The new law that bans gender-affirming care for minors also mandates that adult patients seeking trans health care sign an informed consent form. It also requires a physician to oversee any health care related to transitioning, and for people to see that doctor in person. Those rules have proven particularly onerous because many people received care from nurse practitioners and used telehealth. The law also made it a crime to violate the new requirements.

Another new law that allows doctors and pharmacists to refuse to treat transgender people further limits their options.

    • VinceUnderReview
      11911 months ago

      Actually fucking painful the amount of people I had this argument with, hate being vindicated in this way. It was never about the children, it’s purely about hate.

      • @thepianistfroggollum
        6911 months ago

        It’s never, ever about the children. Even abortion isn’t about the children. Children are just a convenient and effective red herring.

        • @[email protected]
          4511 months ago

          If Republicans cared in the slightest about children, they would have done something after Sandy Hook other than make up conspiracy theories.

          • keeb420
            2311 months ago

            like the wise man said “if youre preborn youre fine. if youre preschool youre fucked.”

          • @[email protected]
            -1011 months ago

            That’s a minority of people who aren’t conservative so much as they are extremist. Just very vocal. On the other end of the spectrum, there are actual people who want to transition their toddlers. They are also very vocal.

            But so now you have people leaning left judging everyone right of them by the most vocal extremists on the right side, and vice versa. And then the divide between left and right seems to widen, because in politics it’s apparently law that every action be met with an even bolder counter action, so if you try and be neutral about any of this you’ll lose your mind!

            Can’t you see that this isn’t even about you versus me, both actually just very mildly distant in our ideals, but about you and me versus whoever is profiting over us spending the time to debate this in the first place?

            • @[email protected]
              511 months ago

              people who want to transition their toddlers. They are also very vocal.

              I have never heard anyone argue this

              • @[email protected]
                -911 months ago

                I get this response a lot, but I also see a lot of those crazies online. There are actual people who do want to bring children into this. (Using them as scapegoats to push some third agenda is another topic.)

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              there are actual people who want to transition their toddlers

              And what do you imagine such transition would entail?

          • @[email protected]
            911 months ago

            Now now, they also care about them as soon as they’re old enough to enlist in the military. But as soon as their service is over, fuck 'em again.

    • @[email protected]
      5811 months ago

      Funny how the same people supporting this law oppose universal school breakfast/lunches, subsidized neonatal/child healthcare, and funding for extracurricular programs.

      • @[email protected]
        1311 months ago

        only if those programs support minorities. government-funded school breakfasts or lunches, healthcare subsidies, and funding for school extracurricular programs are all A-OK as long as we can make sure it only happens at schools that primarily serve rich white christians.

    • sam
      5011 months ago

      Fascism always needs a Boogeyman

    • z3rOR0ne
      1611 months ago

      Pro life…until you’re out of the womb… then you’re on your own… and get to work!.. didn’t you hear about the rollback of child labor laws?

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Yeah I thought this was old news. I’m a licensed medical professional in Florida and I received an email from the department of health about these changes 3 or 4 months ago. The one about refusing care on moral grounds is newer, about a month or two old. This has been a thing for a good while now

      • @[email protected]
        2211 months ago

        I don’t think any trans people in florida are being blindsided by this (and certainly not now). People with no insight on the topic or very naive people could be blindsided

      • Jeff
        1211 months ago

        Can you refuse republicans based on the Bible saying their actions are against Christ? Honest question.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          Sure, you could point out their hypocrisy using the bible. It won’t make them reconsider their position, but you can do it. I dont see what that has to do with trans healthcare though

          • @[email protected]
            1911 months ago

            The Satanic Temple made pretty good progress fighting state sponsored bullying and indoctorination by using that exact tactic

            Oh you want to distribute bible materials at a public school? Well you also have to distribute our Satanic Temple’s materials too because you have to consider us equally. Oh gosh darn you’ve suddenly decided you don’t need to distribute religious materials anymore, I guess students won’t be receiving religious materials to indoctorinate them in either the Satanic Temple or the Church now

            • @[email protected]
              711 months ago

              A lot of their stuff has to do with the separation of church and state, not specifically using the bible to point out republican hypocrisy

            • @[email protected]
              -1311 months ago

              TST has made no progress in any way, but they’re very loud because they want you to give money to them instead of actual trans healthcare organizations.

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      Anyone who is “moderate” or “apolitical” at this point are, at best, idiots.

