What’s the best screen size for you?
4.7" 16:9
And no, bezeless doesnt mske bigger OK. 4.7" was big 10 years ago, and is still plenty big if you ask me.
Bring back the smaller phones!
I will say I got to handle a galaxy fold 4 and if a screen has to be bigger, I don’t mind as much as long as it’s narrow like that phone. I was still able to one-hand it comfortably.
I’d immediately upgrade to a phone with 16:9 bezel-less screen and non-rounded corners.
5.8” is my sweet spot. Just enough to be one-handable while still big enough for media consumption. 6.1” is my limit.
Best one? I wish phones under 6" and more close to veing just 5" were still a thing, so it fits pockets nicely and I CAN TOUCH THE OPPOSING DIAGONAL EDGE WITH MY THUMB
5.8-6.3 range is pretty ideal. I’m running a Pixel 7 Pro rn and I like it but it’s too big.
Alternatively I’d love a Fold 5 if it wasn’t so expensive lol
5.8 - 6.2" and I personally prefer a longer aspect ratio. Makes it easier for single handed use.
I like em big. My 6.8" S22 Ultra feels kinda small, 7.2" Mate 20 X all the way
I want as much screen as possible but not so big that I can’t fit it into my pocket so i think around 6.7-6.9 would be ideal.