I don’t see how they can be releasing a Nintendo Switch 2 when they just released the Nintendo Switch like…a year or two ago. Wait…when did the Switch come out? March of 2017?! Holy shit it’s been 7 years.
it’s been 7 years!
Stayed Gone begins blasting
is switch as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support? he’d be powerless without the other games…
You act like 2017 is old, like we’re not all still playing FF Tactics Advance, and Pokemon Fire Red, and Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones and having a blast like it’s 2004.
…We are, right? Right?
complete with missing battery cover, just as god intended
Pretty much everyone is claiming that, at this point. No one has a solid source on their claim though. Its all on Nintendo now to prove it, or a leaker to release images or something.
No public sources yet, but there are positive whispers from anonymous people in the electronics supply industry. Companies that make boards, chips, screens, that kinda stuff. That plus the fact that the original Switch launched in 2017 is enough for me to believe the new one is on the way.
It’s not that I don’t believe it, it just seems silly for all these sites to keep saying so, without anything to add. Just jumping on the bandwagon for clicks.
Seven years feels about right for a length between consoles. I am curious to see what they do with it. It’s hard to see Nintendo not sticking with the handheld console approach with the Switch 2, but just building a more powerful Switch doesn’t feel very Nintendo, if that makes sense. Like there has to be some feature or gimmick to set it apart from the Switch.
Especially when the chipset, Tegra X1, is going to turn 10 years old next year and has roughly the same performance as the iPhone 6. Kinda impressive longevity when you think about it.
What the heck are they planning to package into this that isn’t on the original?
Like they’ve already fused their portable and console brands, what else are they going to be able to gimick onto it? 3D?
the ability to run a pokemon game above 20 fps, ideally
I love scarlet and violet, I was quite fond of them, but I really want a pokemon game that doesn’t feel like pulling teeth to play
Lmao. You are in for a bad time.
It worked smoothly in emulators. More compute could solve the problem. It doesn’t make up for other shortcomings of the games though.
Nvidia’s upscaling tech would be cool, we’d finally get anti-aliasing in a first party Nintendo title
N64 had native hardware AA
That console’s hardware is endlessly fascinating. Incredible what they did with it, at the price it sold for, back in 1996!
Rumors are it will have a LCD screen. That way Nintendo will be able to make a version with an OLED screen a few years later and sell it to you again. They’re so “innovative”.
Don’t think of it as a Switch 2, any more than the Wii was a GameCube 2, or the NDS was a GBA 2.
That said, I personally think the Switch was a realization of what the WiiU tried to be: blending handheld and console, exploring motion controls, and solidifying online play with titles like Splatoon and Super Mario Maker.
The Switch itself experimented with VR with the Nintendo Labo headset, bringing VR modes to Super Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Breath of the Wild.
They really could have pivoted strongly into VR, since the biggest barrier – the hardware buy-in – was already out of the way.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the next console picked up where the Switch left off there.A VR/AR console would deffo be interesting if they could make it happen in a way that addresses the current issues with the hardware.
My Switch 2 (bottom) next to my Switch Lite, running Pokemon Dreams. It’s available now!