• @[email protected]
      1328 months ago

      I don’t get it.

      Why would the cabal, the super influential group secretly controlling all our actions, need a football team to win the superbowl to defeat them, and why would they, in all their Machiavellian wisdom, not have considered the 50% chance event that their football team loses?

      Why would they pick Biden for another term then start WW3? Why not just start it now if that’s what they want and he’s already their puppet? They’ve had 3 years and there’s certainly enough political tinder in the world to start a fire.

      None of this makes any coherent sense.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        You know what, I’ve thought about this some more and the reasoning is clear.

        If the 49ers win, they’ll inadvertantly resurrect Harvey Milk, who will kill JFK (who faked his own death and has been lying in wait), who will then be unable to reclaim the last months of his presidency (his term was never officially ended you know) which he planned to use to restore Donald Trump to power. Harvey Milk will then become president and make heterosexuality illegal and force us to live in 15 minute neighborhoods.

        That must be their angle! They win either way!

        • HonkyTonkWoman
          278 months ago

          There’s one key piece you’re missing, Joe Montana is actually resurrected Harvey Milk & has been this whole time.

          This plan began back when Joe was winning Super Bowls, but Steve Young was an unexpected hiccup. The queer stopped spreading as fast when Joe got traded.

          This Superbowl has been chosen specifically because Montana played for both the Chiefs & the 49ers, & because Joe Montana is also Taylor Swift.

          They were going to do it 4 years ago, but Joe was still Arianna Grande back then.

          It’ll all make sense when Andy Reid eats Travis Kelce during halftime.

          • Chuymatt
            158 months ago

            Unfortunately, this is still tracking easier than whatever that word salad was up above.

        • prowess2956
          138 months ago

          Excuse my ignorance, but is there something going around about 15-minute neighborhoods? Someone pretty kooky mentioned something about that to me just today (in relation to Chattanooga, I think, but I didn’t exactly follow the crazy train of thought). Something about how they’re monitoring everyone and they can’t take more than 100 trips outside that zone or something. I know it’s all nonsense but there’s also usually some tie back into reality.

            • @[email protected]
              118 months ago

              This is how things work now. Every idea we come up with to marginally improve society will be met with completely invented bullshit.

            • prowess2956
              108 months ago

              Thank you for this! I figured it was the usual mix of 1) a term based in reality, 2) a dash of sci-fi / dystopian tale, and 3) a whole ton of crazy.

          • @[email protected]
            118 months ago

            Yeah the conspiratorial right claims they’re a way to trap people into restricted zones 15 minutes across

      • @[email protected]
        218 months ago

        It’s because so much conspiracy theory requires the conspirators to be simultaneously all powerful but hilariously weak and stupid. And all their plans have to be announced and hinted at through pop culture and in ways that are suspiciously similar to popular movies and TV shows as remembered by people with no media literacy.

      • oce 🐆
        58 months ago

        Because they need people not to know until all the stars are aligned and then nobody can stop it anymore! Unless some hero changes the course of history by telling everyone and saves the world!

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago


        Optimistically: they’re just crazy. Some have access to a louder bullhorn than others, but it’s just garden variety insanity.

        Pessimistically: someone has a huge pile of cash riding on the outcome of the game, and is making a Hail Mary pass of their own to sway the outcome.

      • ZeroTemp
        18 months ago

        This is my response to all conspiracy theories. If this deep state cabal is so powerful, and has access to unlimited resources to achieve their agenda, wouldn’t it be easier to just declare martial law and send the deep state army in to drag us all into the streets, point a gun at our heads and say comply or die? Why the theatrics? Is the deep state the Joker? Why not just shoot Batman in the head and be done with it?

    • Sabata11792
      608 months ago

      Trump sycophant Laura Loomer wrote on X that “the Democrats’ Taylor Swift election interference psyop is happening in the open… They are going to use Taylor Swift as the poster child for their pro-abortion GOTV Campaign.”

