Now that Evernote limits free users to just 50 notes, it's time to jump ship. And there are some great alternatives to Evernote, ranging from simple note taking apps, to ones that let you make your own wikis.
It’s Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives::undefined
I boost Joplin on here every chance I get, so please allow me to do so again now! I run it with my own sync server and a small userbase of about 6 people on a cheap VPS. I could not be happier; between the webclipper, sharing, encryption, embedding of pdfs, photos, even mp4s, ease of selfhosting, it’s an amazing project! It’s been (knock on wood) rock solid!
Sounds like it is a bit advanced and technical for me…all I want is something I can make a list on android and my partner can edit it on iOS. Can it do that?
Yep! As the other commenter who replies to you said, it definitely can. You don’t even have to selfhost it; the app’s developer hosts a cloud sync server you can pay for thays dirt cheap. You can also sync notes without the cloud server. There are a lot of ways you can use it without having to get into the technical aspect of it!
I still wish it could render rich text and pdfs/attachments in the composition window, but other than that (and lack of native ocr) it’s been a perfect EN replacement for my uses.
I boost Joplin on here every chance I get, so please allow me to do so again now! I run it with my own sync server and a small userbase of about 6 people on a cheap VPS. I could not be happier; between the webclipper, sharing, encryption, embedding of pdfs, photos, even mp4s, ease of selfhosting, it’s an amazing project! It’s been (knock on wood) rock solid!
Sounds like it is a bit advanced and technical for me…all I want is something I can make a list on android and my partner can edit it on iOS. Can it do that?
Yep! As the other commenter who replies to you said, it definitely can. You don’t even have to selfhost it; the app’s developer hosts a cloud sync server you can pay for thays dirt cheap. You can also sync notes without the cloud server. There are a lot of ways you can use it without having to get into the technical aspect of it!
I still wish it could render rich text and pdfs/attachments in the composition window, but other than that (and lack of native ocr) it’s been a perfect EN replacement for my uses.
Is the sync server an alternative to cloud based saving?