So, I haven’t made much progress since last week. I was on vacation and my Steam Deck was dead, so no Chiaki PS5 game streaming for me. I did buy Venba though! But, again, I haven’t played it yet. 🥲
Still working through Uncharted: Lost Legacy, and looking forward to playing Venba with my wife. She loves cooking games.
I also have Baldur’s Gate 3 installed on my PC/Steam deck, so I might start that soon, but I might also wait for the PS5 release since some reviews said the controller support, while good, wasn’t fully baked yet. I’ll probably pick it up again on the PS5 since it has cross-progression and to play with my friends who all have PS5.
Anyway, what are you playing this weekend? Let us know below! 👇
I recently started Tales of Arise. Great game so far!
Man, the story in that game went so fucking hard. It’s long, and starts kinda slow, but once shit starts popping off it becomes really hard to put down just because you need to know what happens next. Solid combat and likeable characters too; all around a good time!
This is a game that I’ve been eyeing for awhile! I’m tempted to grab a copy and start playing
If you’re into the idea of a cel-shaded/anime action RPG with a great story (apparently) then I say go for it 🙂
Well it didn’t take a lot of convincing! Bought it, and played for a couple hours today. So far, I like it!
Currently making my way through Final Fantasy XVI while guiltily eyeing all the games in my “to play” library. Remnant 2, Baldur’s Gate 3, Jedi Survivor… I’ve got a lot on my plate.
FFXVI is a blast though. The story much stronger than XV, with some truly stellar voice acting and flashy, flowy combat that just feels really good. The pacing is a little off sometimes and it takes a minute to really get off the ground mechanics-wise, but still overall a solid experience.
Are most posts here created by the same person?
Yeah, by some weird guy named CosmicSploogeDrizzle. If you help me with posting some stuff, we can combine our forces and overthrow him! Then we can both rule in his place!
I was gonna give you a warning, but I didn’t put “no mutinies” in the rules…yet
Yes. Mostly me as I’m the lead mod. We also have @[email protected] as our other wonderful mod in a different timezone.
It’s early days still. Others post from time to time and many more comment. You are welcome to post anything you find!
We have a long weekend this week, so I’m gonna try to fit as much gaming as I can. Last night I re-played Oxenfree, and today I’ll start on the sequel since I have it included with my Netflix sub. I think that I’m gonna check out more of their catalog of indie games after.
Don’t wanna start out any big games now because I’m dedicating 100% of my time to Sea of Stars when it comes out later this month.
I started oxenfree recently. Loving it so far.
It’s fun! I recommend playing the sequel immediately after finishing.
Ffxvi still. I got about 1-2 hrs a week to play. I’ll get there
I’m making my way through Spider-Man Remastered!
I’m liking it quite a bit, I’m probably about a quarter of the way through and I find that the story is more enticing than I remember Miles Morales being (yeah, I probably should have played them in order… but here we are).Just finished Scarlet Nexus, amazing game! Now I have to find another game to play…so many that I want. Hogwarts Legacy, final fantasy 16, Balders Gate 3 coming out soon, atlus fallen looks like it could be fun. Too many to choose from!
I finished HFW! Well, the main story anyway. I’m taking a break before finishing all the side quests and stuff. Started a new character in Hogwarts Legacy. Slytherin House this time!
What is Venba? Is it a pretty good couple’s game?
I loved HFW. Still saving Burning Shores for a little later as I dabble in some other games
Agreed! It’s definitely on my list of games to buy!
It’s a single player, story driven, cooking game based upon Indian cuisine and culture.
Here’s the Nintendo switch announcement trailer. I can’t find the PS announcement trailer but it is available on all consoles and PC.
+1 for Venba! The art style is just so gorgeous!
Just started “A way out” with a mate. We had previously played “It takes two” which was amazing, so we are now coming back to Josef Fares’ previous work.
Having a lot of fun with it so far, although it’s not as polished as “It takes two”.
I’m still part way though It takes too with my wife. We are loving it
Ah I’m so jelous. I can’t convince my girlfriend to play it as it looks “too cartoony”
It’s an amzing game and I’m sure you’ll both live the second half even more :)
I’ve started playing The Ascent. I’m about ⅓ of the way through so will be continuing with that over the weekend. Had been considering buying it a while back then it came on PS+ so figured may as well just give it a go.
Seems solid, but has some odd choices and story elements.
Nothing specific, trying to play less LeagueOfLegends. Been trying to find an game that itches the thrill of Hollow Knight and BloodBorne.
Also trying to switch from gaming to watching TV-shows that, I’ve been delaying to watch.