Odd timing as my wife just asked about cancelling Netflix. We are not currently watching anything they have.
I canceled after the password sharing crackdown. I realized how little i use it anymore, definitely not worth $20 a month.
She’s still mad at the broken live stream of “Love is blind”.
I wanted to watch it too and it was awful. And then when they finally posted the recording THE NEXT DAY, it was mediocre at best. Truly a blunder in the reality TV world.
Not sure how much I trust them to handle this well considering how poorly the live-streamed Love is Blind reunion went.
Would be pretty cool if they pick up some MLB/NHL teams whose rights may be up for grabs in the near term with Diamond sports bankruptcy!
NHL on Netflix might make me more inclined to subscribe, though IIRC doesn’t NHL have its own streaming service or similar concept?
They do, but I believe it is subject to local team blackouts (exclusive to Diamond sports cable channel)… Would be nice if they were somehow able to provide streaming of local teams!
Most likely Netflix wouldn’t avoid blackouts if the NHL app has them. The cable companies make deals years in advance and blackouts are part of them
I’m mixed on this. I really don’t want the market even more fractured with yet another streaming service in the mix for MLB games. Ten years ago, it was simple albeit flawed. Subscribe to cable TV if you live in the market, and the RSN has all the games. Today, if you want to watch all the games, you have to bounce around between the RSN, but then a dozen different streaming sites too with games on Apple TV, YouTube, MLB Network, Peacock, ESPN, potentially Netflix, etc… I just want to load up the MLB app, pay a reasonable annual fee, and stream all games without blackout restrictions, but such a service doesn’t exist (legally). Aa a result, I find myself caring about the product less and less with each passing year.
So, it’s golf. They’re planning to have a tournament featuring players from their reality golf shows (which I didn’t even know existed until this moment). I honestly don’t know if golf is easier or harder to show live than other sports.
Seems more like it’s going to be celebrity pro-am golf, with the celeb amateurs being from other sports that Netflix has produced documentaries about — which would be tennis (Breaking Point), Formula One (Drive to Survive), maybe cycling (Tour de France: Unchained)?