I was never what you would describe as a social person. It’s not that I would avoid people but it’s more like I was never the outgoing or outspoken person in the group. I never really caused a scene and I always shied away from drama or confrontation, that’s just who I was. I guess you could consider me the classic “nice guy.”

My first exposure to being a cuckold–not that I knew that’s what it was called at the time–was when my college girlfriend at the time, J, went out to a local bar with me. We were expecting to meet up with another couple but they bailed on us, unfortunately. So J and I went out anyways since we had gotten half ready by the time the couple called and said they wouldn’t be able to make it anymore because of a family emergency.

We lived in a small- to medium-sized town and J and I both went to a local state school that was pretty much the main school in our area. It was small enough where you would run into people you know but big enough where you could live a pretty secluded life if you wanted to. So that night after our friends bailed, instead of going across town to the new dinner spot that we were planning for, we cancelled our reservations and went to a local bar. Now, the bar was still a bit of a trek but nowhere near the drive we would have needed to make for the restaurant. Once there, J and I ordered some light bar food and some beers. It was a light crowd that night so not too loud; it was more of a local crowd, just our kind of scene. Also, this bar was cool because they had several different types of “games” like a pool table, a ping pong table, darts, and even an indoor bocce ball court. Pretty awesome for some random bar…

After about 45 minutes or so in the bar, our drinks were getting low and so I walk up to the bar to get another round for us. I get J a white wine while I kept on with the whiskey. I was trying to be “cool” and try many different types of whiskey. Honestly, I don’t know what that part of my life was about but it was a thing that I was into at that point in time. Anyways, when I get back to our table, I see J is talking to some stranger who seemed to have pulled up a seat at our table. When I approached, I could tell this guy was one of those handsome types who would have his way with all the ladies and I could see that J was welcoming his attention.

He introduced himself as John. Apparently, he was a young doctor who was in town for a job interview at the local hospital. Again, our town wasn’t giant but we did have one of the biggest schools and hospitals for our state. He seemed really confident and I didn’t really like him right off the bat because it felt as if he didn’t really include me in the conversation. J could tell my attitude towards him wasn’t warm so she kind of whispered “be nice” while kissing me on the cheek, which made me relax a bit. He kept talking about his current work and why he wanted this new job. Of course J ate it up since she always wanted to go into the medical field and was about to graduate as pre-med. They clicked right off the bat and we pretty much spent our time chatting the night away–or should I say they chatted while I sat there nodding and interjecting when I could. She would laugh at all his jokes and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was into him. Being the sulker that I was, I just passive aggressively kept ordering more alcohol and sat there and moped while they seemed to have a good time. J kissed me and squeezed my hand every now and then which was just enough attention to keep me at the bar with her. J tried to bring me into the conversation at times but by that time, I pretty much decided in my head that this guy was an asshole and I would spend the rest of the night in my own head.

Now, J isn’t your most sexually adventurous girl, but I wouldn’t say she was a prude either. Looking back now, I would say that this was the point in time in our lives when she really started coming out of her shell and “exploring” life. We had discussed things like threesomes or our past sexual history and neither of us really had much of a past. What I will say about J though was that she would get really wild when she had some alcohol in her. She also always got especially wet and would come easily if I would choke her a little bit or pull on her hair a little bit. Unfortunately, like I said earlier, I was never really an “aggressive” type of person so that didn’t really come off natural for me in bed. I was used to mostly just missionary and cowgirl and maybe try doggy style every once in a while before going back to missionary. I noticed she had a thing for cocky “bad boys” but I never really fit the bill on that front. She had on occasion asked me to be more “aggressive” and “manhandle” her but I could tell that I just didn’t do for her what she wanted. One time when she was really drunk, she told me about this night when she was really slutty with some random stranger with a big cock and how she loved it. Apparently he smacked her in the face, spanked her ass, pulled her hair, choked her, you name it. She told me how she thought I wasn’t man enough to handle her sexually and how she needed a real man to satisfy her. Naturally, we eventually both went to bed that night in sort of a mood. Unfortunately, after she sobered up the next day, she denied ever telling me any of that and acted like she never said anything. Whenever we have sex, I could always tell like she was not completely satisfied. And whenever we had drunk sex, it’s like she dropped the act completely and didn’t even bother to spare my feelings. One time we had a fight about it but we started to talk about ways to patch up our sex life like maybe have a threesome. Anyways back to that night…

So they get to talking and John tells us that the hospital flew him out for the interview and put him up in a fancy hotel suite. He invites us back to have a nightcap with him. J seemed excited to go but wanted to check in with me first. By this point, I was getting pretty buzzed and didn’t really have the energy to go to some random hotel of some stranger we just met. But he said it would be fun and J agreed for us and of course I didn’t put up a fight. I told them that I would go on two conditions: John would have to let me drink whatever I wanted from his mini bar and he’d have to pay for an uber ride because I was way too drunk to drive and I knew J hates walking in heels, even for short distances. He agreed with a smirk on his face saying that I could drink whatever I wanted so long as we would come back with him “to play”. “Whatever”, I said, again passively throwing the middle finger up at this cocky asshole.

