Full conference room for the talk about Solarpunk at the CCC congress in Hamburg.
I like this flag better:
. [Source]
I don’t get how LGBTQ colours should be used as the flag of the movement. While solarpunk ideas are inclusive by their very nature, I don’t think two ideas being compatiable means they are the same idea…
Yeah…this flag really obscures the concept. It goes to show you that it’s not an “official” movement (at least not yet) but an idea.
It’s a rainbow flag. This flag has a way bigger history than just LGBTQ+.
Cool, I didn’t know about some of these, like the connection to the coop movement. However, like all symbols, it has its history and its current use. Since it has been connexted to the queer movement since 1970s I think is fair to expect the vast majority of people to connect it to this movement (and is also fair to the movement as well)
The talk itself was disappointing though. I get that the theme was optimistic story telling, but why invite a speaker that has little to say about Solarpunk other than some plattitudes? At least they could have mentioned some examples or put up some links on the slides or so.
Really a wasted opportunity 😑
I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but their use of comic sans is fitting for the flag. It all looks very amateurish.
Does everything need a flag?
Does everything need to be on the pride flag is the real question
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Not a fan of pride flags that remove colours :(
It hasn’t removed any colours? That’s the standard rainbow flag that’s been around for 50 years now.
This looks like it’s a modified progress flag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag_(LGBT)#/media/File:LGBTQ+_rainbow_flag_Quasar_“Progress”_variant.svg
I read this as a modified pride flag, similar to how the flag you linked is also a modified pride flag.
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Hot take but I’m not a fan of the modified pride flag. First, it’s copyrighted. Second is that adding special interests defeats the purpose of making the flag all-inclusive. I get that there is a desire to recognize marginalized groups, but that was the purpose of the rainbow flag to being with. Unfortunately, even attempting discourse on the topic gets you accused of things. Fly what you feel best represents you though. If more people trend toward the modified pride flag then that’s what represents them and what they want.
Edit: see the reply below, the copyright situation is different than I understood.
First, it’s copyrighted.
Just want to jump on this one quick. I get why this might be an issue but I think it’s a bit of FUD. It’s licensed under Creative Commons to keep corporate bucks off of it, where the
originalcurrent pride flag is public domain and open to corporate greed.Thanks for the info. I see why they did it then. Defensive copyright is fine for a good cause.
It looks like a lot of the copyright flak came from a now deleted tweet that didn’t understand CC licensing. It happens.
As a trans woman, I often feel excluded from pride events (search for tans march at Toronto pride to get an idea where I am coming from) and the progress flag helped me feel included. So it’s what I fly. Removing these marginalized groups and putting your own logo in place is a bit insulting.
If you were excluded, it was by people, not a flag. I get where you’re coming from, but there is nothing wrong with the standard rainbow flag and putting their logo in the same space the progress flag uses isn’t an attack on trans people.
Okay. I’m wrong that the additions made by the progress flag helped me feel included. Thanks for pointing that out.
My problem is that they used a flag design meant for inclusion and removed the inclusive parts. Why is everyone so upset that I didn’t like it?
Who said they used the progress flag? It could very well be based on the rainbow flag.
And I didn’t say the progress flag didn’t make you feel included. I said the rainbow flag didn’t exclude you. Those are very different statements. It’s objective vs subjective.
Your words came off that you felt these people are doing something negative when I’m willing to bet the creators of the flag were trying to be more inclusive. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.
As a trans woman, I often feel excluded from pride events
Because of the basic rainbow flag…?
I never said that. What I said is that it’s nice to see inclusion.
Why you gotta troll?
Edit: blocked and moved on.
I warned you lol. Can’t talk about it without someone putting words in your mouth. Trolls, malingerers, and plain old people getting mad.
The reply about me doing the gaslighting was the icing on the cake! Reminds me of Reddit.
Projecting much?
You argued against the standard pride flag and said it was not inclusive, without stating a reason as to why that is. But since you’re arguing in bad faith I’m not really interested in getting gaslit into some bullshit bigotry argument with some random ass internet troll. Thanks, but no thanks.
In my uneducated opinion, flying a solarpunk flag next to a pride flag would be ideal, even encouraged. Both are compatible with each other, while not overwriting each other’s flags.
I have to agree with you. From my perspective, it comes off that they don’t think the Trans/POC portion is important and replace it with their own logo while keeping the rainbow and chevron. They could’ve easily added their own logo to the right but replacing the other colors is in very bad taste to me.
yours has too many legs
Needs more!
Pretty rad ngl
Rainbows really don’t need any extra colors or symbols. The whole point was that they’re already covering the whole spectrum. Giving everyone an extra color completely defeats the purpose and singles out all those who aren’t having their unique color added to it.
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That’s quite over-dramatic, especially in a German context with what the Nazis did to gay people, and completely ignores the point I made.
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I’m giving fucking context as to why the damn flag exists you dingus. But whatever. Insult someone else if that’s your hobby, I’m out.
Then I’m sure you’re also familiar with the ransacking of Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexology in 1933, where some of the first treatment plans for trans people were developed. It was a place where gay people and trans people were accepted and treated with respect by medical personnel.
That famous picture of the book burnings? Those were patient records and the research archives of the institute. So no, it did not just start with gay people, and trans people’s persecution by nazis was relevant to bring up because it’s one of the first kinds of persecution the nazis did. Dismissing that is ahistorical and dismissive of the history of oppression of trans people.
The base flag is always just the rainbow. The other additions are meant to highlight whatever needs highlighting. In LGBTQA+ contexts, you can add the trans and poc and whatnot because those are marginalised groups that deserve some extra visibility.
They made a choice to use a space typically reserved for POC and trans people.
Reserved by whom? The CEO of gay? The rainbow includes everyone already.
As long as there are transphobes flying the rainbow flag, no it doesn’t.
This! People don’t seem to understand that there is transphobia in the queer community and it’s bad :(
yeah, its to the point where when I see a rainbow flag I automatically go “This is not for me, this person is not safe” Same with the still prelavent “Love is love” slogans. That’s great, but I’m aroace and trans so uhhh? Guess I’m not included. Better be safe than deal with a transphobe (and be sorry)
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