.
So many of these instances are how folks come across, some are coarse and some not so much. Active voice, authoritative tone, and missing the vibe can really impact perception. Of course reality is highly nuanced, but low stake comment sections often aren’t. Just my 2c.
That’s the state of the world today unfortunately. You either fit into this perfectly defined “slot” of people, or the moment you deviate from it even a smidge, you’re put on the “You’re against us!!” side.
I’ve gotten so tired of it, tbh. Doesn’t look like nuance is allowed here on Lemmy either. I’m hoping that’ll change. I was hoping that the diaspora of people here were kind of the “early adopters” that made the initial reddit so great - but it doesn’t look like that’s the case this time. Honestly, I’m not even trying to stir shit either. It would be refreshing to actually discuss these topics honestly though - without this…what I call “listening to reply” stuff. I guarantee I wouldn’t see any of the people here as my enemy in the real world. But I am an engineer and programmer. I work with facts, logic, and when something is even slightly misplaced, things break. So likewise, I dislike misinformation or logic that doesn’t flow right.
But you’re not being logical. The meme title states that one group has definitely hurt children. That’s simply a fact.
You then said: “But the way it’s worded is basically a claim into itself that the bottom group has NEVER…EVER harmed a child. Which, being an absolutist statement probably doesn’t hold water.”
That’s your non-factual interpretation of the statement. That’s how you saw it and that wasn’t based on any of the words contained in the title but what you thought they were trying to imply.
If you’re going to claim you’re solely interested in logic and fact then you really need to own that position.
FWIW, you’re not alone in your disappointment. I like Lemmy but critical thinking is in short supply.
Your correction reveals some kind of hatred, but that between you, your psychiatrist and your meds.
Searching with a microscope for any case that gives credence to a sick group of haters doesn’t speak well of you, so I don’t particularly care about being unflinchingly objective. You don’t seem to be worth it.
Seems like you’re putting a lot of self projection into your replies. Also, you’re violating rule #4.
I can’t see the top story as I’m in the EU but the second one committed offences in 2008. From what I can tell, the TikToker is only recording ‘new’ cases i.e. cases where offences occurred after she started doing this. The third one you should definitley tell her about. There’s an email on her page.
That’s great and all, but it’s being used as “evidence” that Drag Queens have “never” done any harm. It’s smoke and mirrors because it sounds better than admitting that they have. More than anything I care about the things people are presenting as fact, to – you know – actually be grounded in FACT. I could not care less about drag queens themselves. Only thing I care about is people not bullshitting constantly. We live in a world where everyone just makes up bullshit lies and everyone else just seems to accept the rhetoric. I’m tired of it. I do my best not to spread misinformation or use words that may mis-portray factual information. Just feels like everyone is stomping around in a big puddle of shit, and claiming they’re cleaner than the person next to them.
I don’t think anyone can realistically suggest that any group of people is 100% pedo-free. There are pedo priests, pedo cops, pedo mums, pedo traffic wardens etc etc so there is going to be a non-zero amount of drag artists that are pedos simply by virtue of the fact that pedos exist unfortunately.
I don’t agree that the spirit of this meme is suggesting no drag artist has ever hurt a child and I think it’s pretty fair to say, based on the data that does exist (poor quality though it is) that drag artists, as a group of people, are extremely low on the offending against kids front.
The arguments being used by some to suggest drag artists, as a group, are dangerous to kids (and I’m not suggesting you’re one of the people doing this) could be applied to any group of people that come into contact with any other group of people. I mean, Dennis Rader used to be a census taker - does that mean census takers as a group are fair game to be treated as likely to murder people by torture?
The “Letter” of the meme is contradictory to fact. I think the “Spirit” of the meme is funny. You also have to take into account the VAST disparity in numbers regarding this situation too. How many religious people/clergymen, etc are there? As a ratio of drag queens? Of COURSE that number is going to look incredibly lop-sided. It’s meant to as optics to further an argument. As I said in my original statement – not using an absolutist statement as this meme does, would solve my problem altogether. But people are willing to jump out of their seats to dogpile a person who perceivably has a different view than them, even though I don’t actually. But because someone would argue that something presented as fact, isn’t actually factual…out come the pitchforks.
Mate, I am totally not dog-piling you. I’m trying to be respectful but I would really like to know where the data is that led you to form the opinion that this is a numbers issue. Are you saying that if we had the data we’d see there’d be a roughly equal percentage of pedo priests as pedo drag artists?
I’m also not sure the meme is saying what you think it is. You seem to think it’s saying only one group has hurt kids but it doesn’t say that. It says that one group definitely have. i.e. that we know that priests definitely and in substantial numbers, hurt kids. It’s not saying no drag artist has ever hurt a kid, but that, as a group, we can’t say drag artists definitely hurt kids, whereas we clearly can say that about priests.
