Hi! As someone who doesn’t use flashlights often at all I’m quite curious how often you actually use flashlights. Are they like an everyday carry?
I carry 3 (different uses) plus spare batteries in the bag that goes almost everywhere with me (especially to work for night-shift).
I use them on average about 3-4 times a week and often in places/environments that using a phone would destroy it or require a thorough decontamination.
@ouigol I work in live video for live events, I often need to look into dark backstage, dark technical cases and often work night time. I used to have a headlamp, then I bought a angleable magnetic flashlight to light up the back of trucks while load-in or load-out, or just general dark backstage. Working in video, I was not a fan of shitty light quality, so I progressively upgraded thanks to r/flashlight.
Hourly when I’m at work and daily when I’m at home or out and about.
Every day…
Headlamp while I give the cats dinner every night.
Torch or headlamp to see in my car’s boot (Subaru Forester - completely shit boot light).
And many many more regular uses…
Daily. In my own house. And not just to see what the cats are doing at 3am.