Obviously, we all love James, but is there anyone else you subscribe to?
Personally, I watch Lance Hedrick. I like what he does, but his vids tend to be super nerdy, so might not be everyone’s cup of tea
I personally like @morgandrinkscoffee. They often have interesting ideas for coffee drinks.
I do enjoy her work. She’s also won some awards too.
for the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/@morgandrinkscoffee
Of course if you’re watching James, you must also be watching Hames
Hames Joffmann, the number one Coffee youtuber. Also, remember to enable the subtitles if you’re into IPA.
Well, I didn’t know these existed, and now I’m forced to waste the next several hours watching them. Thanks.
Thanks. I’m not sure I’m serious enough for a regular series of coffee but on first look:
- he’s very personable and entertaining
- compilation video on fruitiness was hilarious
- taste test winner Tim Hortons? Wtf, definitely not the same as my taste, apologies to the Canucks in here.
If you weren’t already watching James Hoffman, then Hames Joffman may not be the place to start… the latter is an unauthorised parody account, although apparently James is aware and not bothered
It’s authorized! Hames reached out and got James’s consent to publish the parodies. On his subreddit he even endorsed the channel, and in one of the longer Q&A youtube videos he mentioned Hames as well and even posted the link.
James seems to be a good guy all through.
James Hoffman is inevitable
I really love watching ARAMSE and Brian Quan, they have a lot of knowledge about coffee and are very entertaining at the same time.
I also enjoy watching The Real Sprometheus. He is more focused on espresso hardware, which is a topic that doesn’t really interest me that much, but I still find his videos interesting.
My friend, you are one of today’s lucky 10,000. Check out James Hoffman. He’s great!
James Hoffman
This looks amazing!! I’m going ~~waste ~~invest so much time on his stuff.
World champion barista James Hoffmann
Very expressive, with his posh British accent, and seems very respectable.
On the other hand, the phrase “coffee snob” comes to mind.
Not that this is a problem with Mr. Hoffmann alone, but with the whole internet coffee discussion.
For most of us, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with supermarket pre-ground coffee.
There’s no real need to buy beans roasted within the last hour to gently spoon into a USD$300 coffee grinder to get a decent cup of joe.
If I want to know what supermarket brands are decent, I shouldn’t be ridiculed for not approaching peak coffee.
Emilee Bryant is worth a shout, they used to do mainly latte art videos but have branched out over their recent uploads.
This is excellent! Thank you for sharinf