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Sorry to burst your bubble but drag queens and the trans community didn’t suddenly appear in the 2020s when ultra right wing media decided they were all diddlers. You don’t even need to dig deep. You’ve got surface level, mainstream examples like John Waters and Divine were killing it in the 70s. Shit, Gore Vidal wrote Myra Breckenridge in the 60s and had a movie made of it with Raquel Welch
Plus, if you want a more academic history of sexual expression and gender expression, Foucault and Butler have written plenty. And all their books are old as fuck and talk about people from a long ass time ago
Add onto that, the Catholic Church’s history of child abuse is pretty much always analyzed across the latter half of the 20th century and now the 21st century. When’s the last time you saw someone call out the church over pedophilia by saying, “hey, did you know that Pope Innocent III molested an altar boy in 1203 A.D.”
So yeah naw. Roasting the church harder than drag queens isn’t biased, it isn’t reactionary, and the academic interest isn’t missing.
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You really don’t understand how any of this works, do you?
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You can’t just walk into a doctors office and say My KiD wAnTs a GeNdEr ChAnGe and get surgery. That’s not how it fucking works. Go educate yourself, your ignorance is palpable.
●Every credible medical organization – representing over 1.3 million doctors in the United States – calls for age-appropriate gender-affirming care for transgender and non-binary people.
●Sexual orientation and gender identity are real concepts recognized by major medical and mental health associations — including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry — as part of the normal spectrum of human experience.
●“Transition-related” or “gender-affirming” care looks different for every transgender and non-binary person.
●Parents, their kids, and doctors make decisions together, and no medical interventions with permanent consequences happen until a transgender person is old enough to give truly informed consent.
●Gender transition is a personal process that can include changing clothes, names, and hairstyles to fit a person’s gender identity. Some people take medication, and some do not; some adults have surgeries, and others do not. How someone transitions is their choice, to be made with their family and their doctor.
●Therapists, parents and health care providers work together to determine which changes to make at a given time are in the best interest of the child
●ALL gender-affirming care is:
Medically necessary
Supported by all major medical organizations
Made in consultation with medical and mental health professionals AND parents
And in many cases, this care is lifesaving!
“Group” is the keyword here.
Some people in the bottom group hurt children (like in mostly every sizeable group, unfortunately), while the top group as an entity hurt children. There’s no Drag Queen organization protecting drag queens with proven child molestation records. Meanwhile, churches have done that for ages, and I don’t remember of a single priest facing consequences from the church itself for illegal behavior around children.
Honestly, You make a good point. I would say much more focusing on them being a unified entity, I’m probably focused too much on the individual. I think it’s reasonable to argue as a “group” the bottom one hasn’t harmed children; despite individuals from that group having done so.
Both groups had been involved with exploiting children. Percentage comprision of crime/population reflects both in bad lights.
I don’t think this meme does what OP think it does
Gonna need some stats on that there, guy.
No of children abused by priests are shamefully large. But no of priest are too. So even if there are few cases of child molestation by drag cases, if you’ll calculate on percentage itll look comparable. Both the scenarios will not yield more than 1 percent ( i am taking about higher side)
That’s why I don’t think that this meme is doing what OP think it does
The propaganda that’s been fed to you isn’t statistics.
He asked for a source and you gave your feewings. Do you see how ridiculous you sound? Of course you don’t…
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hypothetical stats are just as valid as real empirical data 🤡
Speak for yourself. I would rather leave my 7 years old with any drag queen artist rather than a priest alone in a church. Hell it’s not even close. Just thinking about that makes my skin crawl
Hmm, would I rather leave a kid with a person from a group known for using their authority to rape children not to mention some of history’s greatest atrocities or a fabulous dresser? That’s a tough one.
Statistically your kids will be safe with both.
Liberal night feel safer with drag and conservative might feel safer with a priest.
Then give me the actual stats. Where are they?
Typical incorrect rightie take.
I am not even in US to pick sides. I just follow news
Mate, left/right isn’t some unique American thing, it’s a spectrum of views you fall on.
Regurgitating whatever shit source of news gave you that information shows to me that you’re into that right wing sphere.
I justified my statement here. If no one knows w How percentage works then they should blame their education rather than anyone else
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See this
it is funny how tribal people are these days. Not willing to even acknowledge baad actor on their side. People asking for source as no drag person ever got caught in child abuse related crime
No, we’re asking for the statistics you claim to have. What studies did you get these stats from?
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they should blame their education
He said without a single hint of irony
I just follow news
Not very fucking well, clearly.
Could you share your sources for this statement please?