Table of contents

She had been tempted to add more about the next time, but she felt pretty sure that HE would come to HER about the next time, and that the seed of her happiness that she just planted would take root and grow. She had done it, she had successfully started to dominate her husband and he had loved it.

It was only going to get better, and deeper, for them both.

She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

They both slept soundly and deeply, wrapped in each others’ arms. In the morning, John was awake first and he got out of bed quietly so as to not wake Cindy. He looked down at her still sleeping. She looked like an angel. So peaceful, so beautiful. And if he didn’t know better, he could almost see a smile still on her face.

He put on some boxers and went out to the kitchen to make coffee. It was Saturday morning and on Saturdays they would typically go out to run errands and do shopping. He did still have a smile on his face and it had been a long time since he had woken up feeling so… happy. He didn’t quite understand it. What they had done… it was so weird to think about for a man like him. Letting his wife tie him up before sex? What kind of man was he to allow that?

He sat in the living room to quietly enjoy his coffee, wake up, and think about last night. What kind of man was he? The kind that loved and adored his wife and wanted to make her happy, that was what. It still made him uncomfortable to think about in a different, lessor level. His upbringing had instilled certain behaviors and attitudes in him about what it meant to be a man and that conditioning fought against him just accepting what had happened.

That was not how a ‘real man’ had sex. That was not how a ‘real man’ related to his wife. And it wasn’t just the tying up and being helpless. Her taking that position and practically making him service her orally. Her insistence that he ask for her permission to cum. The way she had mounted and rode him, not because it was what he wanted, but purely because it was what she wanted. All of these things got his caveman brain to rebel and to insist he re-establish himself lest he lose his man card.

On reflection though, John was smart enough and self-aware enough to realize what was causing these feelings. He didn’t think he could just dismiss them entirely, but he was in control, not those baser instincts from macho conditioning. The facts were once he had been tied and helpless and was able to accept the situation, not only had he made his wife happy, but it was the most enjoyable sex he had ever had. And those two factors were very strong motivations. It would require a lot more thinking, and perhaps talking with Cindy.

Cindy woke up about an hour later and stretched feeling a little sore. Then the memories of last night and the reason she was a little sore came flooding in and she stifled a soft laugh. What a wonderful night it had been. She was so proud of herself for pulling it off and starting them on this journey. And it had felt more amazing to her than she had thought it would. Oh, she had wanted it, wanted to dominate John, but in the midst of actually doing so, the feelings of euphoria had been so much stronger than she anticipated. She felt like for the first time in her life, she was being true to her sexual self. It had truly awoken something in her, something that had been dormant, or perhaps suppressed to fulfill her expected role as the dutiful wife, but it was wide awake now and hungry for more. She could never go back to how it was. She knew how much John had enjoyed it too, but would he allow himself to accept it? Today was going to be pivotal.

She got up and showered and when she came out to the kitchen she was astonished by what she saw. The kitchen was an absolute mess, but John was attempting to cook pancakes. There was a plate of a few that were burnt off to the side, flour on the counter, egg shell fragments spread about, some spilled milk, but there was John standing at the stove cooking. She had never seen it before. Oh, he would grill outside when they had steak and the like, for that was what men did, but never had he attempted to make something from ingredients and cook it on the stove. She gasped and then put a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.

“Oh, hey beautiful,” he said, “I um…I thought I could make us breakfast, but I had the pan too hot and ruined some. I…I think these will come out okay though?” he said, a little unsure of himself and what he was doing. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him tightly. “You are a good man,” she said and kissed his back. “Those do look fine. When a bunch of bubbles form across the entire top, that is when you would consider flipping them. Let me help,” she said, but continued to let him see to the pancakes while she started to clean up the mess. She didn’t really mind at all. It was a very out of character thing for him to do, was obviously done out of love for her, and was likely influenced by what had happened the previous night.

They ate and the pancakes did come out well, and then they both cleaned up, Cindy humming happily. They got ready to go out to do their shopping and errands and it went well. Sometimes John would get bored or impatient when shopping, especially grocery shopping, but he was fully engaged today, asked her opinion on things, and even came up with a few ideas of his own that he asked her about.

John didn’t realize how out of character he was, because his mind was still consumed with the struggle of what it meant to be a man. But the overriding factor was how happy he had made his wife, and how much he appreciated her. He was happy to be out doing the errands today and wanted her to be happy too.

They arrived home in the afternoon, got the groceries put away, and then separated to take care of some household things. After dinner, they sat with a glass of wine in the living room. Cindy had purposely not brought up last night all day. John might have expected her to, but she knew also that he might need time to process it, and she thought it vital that she not push too hard too quickly. It was subtle, but waiting until he came to her about it also was a small enforcement of the new dynamic. If she had done it right, he would ask for it again. But he needed to ask for it. That would set the foundation of what she planned next.

And she had to stifle a squeal of pleasure when that was just what he did.

“Cindy…um…about last night. I’ve…I’ve been thinking about it all day. I…I struggle with it on one level, worrying that it makes me less of a man, but…I can’t deny how much I enjoyed it, and how happy it made you. I was wondering if…if we could do it again?” he asked and it was unusual to see him speaking so tentatively.

Cindy hid her jubilation at his asking. She felt the power rush through her and it instantly made her wet. But she carefully schooled her features and gave him a loving smile. She reached out and caressed his cheek tenderly and said, “John, it doesn’t make you less of a man. In fact, it makes you more of a man. It shows how strong you are to be able to accept something so outside of your wheelhouse and upbringing to make us both more happy. Don’t let that bother you. It is just between us what we do in the bedroom, and my respect for you as a man is only stronger after last night, okay?” she asked.

He nodded, waiting, for she hadn’t actually said if they would do such things again.

She appeared to look like she was thinking about it and carefully considering it before she spoke again. “I think I would like to try it again, yes, I think we can John, on one condition…”

His eyes widened, but he felt his cock stirring at the prospect of doing it again. He hadn’t expected a condition and it had put him off balance. “What…what condition my love?” he asked.

She reached over and started to stroke his cock through his pants, feeling it getting hard for her again and not answering right away.

Finally she spoke once he was fully hard and had softly moaned, “I think this is worth pursuing John, but I need a free hand to pursue it how I see fit. I need the freedom to know that we have agreed that when it comes to sex anyway, I am in charge. Not just tonight, but going forward for all things sexual. Do you think you can make that commitment for me and agree to do as I direct?” she asked softly, still stroking him, but now looking up into his eyes. Hers full of love and confidence in herself, in him, and in them. Beautiful eyes that were demanding that he agree, but not in a harsh way.

That look made John’s heart skip a beat and then start racing. His cock throbbed and he was speechless for a moment. His caveman brain was screaming for him to reject this out of hand, and bend her over the couch, take her hard and re-establish his dominance. But he couldn’t deny how she was making him feel and how much he wanted to explore this with her - and see that look in her eyes more often.

“I…I agree Cindy,” he said quietly, “You are in charge of our sex life and I will do as you say…” he was nearly whispering at the end.

Cindy’s smile deepened and that look in her eyes got stronger. She almost looked like a predator eyeing it’s next meal and John started to pant a little.

“Wonderful my love. You won’t regret it, I promise,” she cooed and kissed him, her tongue plunging into his mouth briefly. “Go to the bedroom, strip, and wait for me please,” she commanded in a sultry voice, but leaving no doubt that she was now in charge…