      This shit sounds like deepfried AI hallucinations, but I know people are actually that dumb.

      • M137
        68 months ago

        And they’ll somehow always find ways to bring you to a loss for words even when you expect the absolutely deepest level of stupidity and craziness you can imagine. These past handful of years have just been a constant shattering of expectations of how dumb and fucked up people manage to be. And 90% of it is coming from right-wing fanatics.

    • @[email protected]
      478 months ago

      millions will die

      Didn’t seem to care about that too much during Covid, not sure why it’s a problem for him now.

    • @[email protected]
      388 months ago

      If the guy is endorsing a team from San Francisco, the capital of libruls and the gay, he must be part of the conspiracy.

      • pachrist
        98 months ago

        Absolutely. If anyone is going to stop socialism, Jewish space lasers, and the San Francisco 49ers, it’s a guy from Kansas with a mustache and his blonde country singer girlfriend.

        Really feels like conservatives picked the wrong side here?

    • @[email protected]
      198 months ago

      Why are there people so convinced that football, or the outcome of any sporting event, matters at all? Like I know that this is just some media manipulators trying to stir people up, but I also fully believe that they will succeed and that the number of people who will find this argument compelling will be depressing (though who knows, maybe humanity will have a pleasant surprise).

    • SuperDuper
      78 months ago

      “You MUST defeat the Chiefs,” O’Handley wrote in an X post addressed to the San Francisco 49ers. “If you don’t, Mr. Pfizer and his girlfriend are going to tour the country as ‘world champions’ helping elect Joe Biden WW3 will likely follow in a 2nd Biden term and millions will die. The fate of the free world rests upon your shoulders”

      But hey, no pressure or anything guys.

    • BarqsHasBite
      8 months ago

      I don’t get it, do the Chiefs have Swift and Kelce as spokespeople or something? Why would they tour with Chiefs, if that’s what they’re saying.

      • JJROKCZ
        168 months ago

        Travis Kelce plays for the chiefs, Taylor and Travis are dating. Taylor is present at many chiefs games and almost surely will be at the Super Bowl. Taylor is very outspoken about the need to vote, rarely if ever says who to vote for but presses the need to have your voice heard. Republicans and other fascists know that their policies are wildly unpopular, especially with the youth, and so hate the idea of anyone encouraging the youth or anyone else to vote and possibly outnumber the hateful citizens that normally vote for republicans

        • BarqsHasBite
          38 months ago

          Had to look up this Kelce fellow. He has earrings? Oh noooo (for right wingers).

  • @RootAccess
    1368 months ago

    I’m continually impressed at how good Joe Biden is at running this vast, secret, deep state network of people rigging everything… while being so bad at anything else.

          • @[email protected]
            38 months ago

            Wait Einstein was Jewish and he knew Schrodinger. It all makes sense now. how can no one else see how obvious it all is. Schrodinger was warning the world about space Lasers when he came up with the paradox of a quantum superposition.


        • @[email protected]
          98 months ago

          And also how Palestinians are simultaneously inferior animals who have to hide on tunnels and at the same time are a powerful cabal that infiltrated all the international agencies to make them antisemites. Fascism is one discourse wearing many disguises.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            I’ve met a bunch of immigrants of all types on construction sites… those people are some of the nicest and hardest working people i’ve ever met. Then I have to work with conservative white men sometimes and… hoo boy. I can’t get off those job sites fast enough 😂

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              On a worksite, you avoid the guys that travel one person to truck and associate with the 6 or 7 guys that pile out of a single truck.

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                Hahaha why is this so accurate? And the shinest, biggest truck usually belongs to the owner or someone high up at the GC company 😂 Bonus points if they stand in a circle and chew (and spit out) dip…

    • @[email protected]
      218 months ago

      My right wing neighbor dropped this conspiracy on me a few months ago, when Kelce and Swift just started dating. His thought was that Kelce had a COVID vaccine commercial, and the government was using him and Swift to reach a broader population of little girls to brainwash them into getting the vaccine for the “fake disease”.

