Imagine you could give a Christmas gift to anyone, famous or not, what you would give and to whom? And why?
I would give Palia to my upstairs neighbor. To see if he stops being a massive dick to everyone, and just starts being friendly and happier.
Outer Wilds, to my estranged family. I think they could use a new religion and that game’s probably a better place to start.
I’d give the Pope a copy of undertale
Thomas was alone. I’d give it to literally anyone. Imagine a game that makes you cry about a rectangle.
Such a good game. It’s mind-blowing how much personality and character development they give a bunch of quadrilaterals. The wiring and narration are fantastic.
I have ruined lives gifting Factorio.
I would gift furry hitler 2 dating simulator to your grandma
Do you her grave’s address? I don’t think she has a PC tho…
Googling this was 50/50 for me. It couldn’t possibly exist, but on the other hand, it’s just too perfectly insane. I was very surprised at the result.
I might not have gotten the name exactly right but the game is real
Journey, for something simple but touching for others who feel a bit isolated and adrift.
I would gift Overcooked to my friends (married with 2 kids) because they are a family of foodies.
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I would give Wing Commander to Chris Roberts and remind him of what an actual “game” is, since it seems he forgot.
After finishing The Last Of Us 2, I spent a lot of energy being sad about all the people in my life who don’t play games. They’ll never have that experience, and I found that somewhat upsetting. There’s no other way to live that story, and I wish l could give it to just everyone, and have them actually play and enjoy it.
Gifting someone a f2p game kinda sounds like a dick move imo
Would it be better if I didn’t?
Probably Celeste to anyone that has anxiety. I know it’s probably not the most profound representation of anxiety, but it’s a nice little game, it’s nice to feel seen and there’s a chance that some of the stuff in it will help.
I’d give deltarune to the pope
Assuming that the premise is, they will actually magically play it even if they would usually go “Oh…nice…”, I would give Sky: Children of Light to a former classmate who was (haven’t talked to him in 6 years) the sort to throw his controller when he lost particularly bad in Call of Duty.
Sky is kinda like Journey (made by the same developer as well), but with an increased multiplayer- and social experience, to keep it short.