I go to close out my tab and when I come back to the table, for a split second, I thought I saw John’s hand on J’s thigh while he was whispering something in her ear. He must’ve saw me come back though because he quickly moved his hands away and backed away a bit to a normal distance. Me being drunk, I chalked it up as me imagining things and just ignored it. Or maybe that was just my personality to avoid drama, I don’t know. Anyways, all I know is that–looking back on it now–that was a huge warning sign, especially because J didn’t do anything to stop him and even seemed like she wanted it.

J excused herself to use the bathroom and I’m stuck there with this jerk for a few minutes.

“J is a really nice girl, bud”, he said.

“Yeah and she’s my girl”, I snapped back to him.

“We’ll see about that”, he said as he laughed and walked out the door.

Wow, this guy is a bigger asshole than I thought if he literally is saying to my face that he is going to try to steal my girlfriend from me.

J came back from the bathroom and asked where John went.

“Wow, sad that your new boyfriend left you?” I said.

“Relax babe, I’m just making the best of tonight. Plus he’s going to work at the hospital where I want to work someday, you know that. It’s good to make these relationships.”

“Whatever, he’s outside. I think the Uber’s here.”

“Hey. Come on babe, don’t get upset. Relax.”

“Just don’t think we’re having a threesome or anything with this guy because I told you, our first threesome is going to be with another girl.”

“Hahaha wow babe, you’re being super paranoid. I’m not going to fuck some guy just because he’s hot and successful and funny”, she said as she walked towards the door.

Wow, flag #2.

So we both walked outside and sure enough, John was already in the backseat of a small car. J got in the back and I started to push in there when J told me it was getting too squished. Of course the driver accommodated and told us that his front seat was available too so sure enough, there I was in the front seat while my college girlfriend of two years and some stranger were in the backseat. I don’t want to call the car a sedan because it was one of those tiny cars that you get super pissed off about when they pull up. Like it should be false advertising to have that as an uber. Anyways, I say all that to describe how close J and John were sitting in the backseat. The fact that we all just had a ton of alcohol didn’t help any either. What was the cherry on top was our driver was one of those drivers who would engage in conversation with the guy in the front seat, and this gave John his opening with J.

  • @thebigideaguyOPM
    21 year ago

    Caught up in conversation with our driver, I look back to see John and J making out in the back seat with his hands in between her legs which were spread wide open and grinding into his fingers. I was shocked, pissed off, confused, drunk, and turned on all at the same time and I couldn’t make sense of all the feelings. What confused me was J didn’t have any underwear on and I swore that she did when we went out for the evening. Shocked and confused and me being the beta that I was just looked forward and didn’t say a word for the rest of the short car ride. What was a kick in the balls was when the driver told me I needed to find a girlfriend like that “pretty girl in the backseat.” I mumbled to myself under my breath as we pulled up to one of the nicer hotels in town.

    When we got out of the taxi, I immediately opened the back seat door and pulled J out. Her face was a mess with lipstick smeared and her hair was a bit disheveled. “Babe…I’m sorry. I’m just so drunk and…John’s so hot. Can we please have that threesome we talked about…?”

    I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was the way she was pleading with her big doe eyes or maybe the confusing half erection I had in my pants but I couldn’t say anything to her–I just didn’t have any words to say.

    “See? I told you he’d be ok with it. Right buddy?” John said with a smirk as he reached out with a closed fist with something in his hands. He dropped the object it and I instinctively reached out to snatch it up. As I unraveled the object, John snatched J away and began walking towards his hotel. I turned to follow them but was also curious as to what John just dropped into my hands. I was drunk so it took a few seconds but I realized I was holding J’s black panties that she had put on earlier in the evening. What really fucked me up was that there was a patch of wetness at the crotch. He has been turning her on this whole evening and he knew it–and he wanted me to know it.

    I followed them into the hotel but by then they were way ahead of me. I saw the elevator closing just as I walked up to it and tried to open the door by quickly pressing the button. But instead of the same elevator door opening, an elevator behind me opened. I quickly ran in.

    “Shit. What floor is he staying on?”

    I run back out and see that the elevator they used stopped on the top floor labeled “PH” for penthouse, I presumed. What a prick.

    I ran back into the second elevator just as the door was closing and pressed the PH button. The button didn’t light up. I pressed it again–nothing. I ran to the front desk and told the lady at the concierge that the elevator wasn’t working.