      I haven’t followed up with him on it, but now that the Chiefs are in the Super Bowl, I’m sure he’s doubling down on his crazy conspiracy theory. I guess I shouldn’t say “his” theory. I didn’t realize it at the time, because I don’t mainline Fox News and News Max, but I guess this must have been something my neighbor heard on some crazy show at some point.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    That has to be the lamest conspiracy theory of 2024, and we’re only in January. Strap in, kids. It’s election year and it’s finna be a doozy.

  • @[email protected]
    968 months ago

    Hahahahahahaha bahahahahahaaa. Oh wait… They’re serious. Let me laugh even harder BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHQHAHAH!

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      There’s a Q six letters in. There’s 12 months in a year, which is 6x2. That means THIS YEAR BIDEN RIGGED THE SUPER BOWL! It’s clearly an admission from a secret agent associatied with Q.

      /s just in case it’s needed, because we live in the dumbest of all possible time lines.

      • @[email protected]
        138 months ago

        Careful, every time we say we live in the dumbest possible timeline somebody on the other side says hold my beer.

    • @[email protected]
      378 months ago

      Conservatives are so out of touch that they think that Taylor Swift still needs a platform after a record breaking music tour. If anything, she is the platform that the NFL needs for a female audience, not the other way around.

        • Flying Squid
          48 months ago

          Rachael: Do you like our owl?

          Deckard: It’s artificial?

          Rachael: Of course it is.

          Deckard: Must be expensive.

          Rachael: Very.

          I can’t even afford an artificial owl. :(

    • purplexed
      68 months ago

      I’m almost certain she can just buy a Superbowl now

    • GladiusB
      158 months ago

      Are there any shady commercials of products that I can buy before 11?

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        78 months ago

        I’ll sell you the rights to buy pluerpen coin at half its actual value when it is released next month. That’s a whole 50% off, and it’ll almost certainly go up in value one million percent the first week. This is totally a very legit and real coin that will displace Bitcoin. So, how many coins do you want to buy? With your 50% discount they’re only $37,000 per coin. Should I put you down for 5?

  • @[email protected]
    648 months ago

    when I was reading 1984 a few years back it occurred to to me that the main character is trapped in his own hell. he tells you how he is dependent on big brother for everything, even his opinion. But his temptation and love and freedom cause his downfall. His handler even knows he will one day fall into the snare. And when they break him, they do so with simple lies that he is forced to believe, because its all that he has left.

    But its not big government that is keeping him trapped. He could leave his life and become a prole but his fear is too great. And he returns to the party even when he knows its his doom.

    The conservatives are trapped in this same hell cycle. Brought on by themselves. And they fear that leaving the party so much so that they will harm anyone else who tires.

    • pachrist
      268 months ago

      Sounds like 1984 is about to get banned South of the Mason Dixon. Can’t have these liberal, Yankee views corrupting the youth.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      You say this as if liberals aren’t caught in the same trap.

      Just because conservatives are rotted doesn’t mean they’re the only ones

      Not much critical thinking goes on in the United States, regardless of party. Which prevents the development of any understanding of material conditions or structural oppression

      The definition of neoliberalism:

      "Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology that emphasizes the value of free market capitalism, minimal state intervention in the economy, and the importance of individual entrepreneurial freedoms. Central to neoliberalism is the belief that open markets, free trade, and the unrestricted flow of capital are the best means to achieve economic growth and societal prosperity.

      Historically, neoliberalism gained prominence in the late 20th century, particularly under the leadership of figures like Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the US. This period marked a significant shift from Keynesian economics, which advocated for stronger government intervention in the economy, to a model favoring deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and a reduced role for government in social welfare.

