• tygerprints
    156 months ago

    Thank GOD for this. Such anti-humane behavior should be criminalized, anywhere and everywhere in the world. I think the punishment is a little lenient - only six months in prison? I think such dirty filth as would so something like this should be jailed for up to 60 years, minimum. The intention of these sick folks is to make people seeking valid healthcare feel horrible and dirty about themselves. And there’s no way to legitimize such disgusting behavior in any way.

    • kellyaster
      86 months ago

      make people seeking valid healthcare feel horrible

      Exactly, and you’re right, it is inhumane. This isn’t the expression of free speech or religion, it’s fuckin’ harassment. Good on the UK for the ruling, people deserve to get the healthcare they need without being intimidated and deterred by toxic assholes.

      • tygerprints
        16 months ago

        I agree and thanks for supporting my view. It’s ridiculous anybody should be harrassed for seeking any kind of medical treatment. And these people think they’re doing “God’s” work? Guess again. Bible thumping to scare people ought to be considered exactly what is is, which is fascist terrorism.

  • @[email protected]
    136 months ago

    There is no evidence whatsoever to show that anyone is being harassed outside abortion clinics.

    Is t it harassment to try to convince someone that they are wrong for doing something they have clearly thought about and decided to do? These women have looked at all angles before making their decision, do these nuts actually think that their alternatives are the only viable answer? Also are these nuts going to pay the costs to raise and clothe these unwanted births?

    The answer to the last two questions are a resounding no, because it’s not their problem.

    Pro-life is now pro-birth and be damned the consequences to anyone else.

    • SharkAttak
      76 months ago

      I bet they wouldn’t like it, if someone tried to convince them to renounce their faith outside their churches…

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        Most of them are Sunday Christian’s that are only “helping” because they are worried about what their friends from church might think about them. Believe it or not about 60% of Christian’s are Sunday only Christian’s. They would just as soon ignore you then help you.

        • Maeve
          46 months ago

          Where I live, churches actively harp on certain biblical sins like lgbtq and women not submitting to men, but blatantly ignore others, like greed and adultery (on the men’s side).

  • toiletobserver
    116 months ago

    This post is funny because it has a source of the people advocating to violate other people’s protections, but reports the opposite.

  • Maeve
    76 months ago

    Good. There people stared into the abyss so long, the abyss started back.