Prosecutors say the former president’s message on Truth Social raises specter he might use evidence to target witnesses.

In a court filing just before 10 p.m. Friday, Senior Assistant Special Counsels Molly Gaston and Thomas Windom alerted the judge in Trump’s latest criminal case — U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan — to a combative post Trump sent earlier in the day.

“If you go after me, I’m coming after you!” Trump wrote in all caps Friday afternoon on Truth Social, which is run by a media company he co-owns.

The prosecutors said Trump’s post raised concerns that he might improperly share evidence in the case on his social media account and they urged that he be ordered to keep any evidence prosecutors turn over to his defense team from public view.

    • @[email protected]
      11911 months ago

      Different rules for the rich and powerful.

      What baffles me is his supporters all rage against stuff like this but don’t recognise their orange idol sits at the top of the pile.

      • @[email protected]
        7111 months ago

        They’re not against it in principle. They want to be the one doing it. It’s others winning they object to.

        • @[email protected]
          3511 months ago

          They’re not against it in principle

          Exactly, they have no principles just wins and losses against the other side where everything is a zero sum game

  • @[email protected]
    14911 months ago

    How about we stop acting like this is a goddamn game and take this seriously?

    Throw him in jail until the trial starts.

    • @[email protected]
      3611 months ago

      The day he sees the inside of prison is the day I begin to re-evaluate my belief, or lack thereof, in a higher power.

      Come on Anu/Vishnu/Zeus/Jesus/Utu/Osiris/Joe Pesci, make me a believer. Please.

        • @[email protected]
          1111 months ago

          valid point, especially considering the large amount of free shit I’ve gotten from his beardedness, in direct opposition to the zilch I’ve gotten to the other deities mentioned.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Destroy atheism, throw him in jail.

        Might be a good slogan for Christianity. Haha.

        You know this whole bullshit has just reenforced my atheism. There really is no one out there protecting us. If we don’t do the right thing we have to live with that.

      • @[email protected]
        4211 months ago

        When he said he could shoot a man in cold blood in the middle of times Square, he wasn’t kidding. He’s literally raped children for God’s sake.

        • @[email protected]
          2111 months ago

          As often as he projects… i’m kind of wondering if he’s had people murdered… like the time he accused Joe Scarborough of murdering his intern… i remember thinking holy shit… start searching trump properties for buried bodies… i mean shit he buried his ex wife on a golf course.

          • @[email protected]
            1811 months ago

            I mean he wouldnt do it himself. He’d hire a hitman. Which then he’d short the hitman on paying him. Its the trump way to never pay the ending fees on a contract. I dont think he himself has had a direct hand with murder. But I 100% believe he’s a child rapist. He talked fondly of jeffrey epstein, and went to his parties, and commented himself on the young girls at the parties.

            • @[email protected]
              1811 months ago

              Just ask “Katie Johnson” the pseudonym of the little girl who was raped by trump and epstein when she was just 13 years old.

        • @[email protected]
          -811 months ago

          Look, I dislike him as well, but do you have any proof for that last statement? I have yet to see or hear of anything like that.

            • @[email protected]
              -1511 months ago

              Some of the things in her story don’t really add up, particularly the bit about it being in Epstein’s apartment, and “identifying him” on TV years later on television. Accusations like this that wind up being false are extremely, EXTREMELY common.

              Also, the chances of her knowing Epstein off hand but not Trump especially in 1994 are incredibly low. Epstein was a nobody in 1994, no chance were those two friends at the time.

              Not saying it didn’t happen, but why would trump be hanging out in Epstein’s raggedy ass apartment to begin with?

              • @[email protected]
                311 months ago

                Epstein was not a nobody in 1994, why are you claiming so? It makes it look like you’re grasping at straws to defend Trump

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  defend trump

                  Lol. Lmao. Was that an attempt at comedy? Not about to get into this conversation. If you think I’m defending trump then there has to be some kind of barrier between us. I’m not defending trump, I’m attacking the accusations against him that were thrown by people who only wanted to get Hillary in office.

