Anybody have any great cartoons or shows to watch when stoned?? I’ve already watched Midnight Gospel, Centaurworld, and Rick and Morty.
Open to live action or animated including anime!
The venture brothers, the trailer park boys, most adult swim shows from the mid 2000s
Venture bros takes me back to a different era - I love it. I grew up watching Johnny Quest haha.
Venture bros is fantastic and the finale movie that just came out was a great way to bring the show to pasture. My only regret was not getting the big art book ‘go team venture’ before it skyrocketed to 500$. Was hoping they would do a print run on it along with movie but that didn’t happen.I did some digging and found a digital scan of it online which is nice.
Hot damn I forgot about the movie - I still haven’t watched it yet! (Life keeps me too busy to watch much television these days lol)
I loveeee Trailer Park Boys. Bubbles and Ricky are my boys and I know I’ll get some heat but Lahey is my third. Those fuckers are funny. Have you tried the cartoon?
Harvey Birdman, Off The Air, SuperJail, Space Ghost Coast to Coast… most adult swim shows from the mid 2000s
OH I forgot! Delocated. Adult Swim live action from the (late) 2000s. Very funny.
“Final Space” ( ),
“Disenchantment” ( ),
“Star Trek: Lower Decks” ( )
or if you’re into science stuff “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” Produced by Seth Mcfarlane with Niel Degrasee Tyson (Not really a cartoon, but it’s still a good watch.)
Ren and Stimpy.
Xavier: Renegade Angel It’s hilarious and moves fast, you’ll love it
Can’t recommend it enough. The joke per minute rate is up there with -if not surpases - “Airplane!”
Gravity Falls. The theme song makes a decent enough synopsis of the premise, I’d say.
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I love kruggsmash! Surprised to see the bearded bastard mentioned here. This reply menaces with spikes of bone.
Your reply was clearly crafted with the highest craftsdwarfship
Hahahahaha that’s amazing. I’ll definitely have to check out Kruggsmash! Thanks!
Farscape is pretty lit, early 2000’s sci Fi that really picked up it’s stride in the second through final season.
Good mix of villain of the week and seasonal story arcs.
I forgot about that show, great show. Andromeda was good as well, but kinda hard to watch with Sorbo being an absolute shit head.
I could never get into Farscape personally, but I will recommend a similar show that takes itself even less seriously and has a great titillating bent: LEXX.
I’d probably skip the first “season” (which is really 4 short films that do take themselves a bit too seriously, unfortunately), but everything starting from the second season is goofy goofy fun
Todd & the Book of Pure Evil -
An absolute underrated masterpiece. You won’t regret it
Jay from Jay and Silent Bob is in it and he somehow doesn’t steal the show because the rest of the cast are fucking brilliant.
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Pretty much anything Adult Swim puts out is for stoner’s.
Metalocalypse is funny as if you don’t mind metal music, brickleberry is the kind of shit cartoon that’s great when you’re baked.
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Futurama, Bojack Horseman
I love Bojack but I don’t necessarily want to watch it stoned unless I’m prepared to also start unpacking some of my own issues - it can get heavy lol
Agreeeeddd. That show was so depressing. I remember watching it the first time through and was just 😳 the whole time hahaha.
Steven universe, adventure time, and the first three seasons of SpongeBob are my personal favorites
I’ll give a suggestion that’s a little more left field from the rest here.
Edit: I almost forgot and should probably warn tho… Alex Jones has a very brief cameo in this since both he and the director are from the same town. Back then, Alex Jones was just some wingnut, anti-government clown, and certainly NOT the full blown fascist propagandist he is today.
Smiling friends. one Punch. New Futurama