      The impact of neoliberalism has been global, influencing economic policies across various countries. It led to the liberalization of international trade and finance, the proliferation of free trade agreements, and the globalization of economic activities. However, it has also been critiqued for increasing income inequality, contributing to social disparities, and exacerbating environmental degradation due to its focus on economic growth and efficiency over social and ecological concerns."

      • @[email protected]
        518 months ago

        Yeah, those damn liberals and their… Summer school lunch programs… And not wanting kids to get cut to ribbons in the Rio Grande… And wanting to assure access to healthcare, no matter who you are or your gender expression, or if you want safe access to an abortion… And want to end systemic racism…

        Yeah, you’re right - both sides are the same. /S

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          While I’d join your side here, the term “neoliberalism” does not refer to a contemporary form of liberalism but, rather, has been coined to mean, roughly: “unchecked capitalism, privatization of services and reduction of state-run programs.”

          For what it’s worth, I find it an incredibly poorly chosen term, since there is no relation to liberalism (liberalism as in “live and let live, personal freedoms, tolerance”). If liberal-bashing wasn’t so popular, it could as well have been called “neoconservatism” since it was Reagan and his ilk that pushed this kind of economics.

          Or it could just be tucked under the umbrella of libertarianism.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Yeah, I caught that a bit too late. I agree wholeheartedly that it sounds a heck of a lot like libertarianism, and that it’s intentionally conflated into neoliberalism purposefully to bash the liberal “brand” (?). And this poster’s propensity for both-sides arguing kind of confirms that for me.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          Maybe you should Google neoliberalism. You seem to be unaware of what it is and what it has done to social democracy

          • YeetPics
            128 months ago

            Summer school lunch programs and restricting kids from getting sliced up in a booby trapped river.

            All this and more on neoliberalism today.

            Seriously if that’s what we have to watch out for sign me up. I back social protections all damn day.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              The erosion of all social programs has occurred under neoliberalism. The reason that things are the way they are is because of neoliberal policies that have been in place for the past 50 years. The reason that school lunch is as weak as it is is because of neoliberalism’s successful war against the New Deal and its destruction of American social democracy.

              In case you legitimately don’t know what the term neoliberalism means, which you may not because the United States’ propaganda has grossly distorted the meaning of the word “liberal”:

              "Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology that emphasizes the value of free market capitalism, minimal state intervention in the economy, and the importance of individual entrepreneurial freedoms. Central to neoliberalism is the belief that open markets, free trade, and the unrestricted flow of capital are the best means to achieve economic growth and societal prosperity.

              Historically, neoliberalism gained prominence in the late 20th century, particularly under the leadership of figures like Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the US. This period marked a significant shift from Keynesian economics, which advocated for stronger government intervention in the economy, to a model favoring deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and a reduced role for government in social welfare.

              The impact of neoliberalism has been global, influencing economic policies across various countries. It led to the liberalization of international trade and finance, the proliferation of free trade agreements, and the globalization of economic activities. However, it has also been critiqued for increasing income inequality, contributing to social disparities, and exacerbating environmental degradation due to its focus on economic growth and efficiency over social and ecological concerns."

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  Its not semantics to name and recognize the ideology and platform of the Western ruling class for the past 50 years

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                If you think Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher supported any form of liberalism you are seriously, seriously out of touch with reality. I don’t know if you lived through those times or not, but I did and there was not a shred of liberalism anywhere near the vicinity of those two individuals.

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher are the poster children of neoliberalism.

                  Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology that emerged in the latter half of the 20th century. It advocates for free-market capitalism with minimal state intervention. Key tenets of neoliberalism include deregulation of industries, privatization of state-owned enterprises, reduction of government spending, particularly on social welfare, and the promotion of free trade.

                  Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, although nominally politically conservatives, implemented policies that strongly align with neoliberalism:

                  1. Market Liberalization: Both Reagan and Thatcher aggressively pursued market liberalization policies. They reduced government regulation in several key industries, believing that an unregulated market would be more efficient and beneficial for economic growth.