      This has been the case for a long time. Being apolitical has always been a tacit endorsement of the status quo; a conservative position by default. Self-described moderates are usually classic enlightened centrists: total morons that have convinced themselves that—regardless of where you place the boundaries—the middle path is the smart one. Shockingly, this group of people doesn’t respond well to being accurately described.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Form the powerhouse that brought you such groovy hits like, “Don’t Tread on Me” and “Small Goverment Now!” comes a new hip tune by the GOPissfarts:

    We Are Slackjawed Hypocrites.

    Enjoy their olympic-level feat of mental gymnastics as they spew the barely coherent rhetoric-laced psychobabble of meaningless nonsense while simultaneously trying to justify how “iTs diFfErEnT wHeN iTs aBoUt tEh gAyS*™”

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      it’s only hypocrisy if you take the most generous possible interpretation of the things the right-wingers say, not what they so obviously mean

      it’s always been very clear all along that “don’t tread on me” doesn’t mean the same thing as “don’t tread on anybody”. they want some people to be firmly tread upon, and others not to be.

        • Flying Squid
          2911 months ago

          Modern psychiatric science has determined that, for many people who do not feel comfortable in their assigned birth gender, transitioning is the most mentally healthy thing to do.

          It is literally stopping suicides. When you let an adolescent transition, their risk of suicide drops 73%.

          Here’s the problem- you want them to feel comfortable in their own bodies. They don’t and never will. Same with people who get nose jobs or breast augmentation or any other form of plastic surgery. And plenty of trans people never even have surgery. They can “detransition” any time they like.

          As for why it’s “normalized?” Maybe because people are more compassionate than you are these days?

        • Meldroc
          1611 months ago

          Short version: you get the squicks and are uncomfy because someone else is getting medical care that is none of your fucking business, so you’re fine with shitting on the rights of fellow human beings.

          How enlightened of you.

        • @[email protected]
          911 months ago

          I don’t know how liberal lemmy is compared to reddit

          Welcome to Lemmy! What are your thoughts on Marxism?

          • @[email protected]
            -611 months ago

            I sadly don’t have the in depth knowledge to be able to give any sort of meaningful answer without a guiding hand, if you’re really interested in deciphering my takes on the ideal economic model. I agree with the premise that capitalism is unsustainable, I just don’t think “to each according to his needs” is necessarily the right philosophy to have when there is incentive to abuse the system. Human imperfections (namely, greed and lust and envy) have sadly shown the need for something stricter.

            Ask the political compass, and economically I am as far left as can be.

        • ThePalmtopTiger
          211 months ago

          The treatment you’re talking about is conversion therapy - largely considered torture by modern standards. And what happened to the people who received that “treatment?” Statistically they probably fucking killed themselves. Which, like, I guess does solve the issue of you being uncomfortable around trans people and having to see us in public.

          I’m not sure if you’re a ghoul or woefully uninformed. I’d suggest reading the medical literature on trans people. Nearly every psychiatric and pediatric organization of note agrees that supporting their transition leads to better healthcare outcomes for trans people by a pretty large margin. This isn’t some kind of social contagion or whatever the fuck you’re talking about. This is evidenced medical practice.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          That’s not how beings trans works, and you should consider asking more of them and doctors what they think should be done instead.

          But, I think you know that, or you wouldn’t be using the same language as transphobes.

          • @[email protected]
            -111 months ago

            “same language as transphobes”

            I can’t use English now? Of course you’re welcome to label my opinion as whatever you’d like, I just don’t agree that this is transphobia.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Using the word butchering to describe gender-affirmation surgery is transphobic language. You wouldn’t use it to describe breast reduction surgery or facial reconstructive surgery, so you are, in fact, using transphobic dogwhistles.

    • @[email protected]
      -2911 months ago

      It’s not about gays though, it’s about children thinking they are trans.

      Yes, there needs to be limits on the health care that is provided to children and parental concent.

      There’s nothing hypocritical about that.

      • @[email protected]
        1411 months ago

        What healthcare is given to children that you disagree with? Because most prominent medical organizations disagree with you about what we currently offer, which is gender-affirming care and puberty blockers. There’s nothing surgical and nothing permanent.

        I’m not really sure what you find needing limits to children there? Please explain.

        • @[email protected]
          -811 months ago

          This is a lie.

          There are permanent effects to puberty blockers and the FDA has issued serious warnings.

          Why do you care more about your ideology than protecting kids?

          Why can’t you just be honest?

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            They’ve been in use since I was a child, so like 20 years ago at least, and were often used to delay puberty when it started abnormally early for a child. They’re perfectly fine.