                  You realize he’s being investigated right now, nothing like this has come out and no charges related to this have been pressed since the investigations began.

                  I vehemently hate politicians, but there are only two things worse in a political position of power than that: tyrants and businessmen.

                  Yes, Epstein was “not a nobody” in 1994, but he sure as shit was not famous as fuck either, especially compared to trump at the time. He didn’t have an endless amount of wealth in 1994, try 1996. The fact that her case was one of the few that were ever dismissed are also telling considering the fact that Epstein still ended up going to prison for the rest of his (rather short) life. Epstein was a filthy evil piece of shit, but that would have been the case even if he was not an acting pedophile.

                  Let’s shift over to the case itself because that’s the main point here, not Epstein.

                  Personally, I think her case was a ploy set up to attack Trump while he was running for office, and she lumped in Epstein because of his several other charges coming on throughout that time period. The fact that it conveniently came at a time where she “recognized trump” over twenty years later but knew Epstein offhand is a bit suspicious don’t you think? Wouldn’t it have been the latter? And considering the fact that Epstein had been receiving charges since 2005, why would she wait until 2016 specifically to charge Epstein (and trump along with him)? At a surface level, it really didn’t seem like this case was about Epstein so much as it was Trump.

                  Don’t confuse what I’m saying with defending Trump. I’m playing devil’s advocate because truthfully both parties are evil, and every election there are baseless claims thrown out like this because both are willing to say anything and everything to try and get their candidate elected, Trump included.

    • @[email protected]
      4111 months ago

      No, worse its witness intimidation. Essentially tampering “you should x” intimidation “I’ll do x” one effects current witnesses while the other implies they’ll go after current and potential witnesses.

    • BarqsHasBite
      11 months ago

      I thought this was directed at the judge?

      Edit: Given the context it seems aimed at the witnesses.

  • @[email protected]
    3711 months ago

    The prosecutors said Trump’s post raised concerns that he might improperly share evidence in the case on his social media account and they urged that he be ordered to keep any evidence prosecutors turn over to his defense team from public view.

    He probably gives a flying fuck about this. He is already in deep shit creek, and any chance to rally his fans is more important than just another half inch of extra mud he is sticking in. Because if those morons vote him back into the white house, the first thing will be to pardon himself from all the crimes he did, and retaliate against the juridical system with prejudice.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    He very obviously wants to get a dramatic scene of feds walking him from his home either grabbing him under the armpit, a guy on each side, or in cuffs. The scene we see for… basically every arrest by feds ever.

    Since he clearly wants it and by far met the standard under our current legal system to be properly arrested and booked, give him what he wants. Hold him in a cell for a few days without bail. Rile the hogs a little and put down the feral ones. If they see their daddy facing consequences, even if it’s just the treatment any of us would receive (although we’d get the knee on our head after our baby got flashbanged treatment), maybe the illusion of him being untouchable goes away a little. There isn’t a significant number of mentally deranged hogs out there, certainly nothing the bloated FBI and state police departments can’t squash, so just do it already and stop being pussies. It’s pretty much that or drop all the charges because you aren’t serious about holding him accountable.

    • BaroqueInMind
      11 months ago

      Your proposal assumes most of the MAGA wacko nutjobs aren’t armed up to handle bloated FBI and poorly trained local law enforcement.

      I’m lower-middle class and barely own under 1k rounds of ammo for various guns thanks to blue laws making it cost-prohibive, and that shit is expensive af in states with sane gun laws.

      The rural MAGA retards spent their paychecks on ammo in their shithole red states and can buy an essential entire arms room for way cheaper. Good luck to the rural law enforcement guys with high school educations fighting brainwashed retired war veterans that have gone through several mandatory post-college quality military schools.

      • @[email protected]
        2611 months ago

        In practice, how often is someone more dangerous with multiple weapons than they would be with one?

