This looks like it was made by AI. Is there a source?
It says it’s ai generated in the title.
I think they updated the title to mark it as AI
yes they have.
Yeah, when I zoom in, all the detailing looks good from far but individually seem weird and don’t make sense. Hinges are weird, the products all seem non descript or bizarre, the plants don’t quite look real, the shading on the pots are all off, the wires don’t seem to have logic…
If this is real, it’s a very sci-fi cyberpunk look, almost like set dressing. But I agree it looks like AI to me.
Yeah, that thing above the “microwave” is a bit freaky.
What is the floor made of?
What is that wire that seems to clip through the solar panel?
What is that plant theat is draped over it like a creeper? Asparagus? String of Pearls?
What happens if it rains, is this whole set up under cover?
Name one product in the fridge
How does one water plants all over an electrical appliance?
How far away is the background?
What time of day is it, and who places a device that needs solar in an area seemingly with such mottled light?
Can a microwave run on that much solar?
So many questions.
You don’t keep your fridge well stocked with a jar of generic green paste at all times?
I love this so much, my only two critiques would be that the kitchenette needs a shade from the sun and rain, and it isn’t obvious where the battery is housed.
theres a large amount of space on the other side of the fridge for a battery, perhaps large enough to fit an old EV battery mounted vertically
Yeah the solar panel needs sunlight but I’ll bet the fridge doesn’t have to work as hard if it’s not in direct sunlight all day. And it’d protect it from the rain. I think they usually run these inside a library or co-op where someone will tend it and keep an eye on it.
That wouldn’t work where I live.
That wouldn’t work anywhere in the world.
Seemed to work fine at many places I visited.
I’m interested to hear how they were operated, if you know? The ones I’ve seen just become nasty and get removed by the council.
When I encountered these they were maintaned by a community or space like houseprojects, collectives or free shops. Some seemed to be accessible all around the clock and some just when the space was open. So its not just a fridge standing around but actual groups/people caring for it.
I dont know if the places were connected to the food-sharing network, but some probably were. Here is a wiki entry about that
Why not?
Don’t get me wrong, it would be great if it did. But, people aren’t going to put labels or clear it out. It would be a well-intentioned, gross health hazard.
Sounds like a standard office fridge.
I think there could be inspections done regularly (every week or month) by the owner of the fridge or by other people (depending on your idea of how the fridge should operate)
Have you met people?
I’d rather I didn’t.
The same reason communism and socialism always lead to facism, easy to abuse.
That’s funny, because it literally does work in many places. You might want to refine your idea of how everything works, since you are simply wrong. 🤷
I can see it working in more rual areas where people all know each other and all grow a bit in their garden, make their own products at home and share this way. Can’t see it working in any city, at least in the UK.
We could have this but instead we have to drive the office, and tip 30% at the burger joint.
Americans, Americans have to tip 30%. The rest of the world pays what’s on the menu and maybe leaves a bit a of dough at the end of the meal if the service and food was good.
Really good image considering it’s AI generated. 👍🏼
The prompt for that must have been hella long
I was going to say, those are the best AI solar panels I’ve ever seen. Usually it really struggles with the rectilinear stuff.
I don’t know about this image in particular, but if you do enough AI in-painting and/or manual digital painting over details and such you can get very good images, but it does take a long time. You can get like 80% of a perfect image with a prompt in 20 seconds or so, and a lot of people stop there, because the last 15-20% can take as long as a whole painting from scratch.
i like to think that a skilled composites designer looked at a far more bare bones version of this and decided that they were the ones who made the slick white shell and completely integrated the unit, just something they wanted to do in their much freer life, and maybe a jab at the old corporate history that they can say “hey! its not just corpos that can make sleek, good looking appliances!”
But who refills it?
In short, by the community. The community fridge near me is refilled mostly by:
People who have to buy more than they want (ie pack of four items, but only need two).
People who made to much food/leftovers, or who just want to cook for others
Weekly community cooking event.
Overproduction from community gardens.
Spillage from restaurants.
Spillage from the grocery store.
People who want to cool their stuff
our stuff
You can’t ask this, that’s very anti-communist of you
You see I will be a professional shit poster for the regime, they will allow that and I won’t be forced to work the camps
Fun fact, a playground I went to recently had the closest approximation to this I’ve seen yet standing there.
Because money is still a restriction, it included a small (locked) money box and a note to please insert money if you take anything. More of a do-it-yourself shop, but great nonetheless.
This gives me Titanfall vibes. Absolutely love it. Nice post OP
Who stocks it though?
Anyone who wants to… I regularly cook more than I can eat myself, having a place to share leftovers would be a nice way to give back to my neighborhood.
They did a project like that at a nearby library. Shortly after somebody stole the fridge. That’s why we can’t have nice things.
Theft is mainly caused by poverty, drug addiction, and trauma. These are solvable problems.
Curing vandalism is harder
Vandalism is caused by boredom and a feeling of discontent with society and others. These are solvable problems.
Do we not remember CHAZ/CHOP?
And where did you get that food from?
You won dude, you’re much more cleverer than us with our silly altruism and such
I love the idea, but the right side would need to have dry goods like potatoes and other roots, also containers for grains like rice. Instead of a microwave I would put in a large foodprinter that uses solar plus protein and fat cartridges to print meat substitutes.
If we’re going bonkers with future tech, why not just stick a replicator in there.
Well if you’re going to have dry goods you’re also going to need a sink, some pans, and a hotplate.
Also, needs a fold-down workstation table. The cute cluttercore mess around the microwave is not a work space!
The fact that of all moods was chosen by the ai instead of any other one shows how corporate this feeling has gotten. Really makes you consider the numbers behind advertising every ad you see. 🤔
Not sure what you’re saying
deleted by creator
Looks like a perfect target for mindless teenage vandalism.
My first thought too