Happy Holidays everyone!
Hopefully in addition to spending time with family and friends we can all find some time to play our favorite games!
For me, it’s going to be more of The Finals and Spider-Man 2, with a little bit of Sea of Stars in between on my Steam Deck. If I’m feeling extra festive I might have to jump into the GoW Valhalla DLC also.
What are you playing this week?
Took off 2 weeks for the holidays (first real vacation in a while) and downloaded Baldur’s Gate to finally sit down and give it the attention it deserves. Loving it so far, and glad I waited instead of trying to rush through it in the summer/fall when I was busier.
Fable Anniversary, and maybe dabble on a bit of Fallout 3. Maybe Witcher 2…
Happy holidays!
Dragon quest 11. Fuck yeah.
Re-trying Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS5. Unfortunately figured out you can’t save with cheats on, in single player.
Thinking to purchase both Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 for €30 (on PS5).
Trying to quit LeagueOfLegends for all eternity.
The cheats thing is really irritating. When I replay a game I prefer to skip as much tedium as I can, because even when it’s enjoyable the first time, on replay it starts to feel like… tedium.
I’ll use new game plus for this when it’s offered (Last of Us 1 & 2, for instance), but lately I’ve been relying on cheats if needed. I just replayed Control this way and it’s just such a smoother experience. I don’t need to slog through the slow strength building, just let me hit all the story beats.
Still doing the Final Draft on Alan Wake 2 but might switch back to a replay of Spider-Man 2.
For me its still Star Ocean The Second Story R. I’m almost through so if I do beat it this weekend before Christmas I will most likely move on to the Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn DLC.
I will try to get the platinum for Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart.
Haply Holidays everyone!
Alan Wake 2 and power wash simulator
Removed by mod
Batman: Arkham City on ps3. Great follow up to Asylum. This may change in few days when the hardware that will allow me to play Zelda Twlight Princess and Skyward Sword gets delivered by Santamobile.
Just finished Forbidden West on UH. I was very tempted to lower the difficulty a couple times just to finish the game but I managed pull through. Don’t plan on touching the hunts and arena challenges tho. It’s one thing to tough it out with enemies and bosses but fighting under a time limit is another.
Next, I’m thinking Miles Morales, GotG, or Returnal. Probably Returnal, I think I need a little break from long storyline games.