        How many incidents have unfolded where the outcome changed because the perpetrators possessed multiple firearms?

        I don’t understand the point of stockpiling weapons. You can only shoot one, and you’ll probably be dead within seconds of opening fire.

      • Dark Arc
        11 months ago

        They’re not going to go shoot up their own town, and the FBI and local law enforcement aren’t going to go hunt down everybody with a stockpile of ammo that voted for Trump.

        Realistically, they’d go for wherever Trump is being held, and the respective SWAT teams (including FBI SWAT) or active duty national guard would deal with it.

        I hope it wouldn’t get to it, but that would also be valid grounds for the deployment of the insurrection act (unlike Trump when his team wanted to use it to steal the election). Those old veterans with their subpar domestic equipment would be up against fully armed active duty national guard, army, marines, seals, etc

        I am losing no sleep overnight about MAGA wackjobs “rescuing” Trump.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          The problem is that they arent gonna rescue trump. They will just do raids against infrastructure, take out cops that arent with them, local politicians, etc. They are morons, but all it takes is one asshole that knows what to do to make them effective. With republicans hamstringing the government for 50 years, and federal police recently, it would need a counter insurgency from the military.

          I think we should have let Sherman finish the job and listened to him during reconstruction. The south is rising again. We need an “Operation Southern Liberation” and bring democracy to them.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Oh so we should just give in to terrorism? Roll over and let trump do what he wants because of that? The fuck is wrong with you?

            • @[email protected]
              711 months ago

              Sorry I wasn’t clear, we need to do a military intervention so that these fascists in republican clothing can stop weakening our nation by slowly taking away our democracy. They control the voting in a manner that they can maintain majority in their fiefdom state which sends those assholes to congress.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          I will lose sleep over the nut jobs that fantasize about shouting up their local town police force to “rescue trump”.

          These are the same types of people that caused the civil war. I don’t the great sort is at that point yet - but it worries me that they are willing to destroy the country to (try and) maintain their position of power over others.

          I don’t see how we defuse and resolve those conflicts. They’ve been going on for a long time.

          • @[email protected]
            511 months ago

            The right wing militias could be dealt with easily, but no one wants to just do it. You declare them armed enemies of the state, make lists of the leadership and anyone associated that you can, go in like a military conquest with blackhawks and all the firepower, take them all down, shut down all their sites, and then immediate take down anyone in the following months who wants to do lone wolf shit saying it’s because of the raids. Yeah it won’t be pretty, but some short term asspain is better than decades of them just existing.

            That’s how you’d do it, but tbh, my biggest problem isn’t the worry but rather the absolute knowledge that the feds could do that any time they wanted easily. But they wouldn’t stop there. They’d turn around and have to “both sides” (because advocating for equality for humans is the same as genocidal death cults, according to many liberals (which is both republicans and democrats)) the shit and start rounding up all 12 of us socialists in the country. So, I have mixed feelings on it. Currently the answer from me is do not do it. If there’s a significant push from actual leftists (no, not the disgusting libs like Pete or another Biden) into power then I’d advocate for immediate destruction completely and utterly of all the Nazi-related groups. No mercy for Nazis. People used to think that was something to say and mean it. Guess those days don’t exist anymore based on how people never want to advocate for what’s necessary to destroy the dealth cults.

          • @[email protected]
            411 months ago

            These are the same types of people that caused the civil war.

            I’m far from an expert on American history, but I’m 100% sure that no civil war was caused just by unorganised morons who like to wave their guns.

            • borkcorkedforks
              211 months ago

              Seems like people shouldn’t underestimate the nutters/fascists.

              If they’re actually harmless/useless then whatever. If not then treating them like they pose no danger has ramifications I’d personally like to avoid.

      • @[email protected]
        1711 months ago

        If you think your broke untrained fat ass has a shot in hell of taking on even the Uvalde police department, you’re fucking delusional LMFAO.

