Here is a photo series I did during covid when all the restaurants and cafes were closed. I was trying to get a bit of a disconnected feeling but at the same time longing for that restaurant experience again. This is why I went with the shitty weather, looking in approach. Luckily we have all that back now. I never really did anything with the series. The ramen one is probably my favourite which was the one I shot first. Let me know what you thing of this as a series.

  • Mikey Mongol A
    11 year ago

    Creative! I agree that the ramen one is the best of the three, though the one with the snow and cream bun (?) is also fairly good. The person in that one with their face cut off adds a mysterious vibe, though I don’t know if that’s what you were going for.

    The third one, with the beer, idk exactly what happened but the human fingers look weird, like you messed with the contrast or HSL and something went a bit funny. It’s a nice shot otherwise, though.

    • KrobOP
      21 year ago

      Thanks, the finger looks a bit weird indeed, now that you have mentioned it. Should be able to fix that though. They are all basically selfies and I didn’t really feel like showing my face hence they are all cut off.

      The cream bun is Swedish semla, a cardamom bun filled with almond paste and cream they are delicious!

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    These are great! And the back story of when you took them and the longing is really reflected in the mood they emit.

    I have very little to critique in the way of technique, cropping, etc. which is fantastic, because instead of thinking about the photo itself, I’m more concerned with the story and the subject matter.

    The ramen photo is my favorite. I spent some very happy rainy nights in Japan eating ramen. For me the photo provides the intimacy and comfort of the ramen shops.

    I feel like the third Oktoberfest photo doesn’t quiet hit the mark for the reason the other two are strong: Oktoberfest is anything but an intimate experience. It’s loud, busy, expansive and invasive. It crowds out the kind of intimacy being portrayed in this photo. Except for the fall leaves, it reminds me more of my trips to the Hintersee and eating germknödel with my German ex.

    • KrobOP
      21 year ago

      Thanks! That feeling was exactly what I was going for with the ramen photo. I feel the 3rd one is the weakest as well. I was going for a quiet dutch pub kind of vibe enjoying bitterballen and a beer. I’m not entirely sure if I will redo that one with a different subject.