So I’m familiar with how it works in 5e and how to use it in 5e dnd, but I don’t understand when or how I use it in BG3.

Is there supposed to be a prompt when I take damage to use my reaction (like whether to use divine smite)? I haven’t seen anything like that yet, but maybe I’m misunderstanding how it works in BG3.

It appears as a passive ability in my character sheet.

Any insight (checks) would be appreciated.

    2 years ago

    The wiki lists it as a reaction (which makes sense, that’s what it is in tabletop). Are you familiar with the system to configure your reactions? You can configure your different reactions to trigger automatically, to ask if you want to trigger, or to never trigger. I don’t remember the key to open that menu, but there will be a little box above your inventory/action bar on the right side with the icon for the reaction; if you click that it will open the menu