• shalafi@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    LOL, it’s boolshit. Homicide is almost always from a person known to the victim, most violent crime is. Not like we’re out here just randomly murdering strangers. Year after year, decade after decade, violent crime is down and down and down.

    Gun violence? Not what the media shows us. Note that the leftmost numbers are from a very liberal news outlet, and those are the lowest figures.

    School shootings? Not what you think. It’s nighttime on a holiday week. If I go down to the local elementary playground and pop one in the ground at the soccer field, that’s a school shooting. Seriously. You can Google it for yourself. Anytime a weapon is discharged on school grounds, “school shooting”.

    And keep in mind, “If it bleeds, it leads!”. The media is showing us the very worst that a nation of 333,000,000 souls, across 3,797,000 square miles has to offer.

    • steveman_ha@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Depends on where you go; some places its easy to end up finding yourself in the wrong place, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area…

      But yeah, school shootings?? it’s not just some d-bags having target practice at night on the football field (unfortunately, rather than a pitch – different story tho), kids die in school shootings here like every other week bud. It really does happen, like a lot, which is actually a pretty uniquely shitty thing in the world today (outside of e.g. the Congo, Chinese elementary schools, …)

      Pretty well thought-out hot take, though, cheers for the high-brow write-up.