Tell us what game you are currently, or recently played, greater than 6+ months old.
If the game happens to be on sale, a link would be a plus.
Just finished Doom 2016 the other day. What an absolute fucking blast. I have not had that much pure stupid unadulterated fun in a video game in a long time. If Doom Eternal didn’t exist, I would not hesitate to replay Doom 2016 on a harder difficulty just to keep jamming to the soundtrack if nothing else. RIP & TEAR
I agree! That game is just pure fun!
I’m not sure why I didn’t feel quite the same about Eternal.
I still haven’t figured out what it is about Eternal that didn’t grab me as much as 2016.
Too much thinking for my liking. You need to juggle all the different weapons that are most effective on so and so otherwise you’re fucked. Also a lot more storytelling, which was… fine? But, rereading my negative vote on Steam, was told using the worst possible UX/UI.
I recall feeling like they had this perfect game, but then somehow, someone decided to hand it over to Bethesda for a last pass because, no, it’s too simple.Eternal’s difficulty comes from how many guys it throws at you. Sometimes I just felt like I just made it through a tough battle only for a second or third wave of enemies to show up. It’s like Doom turned up to 11, but 10 was already plenty for me.
7 is enough for me lol. I enjoyed it, but I couldn’t do it anymore after about 5 hours
Eternal made it really difficult to go back, everything feels so slow afterwards.
Idk if I just don’t play enough newer games, but Doom 2016 felt so fast-paced to me
Eternal is a lot faster, once you get used to it the original will feel like a tutorial.
Éternal doesn’t have the arcade mode though. That was such a blast. Also they complexified everything, which really broke my balls. Doom 2016 really was the peek.
I find DOOM 2016 too simple, even the 10 hour run time starts to drag when every single fight is just strafe and shoot.
I still think it’s a great game but Eternal is on a whole other level.
DOOM 2016 is quite literally a blast. Mick Gordon’s work on the soundtrack is stellar.
I can’t think of another non-cinematic video game that made me turn out all the lights and crank the stereo to 11 everytime lmao I cannot wait for Eternal
I remember I enjoyed a lot this game in my PS4 and after I hacked my Switch I kinda wanted to try this ‘amazing’ port, even when it is surprising what they achieved with this it kinda hurts my eyes to play it there (especially in handheld mode if I remember correctly).
Recently I knew about Reverse NX and I think that might help to increase the resolution of the game tricking it to be in docked mode while the console is in handheld mode… I think that is my next “project” as I left the game unfinished.
It’s not actually a game, but I spent the weekend migrating a bunch of my Minecraft servers to Docker from standalone boxes. Went surprisingly well.
Now I just need to switch from Infrared to BungeeCord+Geyser.
Containerization really is cool. The problem is that once you start you will get increasingly angry about all the game servers that just will not run that way, like Conan Exiles and Astroneer.
Maybe I should. I have mine starting with systemd, but they’re not containerized, so moving them to another system would be annoying.
I’ve been playing Minecraft for the first time.
Idk why I hadn’t, probably just the timing with my life when it came out I guess.
I’m a big fan of legos so that’s not too far.
I’m playing it vaguely like Deep Rock Galactic, although even a diamond sword pales compared to a minigun or flamer.Ohhhh, you are going to have a lot of great time. My favourite thing is building something in Survival mode. Anything looks better after you’ve put so much effort into creating it
If you are playing the Java edition of Minecraft there may be a mod that adds what you are looking for.
I’ve been replaying Subnautica. It feels like a completely different game the second time around, but still fun. Plus they’ve got it running much better now than it was on launch.
Had a blast playing Subnautica last year.
I then waited to start playing Subnautica: Below Zero on the Steamdeck while on a flight for a work trip and that was a great experience.
The story hadn’t gripped me as much though.
Played it for a few weeks, but eventually lost a few days worth of progress when the deck reset and I hadn’t saved in a while so I haven’t gone back to it just yet because I was bummed.
It’s been long enough that I could get back into it without unconsciously trying to retrace my exact steps. Thanks for reminding me about Subnautica.
Yakuza 0. Sorry, emotional and compelling main story, you’re gonna have to wait. I need to make Majima’s hostess club the top in Sotenbori.
I just almost finished yakuza 0 yesterday, got stuck on the last fight, so will play some sleeping dogs in the meantime until I g3met the will to retry the fight for the 70th times ( I’m playing on the hard difficulty )
Nier automata, took the prequel too,
That’s really good shit.
Good “chilling” vibes.Honestly, best series of all time. Came in blind and really fell down the rabbit hole.
Oh yeah, I’m not even in the mid game, but I’m on the hype for sure.
