Marlene Engelhorn says that when she inherited her grandmother’s multimillion-dollar fortune in 2022, she “wanted to be happy about it.”

“And I couldn’t be,” the Austrian heiress told As It Happens host Nil Köksal. “I was angry instead … because I knew it was really unfair, and there was no reason for me to get this that I could really justify.”

Engelhorn has long campaigned for greater taxes on the wealthy in Austria, including an inheritance tax. But since the government won’t redistribute her wealth for her, she says she’s asking the people do it.

Engelhorn is giving €25 million ($36.5 million Cdn) — which she says is the vast majority of her inheritance — to a committee of Austrian residents tasked with using it to fight wealth inequality.

“I am only wealthy because I was born in a rich family. And I think in a democratic society of the 21st century, birth should not be the one thing that determines whether or not you’re gonna get to lead a very good life,” Engelhorn said.

  • @[email protected]
    1476 months ago

    It’s money Engelhorn says she doesn’t deserve.

    “Knowing that so many people really worked their frickin’ asses off and never will see a fraction of this sum … I knew that if all of my thoughts about social justice and distributional justice were worth anything, then I would have to put my thinking into action,” she said.

    We will spare her when we eat the rich.

  • PugJesus
    1026 months ago

    We found her. We found the good multimillionaire.

    • Chozo
      476 months ago

      Well, not for long. Soon she’ll just be another good broke person.

      • PugJesus
        456 months ago

        Well, she says 25 million Euros is the “vast majority” of her inheritance. She might have 2-3 million left, leaving her technically still a multimillionaire.

        • @[email protected]
          166 months ago

          Hopefully she can remain as principled as she is now and use it as a platform for change. Still though, better than pretty much any I’ve ever heard.

    • @[email protected]
      -116 months ago

      She gave her money to a group of people to support political causes related to taking money from millionaires. What a millionaire way to think they’re making a difference by letting other people spend their extra money on politics.

      Something just feels off with the sentiment. You can always voluntarily pay more in taxes so that the public services are funded. As it stands this moeny will get siphoned to the proverbial dice roll of politics that always has a taint of corruption.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Quietly give 25 mil to the government and nothing changes or put 25 mil towards making a positive change in the world…hmmm…hmmm…yeah, tough choice. I say you mind your own business and let her at least try and influence the world for the better.

        • @[email protected]
          06 months ago

          You distilled what I said to a simpleton sound bite dismissal so you didnt actually have to apply any thought to a discussion. I say you mind your own business if your aren’t interested in discussion and just want to flag wave your assumptions with no substance.

          Shes putting 36.6 mil towards having people talk about changing the world by asking other people to talk about changing the world. Its a fucking ridiculous disconnect, put the money directly towards vetting and supporting candidates without setting up a middle man poltical org that will siphon the funds away through the excessive bureaucracy required to run such an org. Thats why it feels off.

          There are already orgs out there trying to do what she is proposing to do.

          • @[email protected]
            06 months ago

            Because you haven’t read the article. In both your replies you’ve said random stuff that don’t appear in the article at all. You don’t wanna discuss, you just want to complain.

            She’s not “putting 36 mil towards having people talk about changing the world by asking other people to talk about changing the world” And she’s also not “setting up a middlean political org that will siphon the funds away”

            And just for the sake of the “discussion”, even if she were doing her own thing, you can’t just dismiss what she’s doing by saying that it’s not going to work when the already existing orgs aren’t really working out either.

  • @[email protected]
    706 months ago

    Class traitors are necessary to bring about a state of communism.

    This type of behaviour should be encouraged.

    • @loopedcandle
      326 months ago

      There is a solid counter argument here (to play devil’s advocate). This is what a right wing American would say to this:

      See, we don’t have to tax the rich, they’re so generous. It’s more efficient to let them have their money and donate it directly to causes. The federal government is so bad at allocating wealth, reducing taxes so more people can be like her is the way to go.

