Something I continually think about is how Doom 3 showed us a world where you can have a first-person game that seamlessly has you controlling a mouse cursor on in-world computer screens, and it saddens me that nobody picked up that baton.
I haven’t played Doom 3, but it sounds very similar to what Prey 2017 has - all the computers in the game have (in-universe) touch input, so you can use them just by pressing the interact key while looking at a display. You can even fire rubber-tipped foam darts at screens to trigger a click in the spot where the dart hit!
I think it has to do with the feature not working as seamlessly with controllers - or at least developers believing so anyway. The original Xbox port of Doom 3 had the camera zoom in to a panel where you were near it and IIRC the BFG edition has the controller slow down a bit in some panels.
There are a couple of FPS games that had similar in-game UIs, though they aren’t as big profile as Doom 3. I bought Exodus from the Earth some time recently and the game has a lot of in-game UIs that use a similar seamless control.
Something I continually think about is how Doom 3 showed us a world where you can have a first-person game that seamlessly has you controlling a mouse cursor on in-world computer screens, and it saddens me that nobody picked up that baton.
Best feature in that whole game.
I haven’t played Doom 3, but it sounds very similar to what Prey 2017 has - all the computers in the game have (in-universe) touch input, so you can use them just by pressing the interact key while looking at a display. You can even fire rubber-tipped foam darts at screens to trigger a click in the spot where the dart hit!
Oh shit
I think of that every time I see a cursor following my mouse in an FPS game.
And at the moment, I struggle to remember anything besides the tiny resemblance of that in Cyberpunk 2077 lol
This was the example I immediately thought of when I saw this post. Blew me away when I first saw it.
I think it has to do with the feature not working as seamlessly with controllers - or at least developers believing so anyway. The original Xbox port of Doom 3 had the camera zoom in to a panel where you were near it and IIRC the BFG edition has the controller slow down a bit in some panels.
There are a couple of FPS games that had similar in-game UIs, though they aren’t as big profile as Doom 3. I bought Exodus from the Earth some time recently and the game has a lot of in-game UIs that use a similar seamless control.