As an Australian, no we didn’t. We just had it put in context. Jews around the world are great people, the Israeli government and the hardline supporters are absolute monsters. I hope the Australian government tells them as much. Israel deserves no support and everything that may happen when it’s withdrawn.

  • @[email protected]
    585 months ago

    Why are we even allied with israel if this is how they treat us. They are like the your most abusive gaslighting ‘friend’.

    • unfnknblvbl
      235 months ago

      “somebody was mean to us eighty years ago, so we can do whatever we want now”

      (Yes I know antisemitism predates the holocaust by millennia. Shh)

      • @[email protected]
        195 months ago

        It would be a victim complex if they actually believed their stance, but it’s really just a classic case of the abused becoming the abuser… or, more accurately, the genocided becoming the genocider.

        • @[email protected]
          95 months ago

          No one that was in the Holocaust is in any kind of position of power in Israel, which makes it even more pathologically disturbing.

          • @[email protected]
            75 months ago

            They were for most of Israels history, and they taught the current gen both nationalism, and how to treat the “others”.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      It’s a Guardian article. The Guardian has had Headlines that are incredibly biased against Israel for at at least a few decades now. The trick to reading biased news outlets like the Guardian is to focus mostly on the quotes, and completely ignore inflammatory headlines.

      “The UN and many of its member states, including Australia, voted for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza that would only help Hamas to reorganize – a resolution that again failed to condemn Hamas, and again failed to call for the release of all hostages,” Maimon wrote on X on Friday.”

      “Now, listening to the most recent remarks by Australian officials, it seems that Hamas’s culpability has been forgotten – along with the fate of tens of thousands of displaced Israelis and the starvation of Israeli hostages in Gaza."

      When you call for a ceasefire you should recognize that both sides have to agree to it. Basic diplomacy, don’t make out one side as being the bad guy if you want them to agree to something.

      Hamas is holding civilians hostages (which is a war crime), but countries are demanding a ceasefire in way that makes Israel out as being evil.

      It’s a “have you stopped beating your wife?” kind of thing. Putting someone into a situation where no matter what their answer is, they’re in the wrong.

      Imagine you were being held hostage in the underground lair of some psychopaths, being tortured and raped for months. Your government was doing everything thing they could to get you out. Then some countries that hate you and your country demand they stop. Would you want your government to listen to people that hate you and everyone else in your country?

      Calls for a ceasefire that don’t even mention the hostage situation are not serious diplomatic efforts. They’re just political moves, playing for the home crowd, playing for the social media crowd.

    • DdCno1
      95 months ago

      The ruling that said nothing more than to ask Israel to behave? Why would a distraction from this even be necessary?

      • @[email protected]
        115 months ago

        Because people might ask why the ICJ even felt the need to direct Israel to follow the law…

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        This distraction give Israel an excuse now why they haven’t resumed shipment of food, fuel, medicine, and water.

        The court said they had to resume aid and within hours they come out with accusations against the agency tasked with getting aid into the country. Now other countries are cutting funding to UNRWA and being complicit in genocide. Israel is getting more accomplices in the genocide which will incentivize more countries to side against the Palestinians because now they might get added to the case as aiding the settler colonialist genocide government.

    • DarkGamer
      35 months ago

      Because two separate events can’t happen without it being a conspiracy evidently.

  • Jaysyn
    5 months ago

    Hamas didn’t make Israel constantly lie to their allies.

    Hamas didn’t make Israel’s leaders call this a “holy war”.

    Hamas didn’t make Israel commit multiple war crimes.

  • BNE
    225 months ago

    Australia still supports Israel to the hilt. Settler-colonies prop each other up.

    Don’t fall for this.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      Fascists think that people being born in a place isn’t as important as what history books say the ethnic makeup of a place was in the past.

      Don’t fall for this.

      Most Australians were born in Australia. The people alive today didn’t do the things you’re accusing them of.

