Present day
Present Time!
Ha ha ha ha!
90s too
🎵I don’t think you understand … 🎵
A shame you seemed an honest man.
And all the fears you hold so dear
I always assume people online are just chat bots and I’m all alone
I’m like 98% sure there’s no such thing as a smartphone. That was just roughly when my brain broke and this is still just a phone that can only make direct calls.
Wonder if it has something to do with this
deleted by creator
ungang ungang
Ill save this for the next time somone want… oh…
can we meet?
I can actually relate to this lol
I am very much an Internet person.
Hello fellow internet person. I am one of you.
There are dozens of us!
I’ll meet you all at Cyberia later kay?
The dream
What is this image from? I like the art style
Serial Experiments Lain, a surrealist psychological techno-horror anime
That checks a lot of boxes
Highly recommend, you’re in for a ride. Enjoy!
Instagram illusion
But i’m your only fan!
Present Day!
Present Time!