I know the developers are working hard and I’m sure they’ll be coming with Mlem updates. I hope to see a notification centre being added, as well as the posts being collapsed instead of full-length. Do you wish for an Apollo type of design, or similar?
Edit: just a heads-up, I am not in any way affiliated with LemmyNet nor its devs. You can also voice your suggestions via Testflight by beta-using Mlem.
Edit2: Mlem dev reached out to me and told me the team is tracking the features that are asked for in this thread, and y’all’s ideas are being heard. Read more about issues being discussed over here https://github.com/buresdv/Mlem/issues.
Basically just ripoff Apollo entirely.
It would be fucking amazing if Christian ports Apollo for Lemmy. But for that Lemmy needs to have enough audience.
One could argue that the best way to do that is to port Apollo like Tweetbot did with Ivory. These third party clients hold more power than they think. If they all migrate then the users will follow. Reddit is just the hosting. Abstract that away behind clients and you have the same thing.
Copy paste Apollo
Swipe to vote, Community grouping, Enhanced media viewer, Customizable themes and layout!
That’s it! :)
The features I’d love to see:
- Compact / Collapsed posts
- List of your Subscribed Communties
- Search for Communities
- Multi-Communities (an equivalent to the Multireddits in Apollo)
I use (or used to use) the Multireddit feature in Apollo all the time. My big use case is that I can put “spoiler” communities there so they don’t pop up in my main feed but I can go there once I’ve seen the relevant episode! It’s also really good for grouping regional ones… like
Edit: and being able to edit your own post!
Second this. Especially community information. What community a post is in, a user is in, subscribe to the community etc.
Also allowing local filter on the post lists. Currently it’s subscribed or all.
Thirding this.
It does get confusing if there are two communities that have the same name but from different instances, but you really can’t tell which it’s from.
I know I’m not adding anything of substance with this comment but I keep seeing posts about voting with content rather than just upvotes, but I also want to add my vote for multithreads!
What exactly do you mean with “multithreads”?
Similar to a mulireddit where you can setup multiple communities in groups and view their posts in a single pane of glass.
For example you setup something called memes and add
THen when you click on your multithread called memes, you can see the relevant posts from ALL the communities and instances you added to the multithread.
Tracked here: https://github.com/buresdv/Mlem/issues/81
It’s been said a few times already but I really love Apollo’s swipe to vote interaction. The app looks tidy though, thanks for your work!
iPad layout, swipe to vote, font scaling for comments, not just titles
Proper font scaling
Currently working on this.
- Option to upload media from within the app
- A button to write a new post, rather than having to navigate to the community and use the box
- A notification centre
- Improvements to viewing user profiles
- Better link handling
- More colour contrast between posts and the app background
- Edit buttons on posts
- Option to view images fullscreen and save them to gallery
- Improvements to the search bar
- bUg FiXeS aNd PeRfOrMaNcE iMpRoVeMeNtS
Ideas for the future:
- Custom icons
- Customisable UI
- Profile editor
- Inline video playback
- Easter eggs?
Good luck, and great job so far!
I’m working on Mlem accessibility issues, can you please describe what you mean by “More colour contrast between posts and the app background” so I can make sure to document it correctly?
Really just the way posts look against the dark grey background when dark mode is on. Dark on light looks weird to me, and occasionally makes it difficult for me to tell where one post ends and another begins when I’m skim-reading. Personally, I’d suggest making the posts slightly lighter than the grey background, then making the background black (or something very dark, like #262626).
That makes sense, I will look into it. Thanks for the feedback.
After all the standard features are in place, a good iPad version!