I’ve gotten quite used to moving into Lakeview Manor from all of my various vanilla runs in the past, but I’ve now been modding for a while now and I still haven’t settled on a new place to move into, so I figured I’d ask what everyone here is using!
The Legacy of the Dragonborn Safehouse is a recommendation that I often see and that I’ve tried out, and it’s nice, but I’m still poking around because there’s a couple of details that are still misaligned with what I’m looking for. Firstly, the flavoring of the home is more that you’re essentially borrowing it than that it’s yours, and I’d prefer to occupy a place that feels more like a home than just a sparkling condominium. And secondly, the layout in some spots feels utilitarian to the point that it takes away from my immersion. The mage crafting stations and the blacksmithing stations being in the same room is practical, but I’d really rather have one room for blacksmith things and another room for magical wizard things. Perhaps even multiple different magical wizard rooms. With all of the interactive features and wonderful follower patches available for the Safehouse, I can still see it being a place I go back to frequently, but it feels more like a social hub to me than a proper home.
Tel Jerdein is another incredibly nice mod that I was made better aware of due to the follower Xelzaz getting a small interaction patch for it. It is incredibly pretty, and combined with the tree mod Aspens Ablaze, the atmosphere of the location is breathtaking. And in this case, the mage bits are separate from the smithy bits, which is a nice plus. In this case, however, I have a different reason why I haven’t decided to settle down. It’s small! I can’t help but feel a little bit cramped in it, even with as beautiful as the place is. And similarly to the Safehouse, Tel Jerdein has its own lore which makes me feel, roleplay wise, as though the place will be missed eventually. I’ve become quite taken with the idea of it being a house for Xelzaz, but I’d rather find someplace a bit bigger and less called for to truly take as my own.
I also tried the Staff of Shalidor at one point, because despite being even smaller than Tel Jerdein, I figured that the mobile house aspect might be practical, and all the images that I saw of it were also quite pretty. The gimmick of flipping upside-down in order to access each half of the house was also incredibly clever. Sadly, I ended up uninstalling it due to one problem that I never could have foreseen: the spinning background inside of the house gave me motion sickness.
Personally, I’m quite picky, so I’m still looking for the exact place I want to set my roots down in, but in addition to still seeing two of the three I listed above as worth keeping in my load order, all of the things I see as drawbacks in these three homes are highly subjective to the point that they could just as easily either not matter or actively be positives to someone else, so I was very careful to provide links to each of them. I’m sure folks have tried plenty of other house mods that I haven’t, however, and I’d be quite curious to hear about them as well!
Who knows, perhaps one of us in this thread will find our Skyrim dream home?
Oh boy, I have a lot that I tend to use, it depends on the playthrough but I do have a small stock of player homes I keep for any playthrough occasion!
This part of the list is some of my more favorite player house mods that I’ve used often.
Leaf Rest SSE by Aukmat/mnikjom Side note about this one, to get the key you may need to TCL into the mailbox.
Cynn’s Honeyside Redone by Cynndal
Cynn’s Vlindrel Hall by Cynndal
Assassin’s Sanctuary by K13RAN64 It’s not subtle, but sometimes you just need an edgy manor house.
~Honorable Mentions~
These are my less-used player homes I have but ones I still adore regardless.
Crypt of the Old Guard by ToggleAI
Unique Vampire Dens by Gonkish
The Northern Star Retreat Revised by ArchimageKhan
I have a couple more but this is already a pretty long list, I was also going to add Tel Jerdein but saw you already had it mentioned as well. :)
I have only recently discovered Leaf Rest and It’s probably my new favorite home.
Same honestly, I’ve only used it for one playthrough but it was really nice! It’s one I’ll have to go back to for sure. :)
For my Breezehome, I actually found a newer replacement for my TNF homes. It does a good job of splitting up the crafting areas, plus having some room for followers and kids.
personally, i use home in a hat by Elianora its ala Staff of Shalidor but smaller, having LOTD installed, pretty often i get too much weight and helps having a portable home where i can dump all that shit and fast travel/ not walk like a slug.
I just started using this hat too! Quaint little dimensional home with labeled storage, but may be too tiny for some.
I used to use a home on the outskirts of Whiterun called Elysium Estate, but that has some wonky things happen after floorplans changed with different revisions. Still worth it if you can look past the bugs.
funny enough i used elysium before home in a hat and i loved it, but recently, after starting a new save and having lotd installed too i didnt see the point in having more than one “trophy wall”
I haven’t gotten into my current playthrough enough, but apparently LOTD also includes its own version of the Dev Aveza airship, so that’s my idea to work up to for my storage possibilities. Until then, the HIAH will suffice :)
yes it does include it, however i have not yet seen the interior and i cant tell you how it looks nor how big it is, the wiki has more information if u want to look at it here
What you were saying about having separate workspaces, I am the same way. But I am also a survival mode player and I don’t have fast travel to go home.
If you’re like me and need something small that fits in your pocket but comes with all crafting/storage/planters/kitchen sink, you use the best portable house ever.
Kagrenac’s Refuge. I keep it with me at all times and it’s fantastic.
It even comes with a staff enchanter! I highly recommend it as it’s such a neat design for a house and it being portable is such a nice touch.
Good luck finding your dream home! 💕
Mist Fall Keep is a bit of a less popular option but personally I think it deserves way more attention than it’s gotten. It’s not only a really nice looking and fully featured player home, but it also offers displays for practically every item in the vanilla game and the AE CC content. It makes for a really great option for someone like me who loves collecting stuff but has done the LOTD quests a few too many times.
After trying custom made player homes for so long, I came back to Breezehome by Lupus these past years. I like it’s small in size, it’s simplicity, and it’s right inside the most convenient city for shopping.
The other one that I quite like is the castle came with Clockwork. It has a unique way for you to travel between the major cities. Overall layout is nice too.
With the exception of Skullmonkey’s Breezehome, I made my own instead to meet my actual needs.
I keep coming back to Elysium Estate as the best home I’ve tried if I want to adopt the maxed-out number of orphans. This has all the mod cons and the latest version has been around long enough that it’s well-patched. Bath, kitchen, basement with enough display space for me, crafting stations in believable places, comfy bedroom, cozy decor!
In the playthrough that I’m going to start any day now I swear I am going the entire opposite direction. I’m installing some small shelters in out of the way places, and probably sticking with Breezehome for a main base. Right now that list is:
I am still hunting for something in Hjaalmarch and something near Markreath if anybody has a suggestion!