My fave.
Thing is, I use Linux cuz it allows to have simplicity and convenience where those things are of value to me.
Not having an online always connected local user account is simplicity to me.
Having file permissions changeable with a simple command rather than having to fuck about a ui and registry is simplicity to me.
Having an os that’s under my control is convenient for me.
Having a user interface that suits my wants/needs and has ample options for customization is convenient for me.
Don’t worry guys, I know how to fix this. I’ll just create another package manager!! That should do it
I like Linux, I hate the app names. It’s confusing as hell, especially if you are looking for some app that functions the way you imagine, then they name something weird like Nautilus instead of file explorer lmao.
For some reason people get all ways extra fabulous when they make open source Software and need a fancy name instead of a great descriptive one…
Or they could name it atleast nautilus the file explorer or something.
lol, thaat is so true. It’s never just “File Explorer”, is it?
It doesn’t exactly help that there’s like 5-10 of each kind of thing.
For me personally, having 5-10 of everything is good. I find what I like the best and you find what you like best. It can make extra work, but if you subtract out all the time I’d spend fighting the windows UI or looking at ads and “recommended content”, I think we may actually come out on the better end of things.
While it can be great for an end-user, it’s a nightmare of tech support. It’s just another reason why Linux will never be commonly used on PCs. It also leads to some applications missing critical features because there are three other programs like it, vying for the attention of programmers. For example, there are three applications for making it easier to run Windows applications on Linux - Lutris, PlayonLinux, and Bottles. Personally, I prefer Lutris, but it isn’t always great about automatically installing dependencies, though it probably doesn’t help that there are like a hundred Linux distributions.
I disagree that its a reason why linux will never be used commonly. Windows and macos both have the same issue and its never made things over complicated.
I still remember thinking, “wtf is a nano and why should i sudo it?”
I was a linux noob back in the day and was looking for a video converter or something but then the app is called handbrake lmao.
No lie, it’s got to the point that it’s more convenient to use Linux. Windows has become very intrusive with trying to help, privacy issue landmines you have to navigate, it’s not unpleasant to use Windows. It’s just more work to do it.
The windows 11 settings menus are complete abominations, and the search function is about as much help as just screaming what you’re looking for at the screen.
I think the big difference is that linux actually has tools and communities to help you fix your problem. It’s just that linux’s tools (and their communities) aren’t always the most friendly
deleted by creator
Never heard of chocolatey eh?
Chocolatey is … meh. Better than nothing I guess. Now WinGet is an official MS tool, not to bad, but not much in the repo either.
I use chocolatey on Windows when I’m on windows, the slight issue is a lot of stuff just isn’t on it. That’s rare for me on my main OS where everything is on pacman or the AUR.
Oh I use arch btw.
As a disclaimer, I didn’t make this myself, and I lovingly use Linux for all my computing needs.
But when I selfhost nextcloud to avoid google, or use proton, I am aware that I don’t allways choose the easy way.
I am aware that I don’t allways choose the easy way.
We don’t do it because it’s easy, we do it because we thought it would be easy.
I feel personally attacked.
I moved away from w10 to Ubuntu back when it still used Unity as it’s DE. I found it delightfully simple to use and I loved that it was so different from windows, because I hated my experience with w10. It was clunky, unpolished and just a shitty experience in general. The only thing that I found difficult was when I tried to install VERY niche software by compiling it from the source code. The rest of it just worked out of the box. I didn’t even have to use the terminal to install programs, I just used the GUI installer that came preinstalled.
Now, I use debian. And that’s a different story. I still don’t have wifi or Bluetooth.
Simplicity lol… Functionality lol… CONVINCE LMAO…
Man the Unix on my Fridge is more convenient and simple than windoof, and it works unless there is a power outage!
I upvoted this meme, but to be fair, I often feel like it’s more certain Linux developers that don’t like (or understand) simplicity and convenience rather than the users. Users that migrate to more simple distros like Mint, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. generally get to have a pretty simple experience.
I was on Linux Mint with Cinnamon for almost a year at one point because I was tired of Windows giving me problems, and was able to handle it because I wasn’t really playing games during that time. Only had to leave because I got sick of trying to get my games to work through WINE because back then, it was actually difficult and not like nowadays with Proton and Steam Deck. I still got World of Warcraft working though, oddly enough.
This meme was made by not a real Linux user actually.
Things that are simple are often not simple to use. Things that are simple to use are often complex. Although, hammers also exist so it’s not exactly an universal rule…
And hammers are also the best tool to deal with a Windows machine!
Meme creator has obviously never used Linux Mint.
Apparently Windows users just want something that never works, is unsupportable, and required re-installation 3 times a year.
I love simplicity. This is why I use Linux. Its just simpler to get simple Software that does just one thing and that good.
And I love tinkering with my os.
I disagre. But don’t want to downvote.
I disagree, and I will downvote.