                  2. Privatization: Thatcher’s government notably privatized several state-owned enterprises in the UK, including British Telecom and British Gas. Similarly, Reagan’s administration promoted privatization in various sectors, shifting responsibilities from the government to private entities.

                  3. Tax Policy: Both leaders implemented significant tax reforms, reducing the tax burden, especially for businesses and higher-income individuals. This approach reflects a neoliberal belief in stimulating investment and economic growth through lower taxes.

                  4. Reduction in Social Welfare Spending: Both Thatcher and Reagan cut government spending on social welfare programs. This aligns with the neoliberal view that too much state provision can stifle individual initiative and market efficiency.

                  In the context of economic and political ideologies, “liberalism” can have different meanings. In the classical sense, it refers to a philosophy emphasizing individual freedoms, limited government, and free markets. This classical liberalism aligns with some aspects of neoliberalism, such as the emphasis on free markets. However, in modern American political discourse, “liberal” often denotes a preference for more government intervention in the economy, social welfare, and progressive social policies, which is somewhat at odds with both classical liberalism and neoliberalism.

                  Therefore, while Reagan and Thatcher were politically conservative, their economic policies were liberal in the classical sense and distinctly neoliberal. They emphasized free-market capitalism and reduced government intervention, aligning with the core principles of neoliberalism.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      8 months ago

      Taylor should start her own Fediverse instance

      Edit: Get Margot Robbie to help out since she’s already been here, ostensibly

    • muse
      208 months ago

      Fairly certain Musk is not playing 5d chess and this is just a lovely coincidence for him

    • @[email protected]
      378 months ago

      Because there’s a chance trump and the good guys can defeat the forces of evil and un-rig the SuperBowl

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      They probably will bet on it.

      How does that dispute their underlying point?

      Also, I very much doubt that NFL game fixing is so hard to believe. The United States has a strong history of game fixing in all of its nationally popular athletic leagues. From boxing to baseball. (Say it ain’t so, Joe)

      So we should not be surprised at the possibility that the NFL would do the same thing, particularly after happily integrating gambling into their entire product at an unprecedented rate over the past 5 years.



      Regardless, this is legitimately the most important presidential election in US history. Trump’s victory would destroy the United States. Given that, it would be malpractice for the American and Western intelligence agencies not to utilize the most watched 3.5 hours of 2024 American television to diminish Trump and boost his opponents.

      I hope that Taylor Swift/The Chiefs are a psychological operation of our intelligence agencies. Our agencies need to be doing things like that to ensure Trump loses. Because if he wins then The West will end. And I have to live here in The West, so I would prefer that it didn’t end.

      • tmyakal
        188 months ago

        Wait, so you’re hoping that the American government is covertly manipulating the roughly 1 in 3 Americans who watch the Superbowl expressly to retain the incumbents power because it means we’d avoid a fascist autocracy?

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Yes, because the alternative would be even worse

          I fully agree that our current system is incredibly broken though. It’s just that Trump, and the Heritage Foundations Project 2025, etc, would make things drastically worse than they already are

          We aren’t a meaningfully “free” country, at least not by any charitable definition. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get worse. We can, and we will if Trump wins

          • miak
            38 months ago

            But if you become a monster just so you can destroy a monster, have you really accomplished anything worthwhile?

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Depends how bad the other monster was, I suppose.

              Becoming Tony Soprano as a means of stopping Sauron, for instance, would likely be worth it.

              Here, the combined intelligence agencies of the West appear to think that Trump is an existential threat to Western civilization. If they’re correct about that then I guess that justifies rigging the Super Bowl. Especially when you consider that there are significantly worse things (Gaza Genocide) going on right now. To say nothing of the bad things that they/we did in the past

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          The officiating has been historically horrific this year. Multiple objectively wrong calls have been made or have been missed that have had game altering implications.