        Trump supporters are statistically the stupidest people in the country, they’re not anything remotely close to an organized militia. See the losers in Michigan who tried to kidnap the Governor for a laughable example.

        • BaroqueInMind
          011 months ago

          broke untrained fat ass

          You literally don’t know who I am or what I do for a living to make this assumption, but ok.

          Trump supporters are statistically the stupidest people in the country, they’re not anything remotely close to an organized militia.

          You are correct, but also really fucking dumb to even consider giving them the benefit of the doubt. Always assume your enemy is more competent and trains more than you, so you can have a goal to reach for during your own training. “Train as you fight.”

          See the losers in Michigan who tried to kidnap the Governor for a laughable example.

          Yeah, hopefully Y’allquaida/Gravy Seals/MAGA Retards continue to all be dumbass losers and justice comes to them, and I know since they are losers in their real life endeavors i hope it continues in their fascist shenanigans. No one wants them to organize and develop a credible threat to our democracy.

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        Buddy, did you read too many Solider of Fortune old magazines? Spend too much time rereading Turner Diaries?

        Take an objective look at the US police state. You’re talking about backwood Missouri or Kentucky or some shit. Why? That’s irrelevant, not that I think your shit holds water there anyway, but Trump would be arrested in one of three places only: NYC, DC, or his place in Mar a laga in FL. Perhaps a courthouse nearby in any of those general locations. Out of all those, FL is the only one with any substantial amount of LOCKED AND LOADED PATRIOTS BROTHER ™️. If the hogs want to try to take on DC or NYC I actually encourage them. Either side who loses I will get to laugh my ass off. But it will obviously be the cops with their infinite budgets not the 55 year old guy who drives his 4wheeler out to hunt deer and has neevr stepped foot in NYC or DC- also that guy sure as shit ain’t going to either of those cities to save some dumbass rich guy. People in general are shittalkers and never walkers. The hogs are the biggest of those types. They cannot even fanthom walking their talk. These are the guys stroking out every time Hunter is briefly mentioned or they see some fake shit about China meanwhile they’re fully cucked to US corporations. They are entirely incapable of doing anything.

        But even just focusing on FL since it’s the only relevant hotspot. What are they gonna do? If 20 of these guys showed up, and that’s generous, the FBI will just pull in 100 armed feds. Fuck the FL state police and fuck anything Meatball Ron might consider doing, they’ll just swarm the area with their alpha-hogs and dare the militia dudes to give them a reason to do what they’ve been wanting to do for two decades and just wipe their little asses from this world.

        There’s not, never has been and never will be any possibility of any of these weird KKK, neoNazi, whatever else racist shit groups standing against the kings of all that stuff: the police. The police happily protect these types all the time but hogs are hogs and police are the alpha hogs. If those little fatboy hoglets step up to them and try to challenge their authority to do whatever they’re doing we all know how it goes down.

        The entire idea is laughable on the surface. Please, use your brain.

        • BaroqueInMind
          011 months ago

          Your comment brings me false comfort that the Feds and cops are competent and intelligent.

          • @[email protected]
            811 months ago

            On the feds behalf, you seem to have mistaken malicious intent and negligence for a lack of competence and intelligence. Cops fit the bill, but the feds are not stupid, they have got better shit to deal with.

      • donuts
        411 months ago

        These obese inbred fuck nuts can spend whatever they want on guns, bows, samurai swords, nunchuks, DIY flame throwers, or whatever else. They’ve already proven that they are incompetent and incapable of throwing a successful insurrection against the United States, even with minimal resistance.

        If these dipshits try to pull another January 6th the hammer will be dropped so hard on their asses we’ll need a paint scraper to get them off the street.

  • @[email protected]
    3311 months ago

    Trump wrote in all caps Friday afternoon

    What a dumbass. Can’t really read his tweets without hearing him losing it or having a stroke.

    on Truth Social, which is run by a media company he co-owns.

