The sheriff if the former president is indicted, he’ll be treated like anyone else accused of a crime.
That mugshot is gonna become one of the most memed images of all time.
I’m just curious of what the “template” for it will be.
“Finally some good fucking food” will be in my group chats
Idk what their county budget looks like, but if they would set up a shop where interested parties could easily buy prints of that mug shot, I would cheerfully bet my favorite nipple that they will be running a surplus for a very long time.
I can’t take that bet until I know which nipple is your favorite
The one with the lucky mole on it. It’s lucky because it was non-cancerous.
Thus far…
(Midjourney, obvi)
It wisped his hair correctly that’s for sure. Really bird-nested it up.
As he fucking should be.