• Marimfisher@burggit.moe
    2 years ago

    Holy wall of text, Batman! Dude seems like he’s cracking under the pressure of what I can only assume is intense scrutiny from all the whinging on/from other instances. Now for the post itself.

    Banning excessive racism and general hate, sure, advertising (spam), sure, calls/plans for violence, sure, pro-pedophilia posts, sure I guess, really depends on what they define as “pro-pedophilia,” seeing as they have de-federated us, probably the limp-dick “anything that can be construed as a child is pedophilia”, and a few things that are just him repeating himself, except the… Patriot act? Why the Patriot Act? Guess he’s including money laundering? Terrorism is covered by the plans for violence, so idk what he’s on about. Weird choice whatever.

    Bunch of stuff that appears to be venting about whiners constantly whining about his criticisms/disgust for certain individuals/actions that so happen to be part of/involve the whiner’s pet demographic/groups.

    He’s here to debate/argue, and as a minority opinion he’s getting more than he bargained for I guess?

    And finally the last half of the post is just “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend” which is nice, but nobody he’s arguing with/being denounced by will accept that. He’s gotta just deal with the fact that anyone who doesn’t like his opinion is going to pigeon-hole him into whatever evil demographic they can come up with in an attempt to discredit him via ad hominem, and failing that, a slew of red herrings and demands for signals of virtue to distract from whatever he was talking about. Welcome to the new internet, the fanatics will never take a debate in good faith, figure out how to work around that as a minority opinion.