    “Did you swipe your key?”

    “Well, no. I don’t have one.”

    “I’m sorry…are you a guest here, sir?”

    “No my girlfriend is here.”

    “Your girlfriend is staying here, sir? Is she expecting you?”

    “Well no, she’s–she’s visiting a friend.”

    “Who’s that?”

    “John, tall with dark hair and light eyes. In town for a job interview, he’s a doctor.”

    “Ohhhh…”, I could notice a change in her demeanor. Wasn’t that him that just went up with some woman?

    “Yeah that was my girlfriend”

    “That…was your girlfriend??” I could tell, she was jut as confused as I was as I’m sure J was rubbing up on him as she stumbled into the hotel.

    “Well, to be honest, this is a bit strange so let me call up and see if Mr. John is ok with me letting you up.”

    I can’t believe I was literally waiting in the lobby of a hotel while my girlfriend was up with some asshole in his hotel room and I couldn’t get up there with them. I should text her. I looked at my phone. I had a text from J from a few minutes ago.

    “Where are you?”

    I furiously type back “the elevator is locked!! Tell John to let me up!”

    A bubble with 3 little dots pop up…a picture comes through. It’s a picture of a trail of clothes on the floor, J’s clothes. The last piece of clothing was her bra and the photo cut off at the foot of the bed.

    “You’re a little late bud.”

    WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I’m thinking.

    “So Mr. John says you’re free to go, just get into the elevator and I’ll override the security for you, sir.”

    I get into the elevator and ride it for the longest 30 seconds of my life. I had a pit in my stomach and my whole body was slick with sweat but for some reason it felt like I was turned on. This was the first time I ever felt this way and I was so confused but aroused. As soon as the elevator door opened I heard it. They weren’t even trying to hide it. There were just two doors on that floor on opposite sides of the hallway and only one was cracked open. John must have opened it because he knew I was coming up.

    As I walked closer I could hear flesh slapping and somebody squealing. It sounded like J but at the same time, it sounded nothing like her when we had sex. It was like the sex was overwhelming her or something. It was so loud that I remember thinking that I was a bit worried for J’s safety. I walked closer and the noises got louder. I heard their voices.

    “Does he fuck you like this?”

    “Unh-Unh-Unhhh-oh godddd john-god”

    “I said, does he fuck you like this?” A slapping noise. More squealing.

    “Unh-Unh-Unh-Godddd fuck!!”

    “Answer my question you little slut or I’m sending you home.”

    “Oh god–please John. No he doesn’t–OH FUCK!! You’re so–unh–deep!! AHHH!!”

    “Sounds like I’m bigger than him too then huh?”

    At this point I get to the door and I slowly push it open. And to this day it’s a memory that I will never get out of my head. J was on the edge of the bed on all fours with her head in the mattress and back arched up and pointed towards John. John was standing behind her at the foot of the bed towering over her and slamming his cock into my girlfriend. As he pulled out, I could tell that he had a huge cock–maybe 9 inches or so and THICK. It was probably 3x bigger than my thin 5 inch cock. It would glisten for a moment before he slammed it deep right back into J. This happened again and again and again as J was making noises that I never heard her make before.

    “OH! FUCK! OH! GOD JOHN! I’m–I’m–OH GOD!”

    “You’re what? Tell your boyfriend J”. He pulled her hair which pulled her whole head back. I could see her face now. He rotated her head towards me but kept pounding into her while pulling on her hair. I thought this kind of sex only happened in porn.

    J looked at me with almost apologetic and pleading eyes with her mouth open as if she wanted to say something–sorry maybe. Her mouth and face moved as if she wanted to say something too but nothing came out, almost as if she was trying to catch her breath. I saw her eyes go from looking at me to rolling into the back of her head. Finally it happened.

    “—AHHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD I’M COMING.” John rammed himself deep into J and held it there while pulling her hair back. Her body contorted and flailed around almost involuntarily as her body was making noises that I’ve never heard, almost like there was a wetness inside of her. It sounded like J was literally screaming at the top of her lungs for what seemed like 5 seconds straight before she collapsed on the bed while parts of her legs and arms would slightly spasm uncontrollably. I guess in all that was happening, I didn’t see John come but he must have finished deep inside J at the same time.

    I just stared at them for what felt like eternity taking in what just happened as they lay there motionless. I don’t know who moved first but when John got off of J, I realized I was no longer standing and watching, I was on my knees with tears welling up in my eyes. J laid there motionless as John began to put on his clothes. He didn’t really acknowledge my presence as he began gathering up J’s clothes and belongings from the floor. He opened the door, and the noise shocked me back to reality.

