• @[email protected]
    289 months ago

    I got let go this week from a another company in a mass layoff, I had only been working there for a year (Canada).

    I got 2 dozen weeks severance, and my benefits (teeth) continue for a bit, as well as accelerated stock vesting. My folks in the US got next to nothing and had been there much longer. It seems they were “in the wrong state”.

    I can’t imagine my healthcare being tied to the fuckwits who employ me.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I think teeth is also getting federal coverage. I believe they are slow rolling it out over this year. I heard about one can apply to get earlier coverage for lower/no incomes, if you lose your benefits.

  • @[email protected]
    279 months ago

    This is so well written. She communicated what happened and that how it was done was shitty, her eagerness for something new and willingness to stretch into other areas without sounding wow-is-me accidentally, and professionally @‘d people to call them out. 10/10

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      Another tech bubble burst. Tech since the pandemic became way over inflated. My 10 year HS reunion during the pandemic was full of people that are morons with a computer suddenly telling me they’re in tech like me. This is a response.

      Also, probably not coordinated as much as these companies might have a “no layoffs during the holidays.” My wife’s company has this policy (financial market) and during the last few years you could time them stopping layoffs and then starting them back up.

    • AlexisFR
      49 months ago

      Meh, things are fine in Europe, it’s mostly American companies finding out after hiring so much in 2021.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      I very much think something is about to happen for sure, layoffs everywhere, I see grocery stores putting up security and camera getting ready for thefts, I hear police are given extra funding to deal with thefts, seems like all the mega rich conglomerates are bracing for something and we’re not told what.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      It does not take a genius to realize that the fact that the Suez Canal is currently unusable and the Panama Canal is operating at significantly reduced capacity will /at best/ result in seriously fucking up the on-paper-only tenuous economic recovery of many nations, and at worst could spiral into a serious global downturn rivalling the Great Depression for the vast majority of people.

      Er, well, I would say it does not take a genius. Apparently it does though, as I have yet to meet or here of nearly anyone who realizes this.

      Oh well, currently homeless former world class logistics company executive data analyst here, just laughing as everything burns and basically no one understands or cares.

      Anyway, fuck anyone who actually still uses LinkedIn, its just Facebook for corpo scum.

      • @[email protected]
        119 months ago

        Okay but we’re talking about layoffs in the tech sector. And idk about you but I’ve been finding out about different batches at different places all day. Tech workers are supposed to be immune to this type of pressure yet today they’re the first ones out. Am I a genius because I stayed on topic?

        I started being able to make ends meet just before COVID and despite nominal raises yoy I can’t do it anymore without getting a second job, and lots of people would be envious of what little I do have. Israel isn’t gonna stop doing the things causing the canal to be unusable. Hamas should have taken out Likud instead of going for hostages and it would have worked out better.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I have absolutely no idea why you would think tech workers are immune to layoffs or that the tech industry is somehow not affected by general global market conditions.

          They are capitalist for profit enterprises in a largely globalized and largely capitalist world, and the easiest thing to do to keep nearly any large company profitable in a general downturn is to lay off employees.

          Sorry that you too are personally affected by the inexorable logic of the system by which nearly all economic production of nearly all kinds for nearly the entire world operates by, I guess?

      • Lung
        59 months ago

        I get the sense that youre one of these guys that is actually right but also high on drugs

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Nah, just nicotine. A drug, yes, but typically not what people mean by ‘high on drugs’.

          As a homeless person I have been seriously injured by being assaulted by many Fentanyl addicts though, shit has a horrid and distinct smell.

          Having seen first hand what that kind of stuff does to people, I would have to be a complete idiot to even try it.

          I struggle to come up with a more succinct way to describe a hardcore fentanyl addict as anything other than a zombie that alternates from narcoleptic and shambling when high, and extremely violent and aggressive when beginning to enter withdrawal.