Does anyone know of rpg podcasts/lets plays on a similar level of immersion and with a similarily general excellent quality as Red Moon Roleplaying? They are simply great, but I would like to listen to more different stuff.
I’ll plug my own podcast, Find the Path. We get a lot of feedback that people really like our roleplay and how we aren’t a “comedy” podcast. We have a few different shows that cover different genres. We play Pathfinder 1st and 2nd edition but you don’t need to know the rules to enjoy the show.
I recommend starting with Hell’s Rebels since it’s our most polished public show. Link to it all is on our website
Dungeons and Daddies Sitcom D&D Dragon Friends (They have Beef Babes podcasts on their twitch page with a backlog of videos too)
Most podcasts in this genre are too low production for me to keep paying attention. I’ve gone through at least 50 different ones.
Thanks for the recommendations! I can “forgive” low production quality in terms of technical issues and stuff like that but I cant listen to chaotic podcasts or when people are out of character too often. I listen to podcadts to calm myself down and focus not to distract and overwhelm myself.
Check out 3d6 down the line. Really excellent example of old school play.
If you’re interested in the critique and design side of the RPG space I wholeheartedly recommend Splatbook and Between Two Cairns
If you’d like to have a laugh, I very much recommend Pink Fohawk. It’s a shadowrun actual play podcast, with an emphasis on fun.
There are a lot of really good actual plays in a lot of different genres and systems! I feel like the most straightforward answer would be Dimension 20 – professional quality and Brennan Lee Mulligan is a frankly incredible GM. He’s also involved in a new show, Worlds Beyond Number. I haven’t checked it out yet but I’m expecting it to be really very good.
But if you have a preferred genre or system I might have more specific recommendations!
Thanks for the reccomendations! I quite like listening to generally serious games, I care more about tone and style rather than genre. When I run games, I mostly keep things fairly lighthearted, so I like to listen to styles that are different from the things that I usually do.
Dungeons and daddies