What are cis and trans alternate types of? I don’t think it’s “gender identity” because wouldn’t that just be man, woman or nonbinary regardless of whether they’re cis or trans? Cis/trans just being a qualifier?
If the answer is “I am cis” or “I am trans”, what is the question?
Edit: Someone came up with the term “gender congruity” and (after looking up the definition of “congruity”) I think this describes what I’m talking about perfectly.
Society does not create sex. Society creates gender. Gender is a social construct. Sex is an expression of your sex chromosomes. The genitalia you have at birth weren’t decided upon arbitrarily by everyone in the room, they’re a direct consequence of whether you have or lack a y chromosome.
Money is a social construct. That doesn’t mean coins and dollar bills don’t exist. Sex is made up by society. Genitals are a physical thing. But they’re not the same thing. Just like coins and money are not the same thing.
You’re confusing sex and gender. Sex is a function of biology. It is binary. There are two sexes, and which sex you are is wholly determined by presence or absence of a y chromosome.
Gender is a social construct.
This is the entire reason that the term transgender is used now instead of transsexual.
Also, your whole analogy is shit. The concept of money didn’t spring into existence because people already had coins. The coins spring forth from the concept of money. By your logic, we only have genitals because society got together and decided that we should all have a sex.
That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard in my life, and Ive read several tweets from Donald Trump.
Sex is not binary, or intersex people wouldn’t exist.
You can also have XY chromosomes and be assigned female at birth.
And transsexual as a term has not gone out of usage universally. It’s got nothing to do with sex and gender both being socially created constructs. It’s preferential, and some people still use it.
If sex is a social construct as you claim, you have an incredibly easy position to support. All you have to do is show me one verified example of a non-ectopic human male pregnancy. If you can do that, I will concede on all points and incorrectly say sex when I mean gender, just like you do, for the remaider of my life.
That’s how confident I am that you don’t know anything about this topic.
Given you seem to think male refers to having XY: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190741/
What are you even talking about? Whether someone can conceive or not has nothing to do with the socially constructed concept of sex. Or we would simply refer to someone’s uterus or testicles when talking about them. Male and female are constructed concepts. We would call someone a person with a uterus, or a person with testicles if we wanted to talk about those things. That is not what sex is.
You have literally no idea what socially constructed even means do you?
This is deliciously ironic coming from the person who continuously misuses it.
Sex is a biological characteristic. It is not a social construct. You mean gender when you say sex, you just know so little about the topic that you don’t even understand how you’re wrong.
Do you think sex didn’t exist before 1912? It seems like you are confusing sex with the rough approximation of the shape of a chromosome and oversimplifying how those chromosomes relates to phenotype.
Trans people change their sex, not their gender. Trans men are men before they start taking T and trans women are women before they start taking E. What changes is their sex. Personally, I hope we see transgender replaced with something soon. Transsexual is fine as a subcategory of transgender people (or a category with lots of overlap with transgender people).
Social constructs don’t all originate in the same way. If you want an example more like sex, you can look at the social construct of race. Race is not skin color, but the social construct is related to things like skin color. Just because race is a social construct doesn’t mean skin color came after race.
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What language did I use? I can’t see my comment since it was removed.
This is the most exhausting conversation I think I’ve ever been a part of. You might be the most incredibly stupid person I have ever had the displeasure of trying to educate. Literally nothing you’ve said in this entire comment chain has been remotely close to valid, and You’ve leapt to some astoundingly stupid conclusions, like sex not existing before 1912 based on what I assume is the discovery of the y chromosome.
I’m done fighting the hydra. Every time I correct you pop up with five more of the most asinine things I have ever heard. Please, for the benefit of all mankind, stop trying to weigh in on topics that are above your level of reasoning. You are only making all of us dumber for ha ing heard your ridiculous thoughts.