            • ThePalmtopTiger
              211 months ago

              If we want to talk specifically about the drug transphobes shit their pants over, Lupron, it has been in use since the mid-80s. And studies have shown that Lupron as well as other puberty blockers are, by and large, safe for kids. We have like 40 years of data on this.

            • @[email protected]
              011 months ago

              Using them for that purpose is fine.

              Using them to hold back puberty in children who believe they are trans has SEVERE medical repercussions.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                That’s only possible if there’s a physiological difference between someone trans and someone who isn’t trans, that’s present without any treatment. If trans people are distinctly different physiologically with all other things equal, that confirms the need for medicine and treatment. Your argument is still defeating.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            You can stop taking puberty blockers and then, unsurprisingly, go through puberty with very minimal side effects. This has been shown through peer reviewed studies to vastly improve the well-being of trans children.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Lol did my original comment get removed?

              If you stop taking them later in life you will not go through puberty. Therefore it is misleading to say there are no side effects.

            • @[email protected]
              011 months ago

              The side effects are not “minimal”

              They are minimal to you because you are minimising them and that is dangerous. At least be honest.

              The FDA has issued warnings against them for brain swelling and severe bone density issues.

            • @[email protected]
              411 months ago

              And they would be correct to do so. Spreading misinformation in support of bigoted policy is bigotry.

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              Please explain why you think you know better than most medical organizations in fields of their expertise.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Most of those children KNOW they are trans. Do you have a problem with them too? Or is it just the one that think they are. Because for the ones that think they are, there’s therapy for them to get an understanding of what going on- but you conservatives are shutting that down.

        So how about you tell me what’s to be done when that happens? What will we do about the ones that still think they’re trans when there’s nothing to help them under it?


        What the fuck is wrong with someone being trans?

        • @[email protected]
          -1411 months ago

          I disagree that children know they are trans.

          You’re trying to equate bigotry “there must be something wrong with trans” with the idea that “children do not have enough life experience to understand complex things like sex and gender”

          I don’t think children are smart enough not to shove a pencil up their nose, and you think they understand things like sex, gender expression, parenthood, and sexuality?

          And you think children can decide they are trans?


          This kind of rhetoric has to stop.

          Children cannot decide if they have gender dysphoria.

          • @[email protected]
            1011 months ago

            Trans adults recall being trans kids. But this is the root of most transphobia. You simply do not believe transgender people when they speak.

            Keep your nose out of other people’s healthcare.

          • @[email protected]
            511 months ago

            You’re right.

            If you don’t think children understand things like sex or gender, then we should teach them that queer people exist, and we should probably allow them to express their gender identities however they want, because if they don’t fully understand it, giving them a safe space to try out different identities when younger so that they are in a position to make difficult decisions like identity at crucial points in their life, like the need to take puberty blockers.

            That is a really progressive stance, thank you for being an ally.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            I think children are smarter than people like you give them credit for, and therapy can help them figure out how they feel and allow them to make sense of it all.

            Children need advocacy, not people that think they’re not smart enough to tell when they don’t feel right.

            Please don’t have children, and stay away from those of others. People like you should not be weighing in on the mental health of children.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        It’s about conservatives’ stated goal of eradicating trans people. A goal you’re furthering in this thread.

  • @[email protected]
    5211 months ago

    They’re coming for your guns healthcare. Next is your contraceptives.

    FWIW, they came for your porn in many GOP-controlled states.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        This is not true. SCOTUS is taking on a case in the fall that asks if someone accused of or convicted of domestic abuse can be allowed to own a gun. Last term, they overturned New York State law on conceal carry.

        Bruen has actually made it almost impossible to make laws that restrict firearms ownership. Thomas wrote that ““the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition.”

        In other words, if the framers didn’t think the Second Amendment should preclude people who are “mentally ill” then you can’t make a law that precludes people who are mentally ill.

        This is why the domestic abuse law will be toppled. At the time of the founding of the country, it was legal to rape your wife, who had no rights under the constitution.

  • Doug Holland
    4011 months ago

    Terrible news, of course, but I’d like to thank OP for including a little of the article. It means, in my blog, I can link to this page on Lemmy, instead of linking to the article and all the ads no doubt awaiting readers there…

    • TJA!
      11 months ago

      I don’t think AP has any ads. They make their money by selling their news to other companies.

      • Doug Holland
        1911 months ago

        I’m genetically allergic to ads, and have five adblockers running, but you got me curious so I went to the posted story on a different browser, without the blockers, and

        MY EYES, MY EYES!!!

        There’s an oversided banner ad, a floating and moving video, soon a popup ad that blocks the whole page, and more animated ads in the sidebar as you scroll down.

