For me its having a single instance that indexes all the communites to which all other instances can then pull that information from so when I go searching for communities the I’ll have access to every single one with needing to post the entire URL in the search bar
Yeah. Joining communities from other instances is a hassle. Kinda puts me off sometimes.
Definitely a big problem. UX can make or break a service. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time though :)
Really? I don’t get that. I go to the ‘communities’ button at the top, where they are sorted by population, so it’s easy to find some good ones right away. If I want to search something specific I type it in the search bar and there it is. Is it not that way for you? That seems easy to me
That’s because you joined the largest community. It’s much more cumbersome for smaller communities.
Indeed. The largest weak point for me.
I have to go to third party site where I can see a list of communities, find one, copy some url, go back to my instance and search then paste the url.
At this point I get nothing, or 404, or a nothing found error. Generally this is where it stalls, and i give up and come back half an hour later if I remember and try again.
This time the search may find the community, but has failed to do so several times. Still trying to subscribe to a pathfinder community which I started trying to do earlier this morning
That works easily when you want to join communities already on your instance. But if you want to search for other communities you need to go to, search for them there, copy the url, then join. Also you cant sort that list by anything, you kinda need to know what you are looking for.
Its…a bit too complicated. I’m sure it will get better with time.
Automatic discovery of communities from instances your community knows about.
That would be awesome and make for a good user experience.
I would love to have tags added that I could search at across instances. So looking up #animalpics might be all the communities that post pictures of animals
Then add to that the ability to follow that tag like you can on Mastadon and that would solve some of the “Super Community” asks.
By far my biggest thing is RES style keyboard shortcuts
The second for me is going to have to be automatic instance redirection
These would in my mind get it to feature parity with reddit.
I’d love to see a poll option :)
Being able to mark post as read, and have them be hidden from my feed. Or hide posts I have upvoted/downvoted.
Also it would be really nice to have the ability to group communities together from my view point. So instead of a single lemmy feed with all of my subscriptions mixed together I can have multiple feeds each based on say a single topic. Say I have a group called Gaming. and in that I have [email protected] and [email protected] [email protected] etc… etc… I think this would also help the issue with having similar communities on multiple instances. For example We have [email protected] [email protected] I could subscribe to both and just use a single group to view them both. Instead of having to view one at a time.
Oh here is another one. It would be great if lemmy links were automatically converted to your local instance.
For example someone linked this
Sure this works for everyone but it takes you out of your lemmy instance if your not using I am a user of, so from my prospective going to doesn’t give me any options to interact with that content. I would need to manually find that post from my instance that I am logged into. From my prospective that link should have been converted into link and go here so I can seamlessly interact with it.
> Being able to mark post as read, and have them be hidden from my feed. Or hide posts I have upvoted/downvoted.
That’s already a setting.
Show Read Posts
> Also it would be really nice to have the ability to group communities together
Having to group communities is going to be fun when there are hundreds of instances with the same communities. It would be nice but I would also like if all similar communities were already merged so you see the same content in all of them, maybe doing it by name but that wouldn’t catch all of them so it would have to be manual, that’s quite the task.
A small quality of life thing, but some way to mark notifications as ‘read’ automatically, either when i click through to view it in the thread or when i vote on it. Maybe I’ve missed a setting somewhere, but when someone replies and I go to read/interact, the notification number stays there until I manually go and click ‘read’
I have run into the same issue. Although I can’t figure out if that is working as intended or if the server is just overloaded and the read signal just never got processed correctly. As I have had some notifications go away seemly automatically but other notifications refuse to go away until I click read. But maybe I actually did click read and just didn’t realized, I am still getting use to the interface.
Fix the deletion of comments so that the content is removed rather than just flagged as deleted.
This is my number one wish as well. I’m well aware that people can archive or snapshot my comments/content, and the site can keep backup servers, and that we should assume that things we post online should be treated as if it were there forever, but no one can convince me that any of these situations is remotely comparable to not being able to delete my own public-facing content.
It’s also the number one concern I’ve heard from people on reddit who are considering migrating to Lemmy, but are undecided.
I really wish they’d fix this.
Software engineer here. Historically we started not hard-deleting anything because sometimes software does bad things and we never want to accidentally delete anything that could be important since then the only way to undo it is to restore the database from a backup. So it’s better/safer to literally not allow the application to ever delete anything from the database.
That being said, I could see an option in ActivityPub to delete comments, but with the distributed nature of Lemmy you would have to trust every server you federate with to listed to the protocol and delete the comments too since they are stored on the other servers as well.
I fully understand wanting to restore things from a backup, but I don’t grasp how giving us the option to hard delete our own posts and comments would interfere with that in any way. Safest? Perhaps. A reasonable tradeoff for such safety? Not in my opinion.
As for your latter point, maybe that’s one of the drawbacks to federation that does not get discussed enough. However, I’d think there’d be some sort of solution to put more control of our data into the hands of the users.