It’s summer holiday time in the northern hemisphere which made me think of this.
What kind of holiday/vacation do you like going on? What do you like doing? Beach, adventure, city break, etc.?
What’s the last holiday you went on that you really enjoyed?
In September, when the weather has cooled off enough, me and my partner are heading out into “the desert” (actually the lowlands of Aragón) on two little motorbikes. Camping and adventuring.
I do like all kinds of holidays. Relaxing with a book holidays, city breaks, friend boozy holidays, exhausting family holidays etc
My ideal holidays though is a nature/wildness focused holiday (but staying somewhere nice… I can enjoy camping but it isn’t “ideal holiday” material). USA National Parks, Canadian Rockies, The Nordics, Safari etc
My ideal holiday would be somewhere else that I’m far from my computer and with a lot of nature and if possible near ocean or lake or any water really! Especially during summer here (Thailand) is really hot, so I’d love to be near water lol. I also love to stay in motor home and tent rather than in room.