      We should learn from history not use it to create grievances in an effort to make people hate. Yes bad things happened in history, like for example the colonization of Australia. We should not repeat those mistakes. But those mistakes can’t be undone so there’s no use in being angry over them. But we can avoid doing those mistakes. Trying to get revenge for historical wrongs committed by past generations is one of those mistakes.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      oh I know. it’s humiliating and I hate it. it’s nice to see this rebuke at all, it means we’re not being quite so disgusting.

    • @[email protected]
      245 months ago

      thank you, honestly nearly deleted it because I felt like it wasn’t exactly impartial but it’s been so upsetting watching it happen. they’re acting like absolute demons, any pretence that Hamas’s actions justify any of this went out the window months ago.

      • @[email protected]
        175 months ago

        Exactly. When a bully gives you a black eye, murdering their entire family and burning their house down is not the appropriate response.

      • @[email protected]
        95 months ago

        I started this conflict in full support of Israel right to protect itself- wars shit and people (including civilians) die, especially when your opponents hide in civilians protected areas.

        But the response is well out of proportion for what they need to do to protect themselves. You don’t need to level blocks and civilians deaths need to be minimized.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Israel are horrible, (Jewish people are nice and horrible, like everyone else) but saying civilians deserve to when they lose funding is just as bad. That’s effectively what you’re saying when you say they deserve whatever happens. We need less violence, not more.

  • @[email protected]
    195 months ago

    I know there’s still bots and astroturfers out there, but shit, you really don’t see as much pro-Israel sentiment any more.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      Bluntly - step outside lemmy and you’ll see plenty.

      There’s little point for even trying to discuss it here - that died with the stickied post about the ICJ ruling and a mod who joined in rather than preventing hate speech.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        No. Pro-Israel sentiment has definitely lowered. Lots of people are still complaining about the increase of antisemitism. Which is true, bigots are using Israel as an excuse to be arseholes, not that that is anything new really.

  • InfiniteGlitch
    5 months ago

    Hamas being the wrong one? Certainly but they did NOT start it.

    You, Israel did start it certainly. 1948, stealing the land, illegal settlements, driving 750 000 Palestinian out and murdering many. Not to forget the Apartheid that’s been going on ever since then.

    1987 Hamas was created purely because of all what happened in these years. When peaceful revolution is not possible, violent revolution is inevitable.

    Yes. What Hamas did and probably still is doing - is wrong.

    It is also wrong what Israel has been doing ever since they became a “state”, an illegal state.

    The land, the country belongs to the Palestinians. An occupier cannot become its owner.

    You (Israel) is just as (if not worse) bad as Hamas. You the one who is killing thousands upon thousands of people. Genocide.

    That many countries refuse to acknowledge that an actual genocide is happening, does not mean that it is not happening - because it is happening.

  • Zellith
    115 months ago

    Stand amongst the dead innoconts and ask the ghosts if culpability matters.

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    Apparently declaring Hamas as a terrorist group and putting sanctions on the leaders and facilitators aren’t being considered

  • AutoTL;DRB
    45 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, also fired a political warning shot against resuming the funding but Australian aid groups said the dire situation in Gaza would “rapidly escalate without UNRWA’s critical support”.

    The aid groups implored the government to “be judicious and discriminate between allegations against a small number of individuals and the foreseeable impact of defunding UNRWA on millions of Palestinians reliant on their services, including children”.

    A spokesperson for Wong said the foreign affairs minister had “acted entirely within the law” in responding to a “dire humanitarian situation” while Dutton was “focused on making false and exaggerated claims for a cheap political hit”.

    But aid groups wrote to Albanese and Wong on Friday warning that the “dire situation in Gaza will rapidly escalate without UNRWA’s critical support, with 2 million Palestinians facing starvation, imminent famine, and disease outbreak”.

    The Acfid chief executive, Marc Purcell, said the Australian government should consider “the allegations against a small number of the agency’s 13,000 employees in the context of the catastrophic consequences of withholding life-saving aid to Palestinian civilians, including children”.

    The letter also called on the Australian government to express public support for the International Court of Justice’s decision last week to order urgent provisional measures to limit harm to Palestinian civilians, in response to South Africa’s case against Israel under the Genocide Convention.

    The original article contains 938 words, the summary contains 223 words. Saved 76%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!