Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt and Newsmax host Carl Higbie mused Thursday about a potential “force-on-force” conflict between Texas and the Biden Administration after the Supreme Court ruled against the state’s Republican governor by declaring that federal agents can remove razor wire laid along the border with Mexico.

Higbie began by telling Stitt that “there’s rumblings that Joe Biden should or may actually federalize the National Guard—take that power away from Greg Abbott.”

Stitt called the situation, which has so far seen several migrant deaths,“very weird”—while adding that clash is currently a “powder keg of tension.”

“We certainly stand with Texas on the right to defend themselves,” he said. “But Biden is going to be in a tough situation. So in other words, he’s going to try to federalize these troops—in other words, put them on federal orders. And so now, their allegiance technically goes to the president of the United States instead of the governor.”

The dispute between Texas and the federal government has been compared to the situation that led President Dwight Eisenhower to federalize the Arkansas National Guard—part of his bid to allow Black students to attend a Little Rock public high school against the wishes of the then-segregationist governor.

  • Flying Squid
    1045 months ago

    And so now, their allegiance technically goes to the president of the United States instead of the governor

    No. Not now. Always.

    “I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of ______ against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to them; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of ______ and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.”

    32 U.S. Code § 304 - Enlistment oath


    It’s the national guard. It just works for states.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      345 months ago

      POTUS is the defacto Commander In Chief for all branches of the military. He’s the highest ranking officer. That’s the whole point, as he’s a civilian.

      • @[email protected]
        205 months ago


        You mean “de jure.” “De facto” is the opposite of it being literally enshrined into law.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        That’s the whole point, as he’s a civilian.

        You know, the Framers got some things wrong, but there’s something beautifully symbolic about that decision.

  • Jaysyn
    5 months ago

    Fuck around & find out, Texas.

    The dispute between Texas and the federal government has been compared to the situation that led President Dwight Eisenhower to federalize the Arkansas National Guard—part of his bid to allow Black students to attend a Little Rock public high school against the wishes of the then-segregationist governor.

    And once again, it’s a racist piece of shit that is stirring up trouble.

    Lincoln should have hanged every single Confederate officer & politician.

    • @[email protected]
      405 months ago

      Their obvious goal now is to desensitize R’s to the idea of another civil war. Most R’s likely wouldn’t be on board with that atm but, after months/years of propaganda, they could be programmed to believe it’s the only way — the same way 99% of them (including the “never” trumpers) have fallen in line, bent the knee, and supported the team no matter what.

      • @[email protected]
        175 months ago

        I disagree. The people funding the party would lose too much money if there were a civil war. Well, not the military industrial complex, but they’re not the only ones with their fingers in the pie. No one is buying the latest doodad if they’re fighting for their life.

        They need to be mad enough to keep them rage watching, but not mad enough to try shooting their neighbors all at once.

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          I think this is a good point. Stirring up the base to the idea of a civil war is very profitable to religion leaders. Actually conducting said war is not.

        • @[email protected]
          55 months ago

          Hard disagree.

          Arms manufacturers would be high level targets in any version of a civil war, not just by any sect of us, but foreign subversive agents would be keen to initiate as well. The MI complex has just about everything to lose.

          And 6our other point, the rich have too much to lose, again HARD HARD Disagree. Fascism is rising…who do you think is paying for it?

          Once you have more money than you can ever spend the only thing left to buy is power. They’ve captured almost every means of production. They control a disproportionate amount of our foreign policy. Apple activity threatens economic warfare whenever any talk of regulation comes up. WHY ELSE would a company hold onto a TRILLION dollars? (To threaten security of a currency, that’s why). The Billionaires are a national security threat. And they almost have the final nail, total, complete information control. They’re trying to regulate the internet, with their multiple “think of the children” campaigns. Their wet dream is us having to scan our license to log in, then everything we do is tracked, every question asked, every dissent in a forum met moments later with a real life knock on the door. Thought police.

          Monopolies are the logical conclusion of capitalism. Once wealth is attained, all effort is spent securing that wealth. They’ll sacrifice any and all of us. They chair multinational companies, it’s naive to think they have any kind of national patriotism (unless it’s them that’s in charge). They’re a tumor to our species.

          Rome survived for almost 2000 years and they had 5 benevolent dictators. That’s one every 400 years. We don’t have time to spare like that. I don’t think authoritarianism is the answer, and for those who do, I question your rational capabilities.

          I’d like to remind everyone that the protagonists in 1984, fahrenheit, brave new world…they don’t live thru the story. And the machines they’re raging against keep on keeping on. Our job is to end the hate BEFORE it starts building bases.

      • @[email protected]
        115 months ago

        True, but not every person that holds an ideology is a leader that can or is willing to take up the torch.

