I know grammarly is a privacy nightmare but so is turnitin. I only have one chance to submit my assignment and want to use grammarly plagerism checker before I submit.
A while ago I remember using grammarly cookies to login but can’t seem to find ones that work. I have been using search engines. Is there a discord server i can join or any alternatives?
Could you explain what you mean by Grammarly being a privacy nightmare?
You’re literally feeding it every word you type. That’s before you factor in trackers and whatnot.
Its uploading every keystroke to their servers. It’s literally a keylogger.
Your life will be better if you just don’t plagiarize.
Even when you’re not intentionally plagiarizing, Turnitin may catch something that could screw you over when the assignment is submitted. Sometimes you have a chance to see what Turnitin analyzes and resubmit the assignment but OP is saying they can only submit it once so they want to use the Grammarly checker first.
Not had any run-ins with turnitin I see