Pretty much in the title. Maybe you wouldn’t even use it, but would like to simply see it exist for the sake of having a federated alternative.

For me, it’d be the following:

  • LinkedIn
  • Meetup
  • Tiktok

I am on the first two, but would prefer a federated alternative. I’m not on Tiktok, but would like to see a federated alternative.

I’ll admit these might not be a good idea. But as a thought experiment, I’d be curious about the community weigh in on what you all think this might look like.

    • Pup Biru
      135 months ago

      grindr in particular would be tricky! the location data has to be kept safe from bulk collection and targeting, but public for limited queries

      it also has to update fairly quickly

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Maybe base it on IP, it’s not like that sort of data is private either way, and gives you a general location I feel

        • Pup Biru
          35 months ago

          IP is still information you don’t want falling into just anyone’s hands… the issue is you don’t want a big list of people, locations, and “dating” metadata all gathered in a single place - ESPECIALLY if that information includes things like sexual orientation, and in the case of grindr, HIV status etc

  • KptnAutismus
    155 months ago

    youtube would be a big one.

    big creators could run a bot which just uploads their videos on it.

    although monetization would be a difficult one, FOSS users aren’t fond of subscriptions. (at least that’s my impression)

    made even worse by the insane costs of video hosting/streaming.

  • @[email protected]
    125 months ago

    Gitlab. It isn’t a social network but federating instances could be really powerful if done right.

  • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ
    105 months ago

    Pinterest, their recommendation algorithm is so good , and scary the more you learn about tech and how things can be used against you, it’s impossible to take advantage of that service without letting it learn more about you ( based on your saved pins and interactions ), it’s just how it works, and it works it’s just there’s no transparency or ethics involved, they sell your data

    So a FOSS alternative would be awesome, there’s Pinry but it’s self hosted

  • bluGill
    95 months ago

    Facebook. The part where I can share pictures of my kids withethe grandparents, without all the other things facebook does. The important part is if I don’t know you, then you can’t see the pictures as they are private.

  • @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    None. I’d like them all to stay away in their own walled gardens. If I want to interact with them, I will, otherwise they can go away.

    • z3rOR0neOP
      15 months ago

      To have a federated alternative to Tik Tok. It’s that simple. I guess a bit deeper would be to peel users off of Tik Tok to have a more privacy respecting, decentralized alternative.