    “Bud. If J wants her clothes, I’ll be in the room across the hall. This whole floor is mine for the rest of the night.” Wow. What a prick.

    He shut the lights off, closed the door and I heard his footsteps walk across the hall, a door opening, slamming closed, and then silence. I sat there for the longest time wondering what just happened, how I let that happen, and what we do from here.

    I was absolutely livid at J. But who could I blame but myself for letting this happen and for not giving her what she’s needed for the past two years. Still, I was upset and didn’t want to even look at her or touch her and decided to jut stay there on the floor sulking. Finally, after what was maybe an hour or so, I crawled into bed behind J. She snuggled her back into me and pulled my arm across me and we just lay there.

    “I’m sorry baby.”

    “No. It’s ok, J. Don’t say anything now…”

    I could hear almost regret and sadness in her voice and it killed me.

    “I just don’t know what came over me…it was the alcohol and our sex hasn’t been the best and…oh god i’m so sorry…”

    J was crying now. I let her cry for a while until she ran out of tears.

    “I love you”, I said to her.

    “You do?” She asked almost with a glitter of hope in her eyes.

    “Yes babe.”

    I don’t know what came over me but at that point in time I realized I had a hard on. Apparently so did J because she grabbed it and started slowly stroking.

    “Please babe I’ll do anything for you. Please just forgive me and take me back. It was a mistake and I love you so much.”

    She didn’t know this but she already had me in the palm of her hands. I was still hers and this evening had awoken a part of me that I always knew was there but wasn’t sure about. But now I knew.

    • @thebigideaguyOPM
      21 year ago

      I slowly slid my cock between her legs as she opened them wide. I slowly pushed in. I immediately noticed how warm and wet she was and how there wasn’t any “give” to her. Normally it would feel as if my cock would “pop” into her. Tonight it just felt like a warm mess. I went slow. She didn’t make much noise but she kept kissing me. She kept grinding into me a if she needed more but eventually just slowed and let me thrust into her gently. As I got closer she began egging me on, telling me to come inside of her and reclaim her. That was all I needed to empty myself inside of J, who had just taken the second cock of her evening. I collapsed on J.

      “I love you.”

      “I love you too” and we both drifted asleep.


      In the morning when I woke up, I had a monster headache. I definitely had way too much whiskey and did not hydrate enough. The evening before was all a blur. Had I imagined it? No, I couldn’t have because I was definitely in the hotel room. Then where was J?

      I walked to the bathroom and took a piss. I looked at myself in the mirror.

      “What a mess” I thought to myself. I walked around the penthouse suite, which was massive, looking for J, but couldn’t find her. Finally I look at the door and see it cracked open. My stomach drops.

      I walk to the door and tip toe across the lobby. The lights in the hallway were much brighter than I remembered. The other penthouse door was open too. I walked into the room.

      The first thing I saw was a camera on a tripod. It was pointing towards a couch in the middle of the room. I looked at the bodies on the couch with blurry vision. As my eyes focused, I saw J sitting cowgirl on top of John slowly easing herself onto John’s long, thick cock, which was now glistening with J’s juices for the second time in 12 hours. This time they weren’t going hard, they were going slow and sensual. They were kissing. The pit in my stomach grew.

      “Tell the camera who you belong to, J…”

      Please, J, don’t say it I think to myself. Don’t listen to that prick.

      “Say it, J.” He put his two hands on her ass and began guiding her down now with a little force.

      “Ohhhhh…no–unh–please John, don’t, come on”

      That bastard.

      “Tell that camera who your pussy belongs to, J”. Every time his cock went all the way in, J would let out a deep moan, like she was satisfied. It was something guttural coming from deep within her, almost animalistic.

      “This is what you’ve always wanted. Not your wimp boyfriend. Say it, J.” He wrapped his hands around her throat. That was all J needed.

      “Oh god I’m yours, John, please! My boyfriend doesn’t compare to you, just take me, John—unh—please!”

      John looked at me and smirked. The pit in my stomach sank. John stared at me as he was now slamming J onto his huge cock and she was making those same squealing noises that I heard for the first time last night.

      “Sorry bud” he mouthed. J turned around and saw me and almost motioned to come to me but John just kept pulling her down onto his cock.

      “OH, FUCK, JOHN” she moaned. I lost her.

      I slowly walked out of the room and gathered my things. I got in the elevator as the sound of flesh slapping slowly got further and further away. I never saw J again. She tried to text me a few times but I just never had the heart to respond. I hated her for what she did to me but at the same time, I will always be thankful because that brought out this side of me that I always knew was there. She has a job now at that hospital.

      John somehow got my phone number. He must’ve gotten it from J. He texted me one day and sent that video, I guess as a reminder or to add insult to injury.