        For example, if Trump died tomorrow from a stroke, the maga ideology would survive, but there are few in the cult who can be the new Donald Trump; they simply don’t have the charisma needed (not that they wouldn’t try, of course).

        Fundigelicalism and white supremacy would still exist, as they have for a long time, but the glue that’s held them together is their deification of Trump. Without him, they lose that cohesion.

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        Yes but those officers and leaders went on to positions of power that shaped the resultant decades, leading to many inequalities and issues we see today. (not all).

        Leading an insurrection and civil war should at minimum bar you from any public or political action from then on.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Leading an insurrection and civil war should at minimum bar you from any public or political action from then on.

          It would if the 14th amendment was taken as more than a polite suggestion.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      He would’ve but they shot him first and his replacement decided to let them keep power while preventing the former slaves from getting it.

    • @[email protected]
      285 months ago

      You give Greg Abbott, the Texas Piss Baby, too little credit. He’s been eating shit and punching babies well before anyone paid him to.

  • @[email protected]
    455 months ago

    Maybe if the House Republicans approved the Senate bi-partisan border bill that they have been all for until now - but it’s plainly NOT about border security, is it?

  • @[email protected]
    345 months ago

    This is what happens when the Union wasn’t firm enough with the seditionist South post Civil War. The Restoration Era was too kind and short lived to the traitorous bastards that allowed their shit ideology of racism and secession to stick around the South.This allowed their ideas to fester and metastasize over the decades into Jim Crow laws, Confederate romanticism, and the idea of rebellion being something that is punished by a slap on the wrist.

    The fact the Jan 6 traitors were prosecuted with extreme leniency is only giving these bastards all the more encouragement to ramp up their calls for another civil war. The next time we win I say apply the penalty for treason on all combatants and bar anyone associated with their movement from ever holding office again.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      Full stop. Combatants, financiers, anyone whose been egging on and supporting their side. You wanted to throw down against America so hard face the fuckin consequences.

  • Optional
    285 months ago

    I dunno, this article is like “I wonder what stormfront thinks about this” and I’m all like uhhhh

    • @[email protected]
      355 months ago

      The GOP’s relevance is entirely based on constant fear and hate. Those fires must be tended constantly otherwise they might cool to something like apathy or worse…socialism. So, no the can’t not.

      • @[email protected]
        145 months ago

        This is exactly why they don’t want a solution to immigration – they profit wildly off the outrage they stoke from it

        • @[email protected]
          145 months ago

          Otherwise they would have passed a border bill during Trump’s first term and not shut down the government.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Yeah, not just fear and hate but the constant presence of a threat, of panic. Always on the brink of disaster, always some horror being uncovered, always a new thrill to be shocked by.

  • @[email protected]
    245 months ago

    It would be more worrying if Texans hadn’t proved that they’re a bunch of pussies with guns, who hide at the first sign of trouble, even when their kids are dying.

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      You don’t even need to point a gun… just threaten to strip their Gaurd pay and benefits, they will all fall in line.

  • @[email protected]
    155 months ago

    I’m torn. Do not support building a wall with Mexico. Would support building a wall with Texas.

    • @[email protected]
      95 months ago

      Why not King Kong? It’s just as likely the military releases King Kong on US soil than a nuke.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        I mean, I’m sure they would start with non nuclear bombs like when we bombed a Pennsylvania neighborhood, but could you not see a certain presidential candidate gleefully give the order to nuke the libs? I’m honestly surprised he’s not campaigning on it.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        It’s just a dumb joke, America would never nuke itself (on purpose) unless there was a doomsday scenario like aliens or maybe disease X.

  • @[email protected]
    125 months ago

    All these Republican Morons participating in this would either be in prison afterwards or get their shit kicked out. Does anybody believe that some Nutjobs who hoard guns in their basement, or some sort of National Guard stand a chance against the US Military?

    It will be funny to see the fuck around and find out if they are dumb enough to try this

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      If they organize into a homegrown y’all quaeda they could become a problem that haunts us for decades. Biden is in the right here but he ought to be really fucking careful with how he handles this. If he shoots and misses it’s going to be a big problem.

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        Yeah it doesn’t seem like civil wars ever really end, they just get pushed into the background.

    • @Worx
      15 months ago

      The Viet Cong say hello. Guerrilla warfare can be surprisingly effective against bigger military force

  • Binthinkin
    75 months ago

    Watch out the gravy seals are having heart attacks! Oh wait no, now it’s an aneurysm. K byeeeeeee!

  • @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    okay no but seriously why do people think this is gonna happen? is the media like, trying to make this a thing? fetch isn’t going to be a thing, stop trying to make it a thing.

    but for real like I’m pretty sure 90% of the national guard and reserve are just in the military for free college tuition at this point, so like what’s the big idea here? those guys are not fighting a war, I’m telling you straight up.