        Sigh. I don’t object to ads that sit there waiting to be read, but I can’t stand the ads that block what you’re there to see, ads that follow your mouse, ads that wave and shout and jump around for attention, and my favorite at many TV news sites, the last ad that pops up when you scroll your mouse toward closing the tab.

        I don’t even believe in hell, but if it exists it’s jammed full of people who worked in advertising. :)

        • TJA!
          11 months ago

          I did not see any ads but this might be because of my adblocker :)

          But yes, I also read the follow-up from @[email protected]

  • @[email protected]
    3511 months ago

    “Blindsided” is incorrect. If you are a minority living in Florida and you’re just now realizing that The government is less than amenable towards you then you have been willfully ignorant at best.

    • @PurpleRiver
      111 months ago

      This just in, absolutel morons don’t see the obvious coming.

  • @[email protected]
    2911 months ago

    Florida continues the habit of ensuring it hurts every citizen in it’s state. Has Florida actually done anything “good” for all of Florida?

  • Xariphon
    2511 months ago

    They came for the people who were disenfranchised and couldn’t vote them out of office.

    Now they’re coming for you because you could have and didn’t.

    Nobody deserves to be treated like this, to have stupid bigoted political games played with their healthcare, but if you were okay with it being done to young people, you at least should not be surprised that now it’s also being done to you.

    • @[email protected]
      3411 months ago

      Now, do you really think there are enough trans adults in Florida to vote out the people who created this law? The article doesn’t say they voted Republican and I think we can assume they didn’t. The reason they used the word “blindsided” is because they say the adult aspects of the bill were never part of the public discussion in the news. Of course they could have sought out the full text of the bill, read it and publicized it themselves. But they probably thought they already knew it was a terrible idea without reading past the denial of care to youths. And even if they had risen en masse to protest both new laws, it would only have further energized the red wing who portray them as evil degenerates undermining society.

    • @[email protected]
      2511 months ago

      What a nasty way to respond to a minority losing healthcare access. It’s really easy to sit there and tell them they should have tried harder when you’re not the one doing the work.

  • NotAFuckingBot
    11 months ago

    The GOP in general, and DeSpicable in particular, need to survey the bottom of the Marianas Trench to show those bottom feeders how it’s done.

    (I hear OceanGate has the perfect submarine to get them there!)

  • AutoTL;DRB
    2111 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Like many transgender adults in Florida, he and Lucas are now facing tough choices, including whether to uproot their lives so that they can continue to access gender-confirming care.

    Lucas, 26, lost his access to treatment when the Orlando clinic that prescribed him hormone replacement therapy stopped providing gender-affirming care altogether.

    But SPEKTRUM Health Inc., the Orlando clinic that prescribed Lucas hormone replacement therapy, has stopped providing gender-affirming care.

    “There are a lot of people looking for care that we’re no longer legally able to provide,” said Lana Dunn, SPEKTRUM Health’s chief operating officer.

    Florida has the second-largest population of transgender adults in the U.S., at an estimated 94,900 people, according to the Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law.

    While SPEKTRUM has bolstered its mental health services since the law passed, it and other organizations heavily rely on nurse practitioners to provide care.

    I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Maggots will swarm even the finest food if no one’s watching it and it’s thrown out into the dumpster. It looks like they’ve been heavily downvoted at least.

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        The mods are evidently still working. We’ll see which maggots remain.

        It looks like they’ve been heavily downvoted at least.

        Yeah, that happens on reddit too.

  • BuckFigotstheThird
    11 months ago

    If I lived in Florida, I try and get telehealth and mail order scripts from a blue state that with trans sanctuary and healthcare protection laws. There are a number of states where the healthcare provider is protected from evil red state laws.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      They specifically banned Telehealth in the legislative changes.

      I’m sure we will see red State bounty hunters entering blue states and kidnapping providers soon though.

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    This is just helicopter surveillance. They don’t trust trans people and are scared of them, this will be such a compromise for them

  • nik0
    811 months ago

    I’m just waiting for the day I can vote him out of office. Just this once. I mean how are Floridians settling for this?!

    • @[email protected]
      1711 months ago

      Because most people don’t see us trans people as human and agree with this. The non cynical interpretation is that they just wouldn’t ever lift a finger.

      But I’m a cynic

      • nik0
        211 months ago

        I don’t blame you for being a cynic really. We had the last election last year I believe and we had our chance and chose to vote him back in. Now he’s doing all this shit and pretty much ruining the state as we know it.