And I’m a keyboard addict playing it with controller (I tried just the first time with KB… XD). For now this is the only weakness I see.
I wish I was prepared for one of the game mechanics though. I won’t say more but it a chore for me, personally. It is amazing how much fans respect the game though it is hard to stumble on spoilers after all these years!
Nier games are day one purchases for me. One of my favourite series.
Just started The Outer Worlds, which I got free on EGS during the holiday.
I love the aesthetics and voice acting. The movement feels a bit floaty, but it’s alright. At least the configuration of the controls is intuitive.
I know some people who’ve played it. Some say they really enjoyed it, while others said it was rather bland. I’m really enjoying it so far, but I’m not too far in. It seems like a game where I could get caught up in the side quests without ever advancing in the main quest.
I loved it when I played it, but that was before I had played any Mass Effect games. Now that I’ve played Mass Effect, I don’t know that I would have liked Outer Worlds as much as I did. I wouldn’t be surpised if that’s where the differing opinions come from: those who’ve played Mass Effect vs those that haven’t.
I’m in luck then because I never could get Mass Effect to create saves on my PC for some reason.
I played ME1 years ago. It was decent overall, but I would hardly call it exceptional.
I remember a little. Just that story was mostly good, main quests okayish, side quests mostly terrible and repetitive. It always felt like cheap knock off of KotOR (cheap in content, not presentation).
Everyone was hyping the game so hard I was quite disappointed in the end. So disappointed I haven’t even started ME2 despite having it in library. And it probably won’t ever happen, especially when I discovered they ditched the bare minimum RPG elements ME1 had.
I’m loving Mindustry recently. It’s fun to see what I can do with the logic system.
It’s especially good on mobile
I’ve just finished Inscryption and it was one of the best gaming experiences i’ve ever had. On the surface it seems like a simple card game but it’s so much more than that! This game is so wild and creative it’s insane. Strongly recommend you play it, don’t look anything up about it.
I bought it along with some other Daniel Mullins games for about 5 bucks total on sale. I almost feel bad cause it’s certainly worth more than that, lol.
I say feel free to look up a walkthrough if you get stuck doing the same thing over and over. The game does change a bit the further you go, so if you’re not seeing “progress,” you’re probably missing something.
Monster Hunter Rise. I’ve been a big MH fan since Tri and have hundreds of hours in each one since then, but for whatever reason, when Rise was announced and came out I just wasn’t really excited for them. Partner and I picked it up over winter sale for an all time low thinking, ah at least we won’t be too disappointed at this price. Got just as sucked in as previous MHs and am approaching 100 hours right now, lol.
The bitter vets always whine about the newest MH but it ends up being just as good. Not to say there aren’t valid complaints (clutch claw wall ramming is too easy, MH3U underwater hunts felt pretty rough, etc) but I’ve been around since Freedom Unite and I always have a good time.
I will specifically note that Hunting Horn is so much nicer in Rise, wow.
Heh, funny you should say that. My partner plays HH and doesn’t love how much they simplified it in Rise, but she’s still enjoying it overall.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, it’s beautiful!
What a roller coaster of a story. Enjoy!
Yoooo 13 Sentinels
To this day the most unable I’ve ever been to put down a game. I think I beat it in two days that were fully dedicated to it, even while eating. It’s a drug and each hit is a Memento-tier reveal or twist.
What a game
Immortals: Fenyx Rising is on Steam sale for $6 standard/$10 with the DLC. It’s a story with the Greek pantheon providing most of the characters that doesn’t take itself seriously–it starts off with Prometheus telling Zeus a story, and Zeus is the world’s worst audience. The movement and combat are satisfying, and it’s a ton of fun so far.
Thanks for the tip! $6 is too good to pass up. Just purchased it!
Red Dead Redemption 2. Everyone seems to love this game but I’m still on the fence about it. I feel like I’m spending so much time hunting to not be underweight that I’m not really playing the game. The controls are weird to me and I’m not sure why.
I’m on vacation and my shitty Chromebook made me rediscover how atmospheric Diablo 1 was. I’m using DevilutionX source port, pretty good IMO.
I remember playing Diablo back in the 90s at my friends PC. I chose warrior as I always do in RPGs. The game was fun, atmospheric as f*ck, but then I hit those lava maze levels with shooters everywhere. It was terrible, because rhey kept shooting and running with no chance to get to them and kill 'em. So I ditched the game for good. I’ll always remember it as the most atmospheric and dark game of that era and still have great memories of it.
I picked up Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and have been doing runs now and then. I played the original when it first came out and couldn’t get into it; the years of development seem to have done it a lot of good, feels much more playable than I remember.