      If the person above is not wealthy themselves, the following thought to this is Well, when I’m inevitably wealthy because of how great I am, I don’t want the government taxing me so I can be like her.

      Then they pat themselves on the back for being so ((in an impossible future)) generous.

      It’s worth thinking about how to counter this argument.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        People have conscious and unconscious biases.

        They are prejudiced and can’t allocate money objectively. This woman is directing the use of this money even though that may not be the best use of the money.

        When you look at this on a macro scale, what is the system we have for allocating resources across an entire country? Government.

        Is it perfect? No, but it doesn’t change the fact the most efficient and objective means we have is government.

        In short, I don’t want a system where a huge racist can accumulate vast wealth and society has the prevailing view that this racist will be altruistic through some mystical force.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        It’s important to think about the counterargument, I agree.

        To counter your counterargument: it’s not a good argument on many levels (scope, allocation, distribution mechanism, effect). The main reason is that this sort of charity doesn’t improve the core problem of low(er) social mobility. The opportunity to pursue self-development/self-fulfillment should not be tied to the whimsical act of a better-off person but presented to everyone as equal as possible - through common goods and services. The impossible future is impossible due to vastly different prerequisites. The person’s “greatness” will never be seen, as most likely they will never be presented with the opportunity to display it.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Class traitors are neccesary to keep capitalism working.

      I like how you people that has access to internet and lives in countries that nourishes themself from the rest of the world think of yourself as part of the base of society. When the bells start ringing we are the second in line to be purged.

      • PugJesus
        76 months ago

        I like how you people that has access to internet and lives in countries that nourishes themself from the rest of the world think of yourself as part of the base of society. When the bells start ringing we are the second in line to be purged.

        Imagine being this brainrotted.

        • @[email protected]
          -36 months ago

          Imagine not realizing even you might be one of the baddies.

          Enlightenments, self awareness, public engagement, and compassion for others, does not make any of us exceptions when you zoom out far enough.

          Food, internet, air conditioning. You might not be rich, but you are to someone.

          • PugJesus
            76 months ago

            The majority of the world has internet access, dumbass.

            Imagine going from “Workers of the world unite!” to “Actually, YOU workers are too Western, you deserve the noose!”

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        That just reenforces the need for betraying class.

        People in those western countries have to find solidarity with the worker, whichever country they are in.

        Although I don’t think having internet access and living in a capitalist country automatically makes you bourgeoise.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      What does this gesture do to I pact the means of production and labor to push towards a state of communism?

  • @[email protected]
    216 months ago

    She sounds like she has some good ethics. Good on her.

    Not to flog a zombie’s salt on its tail, or two in the bush, but may I just say;

    “This is the way”.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    56 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    And I think in a democratic society of the 21st century, birth should not be the one thing that determines whether or not you’re gonna get to lead a very good life," Engelhorn said.

    Christoph Hofinger, Foresight’s managing director, says they’ve sent letters to 10,000 Austrian residents over the age of 16, randomly selected from the country’s population register, inviting them to join what they’re calling the Guter Rat, or Good Council.

    “We expect a few hundred returns or, due to the wide coverage of Guter Rat, perhaps even more than a thousand,” Hofinger said in an email.

    He says the Foresight Institute will whittle down the registrees to a group of 50 people who are representative of the country’s demographics, including gender, age and income.

    Her family also owned the pharmaceutical and medical diagnostic equipment company Boehringer Mannheim, which they sold for $11 billion US in 1997, according to the New York Times.

    Until now, she’s primarily spent her time doing advocacy work with groups like Millionaires for Humanity and Tax Me Now.

    The original article contains 723 words, the summary contains 173 words. Saved 76%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      Good point. Give a man a free meal, he eats for a day.

      Seed fund an industrial unit churning out basic healthy meals and employ an UberEats-type workforce of homeless/disadvantaged people to distribute the meals, all under a non-profit banner, and hundreds of the poorest of society can eat for $2-5 a day.