          Players themselves don’t need to be on the take. The officiating is all that needs to be altered to ensure games reach the desired outcome. And the NFLs officiating process is about as untransparent as it gets

          At minimum, the league needs to be investigated for fixing games to enrich itself and its partners. But maybe a nonprosecution agreement was reached between the nfl and federal government wherein the nfl agreed to allow Taylor Swift and others to be used in certain ways to assist Biden and diminish Trump. If I was the Western Intelligence State that’s exactly what I’d do - blackmail the most watched product in the United States into cooperating to protect the country from Trump.

          This is more important than “the integrity of the NFL.” This is about preventing the United States from being utterly dismantled by our adversaries, and utilizing any means necessary to achieve that result

  • @[email protected]
    578 months ago

    Why would the Superbowl need to be rigged for her to do this? Everything the woman does is already reported and televised everywhere.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      The theory is that it needs to be rigged so that the Chiefs are in the super bowl because she is linked to Chiefs player Travis Kelce. So Kelce playing in the Super Bowl gives her a very plausible reason for being there and for being heavily featured with him

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        I get that. What I’m saying is it doesn’t matter. She’s got media attention 24/7 if she wants to say something. Anyone who would be swayed by her is already listening.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          But it would look weird if she was there and heavily featured and the Chiefs weren’t playing. This result makes it look much more “natural” which makes it easier for the public to accept and not question (“She’s his gf, of course she’s there! And if she just happened to endorse Biden/diminish Trump at or after being heavily featured on the most watched tv program of the year by far then that’s just a coincidence!”)

          The point is that this introduces her to a mainstream American audience in the most “natural” way possible. Which then allows her to persuade the public throughout the rest of the year because we all will feel like we already “know” her. Plenty of people already “know” her, of course. But we don’t need to reach those people. We need to reach the undecided and out of touch Americans in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona - and we do that by using the Super Bowl as a political branding opportunity with our cleancut and All-American characters of Taylor Swift and her classy bf Travis Kelce.

          It’s pretty simple marketing/branding/persuasion. Not even the most complicated marketing effort that she herself has been involved in.

          • @[email protected]
            88 months ago

            But they don’t need the super bowl for that. She could go outside wearing a Biden t-shirt and it’d be plastered all over everyone’s screens in 20 minutes. Going to the effort of rigging the Superbowl to get Taylor Swift in front of people is just unnecessary. The work is already done for you.

            • @[email protected]
              48 months ago

              The people you’re trying to reach are the people who would never hear about her wearing a shirt like that.

              You need uneducated swing voters in swing states. Aka, people who perpetually have their head in the sand. Using the Super Bowl is one of the only ways to reach those people and is one of the only remaining artifacts of the monoculture

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                Why would they give a shit about Taylor Swift’s opinion if they’re not already aware of her?

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  Why do people currently give a shit about Taylor Swift’s opinion if they used to be unaware of her?

                  The goal is the spread her influence and encourage more Americans to follow her. Particularly women, who are more likely to support Swift and Democrats anyway

                  I don’t think any of this, if true, is bad btw. It’s how “free and fair” elections have always worked in the United States, or at least for the past 60 years. And it’s worth it if it means Trump does not win

                  Doesn’t mean we should pretend that our government doesn’t regularly do things like this though


      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Haven’t the chiefs been in 3 of the last 4 SBs? They’re a strong team, it’s not much of a surprise.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          They’re genuinely not a strong team this year. They have no passcatchers outside of Kelce and their rb is a 7th rounder. Obviously Mahomes is good, but that’s about it. They’re the weakest they’ve been since this dynasty began, which is partially because they’ve had weak draft picks from all of their recent success.

          So it strains credulity a bit that they’re in the super bowl again given this team. San Francisco should destroy them without much of an issue - we’ll see if that’s in the script though

    • @[email protected]
      68 months ago

      He stil cum bak. We juss git dat and time rong. U will see. He cum back wit Jesus may b. U wood never even no be cause u librools cant see real trooth.

      Thank u, god bless.