    Does it still work? What a surprise. Unpleasant one.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Feral genius presents as saying stupid shit.

      The guy is a monster but somehow slips the snare over and over again.

      I would love to lose the bet, but my money is on time, nullification, or pardon ensuring that he isn’t particularly inconvenienced by the four indictments.

    • @Ilikepornaddict
      11 months ago

      He keeps digging, yet somehow he’s still outside the hole. I know the prosecutor wants to make sure they get everything right, but this man is embarrassing the entire country, and making a joke of it’s institutions.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I am 100% convinced that he thinks pushing the envelope as far as possible thought out this will stall the process, cause conflict, and make the court look like it has a vendetta against him. He’s going to do this most with NY, DC, and GA case, and not as much in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida case because his entire argument in those other cases is that the courts themselves are trying to silence him. And who knows. It might work. It’s worked for him well in the past.

      His only way out of this is to stall, stall, stall, and win the election by making himself look like the victim to his core supporters and few dumb fuck centrists in swing states.

      And it’s working. You’ll be seeing influential people who were critical of trump come out and say “I hate trump but it’s obvious he’s being attacked simply because they hate him.” These people will be paid millions by his campaign. People like Joe Rogan etc. will “gradually” become full on trump supporters with the narrative they they still don’t like trump but hate what the DOJ is doing more and paint trump as a future political prisoner.

      The only way out of this is a huge effort to get people to vote. They’re counting on apathy and muddy waters.

  • @[email protected]
    2311 months ago

    Throwing an ex president in jail would bring a myriad of problems, but at some point America should bite the bullet, own its mistake, and fucking do it.

    • @[email protected]
      2711 months ago

      But not throwing him in jail sends a pretty terrible message to his contemporaries, causing more problems.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Or when you see idiots post things like this. If you want to complain that’s fine but at least look at the facts what you’re comparing. Apparently Trump supporters are incapable of that. Yes Hilary questioned the election results and even Democrats objected to the electoral count of the certification of some of the rust belt states Trump won. But they didn’t try to get Joe Biden to send the results back to Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Obama wasn’t calling up state officials to overturn the results. Democrats didn’t get an angry mob to storm the capitol.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Also, while I don’t doubt that there were more than enough people voting for Trump anyway, considering the fact that he has attempted to fiddle with the results before, what is the guarantee that he hasn’t before that?

      I’m not saying Hillary was right (it doesn’t matter in hindsight anyway), but at least now I understand her doubts a bit more.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        With all the projections of him losing, Hillary winning popular vote by 3 million, I’ve thought since then something shady happened. Then in 2020 with all the bullshit he spewed, where did he get that idea from? Everything these clowns do is projection. The only fraud found was fraud they committed. How much more did they do that didn’t get looked into?

        At this point, whenever someone from the GOP accuses anyone from the left of something, I say both get immediately investigated. We all know what the results would be and right would plug their ears and walk away yelling Hillary’s emails and Hunter’s laptop.

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    For his first dumb tweet he’ll get the protective order. If he does it again I could see a judge definitely thinking of putting him behind bars. Whether it happens or not depends on whether he wants to double down. I’m hoping he does.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    He’s so Mob.

    He got so fucked over by Roger stone who is so Mob.

    America’s dead.

    The mob never went away they just became politicians and learned how to hide in plain site. Like every other us “achievement” JFK breaking down the mob was all for image to push more false security to a country of blissfully ignorant consumers.

    Puts on a bigger tinfoil hat…

    Now the Kennedy’s are under mob control and next in line as the mobs puppet is Robert.

    They gotta work carefully to make it look like these poor mailable maga types are making a movement and take any criminal blame, while they (the mafia) move deeper into the government.

  • @[email protected]
    -511 months ago

    What’s he going to do to a federal judge’, groip in the street outside the judge’s house? That’s against the law.

  • @[email protected]
    -811 months ago

    Trump should just release the information to public he has instead of trying to go through the proper channels which clearly isn’t working