“The US should do X and they suck because they don’t!” Each state has it’s own laws on education. Some places suck, some do not. It’s not a monolith.

“The US has shitty beer lol” We have some of the best beer in the world but it’s local/state/region only and never exported unlike fancy Euro beer.

The US for better or worse is a, hmmm 🤔 a unity of government states under a federation called America. It’s very hard to get federal laws and bills passed, especially for education. The states want the power to chooses for themselves what they do, and the federal government hangs above them, sometimes intervening.

We are a huge country that has a relatively unique circumstance of government, population, and young brutal history. I’m a Californian and I live in the Bay Area which almost literally a different country than most of America, especially the South and Midwest.

I’m so sick of people, especially smug Europeans, talking like they know Americans and America but they don’t really know shit about us except the movies and going to NYC and Miami.

Yes I am having a bad day.

To be honest I love Europe and have friends there that I miss dearly! I’ve been many times. But dumbassery is dumbassery.

EDIT: You people are an exhausting swarm of pecking ravens and I’ve spent all the “toxic” energy I want arguing with half you because you just hear what you want to hear and fit the stereotype I loathe I think you only commented out of trained reflex and a few of you are just unsophisticated haters. Whatever, fuck you, and all that jazz.

  • MushuChupacabra
    607 months ago

    Like it or not, you’re a superpower.

    What you do, and how you do it matters to the rest of the planet.

    We have no choice but to watch, and what we see isn’t encouraging.

  • @[email protected]
    387 months ago

    There is a trail of corruption, poverty, death and destruction everywhere America gets involved in the world. This country loves war and profits from it. Social reforms are in reverse gear at the federal level. Your healthcare is shite and no one can afford to buy a house. The gap between rich and poor has grown exponentially with the richest paying the least tax. This is a country run by mendacious and violent con men for idiots. Not only do you have a gigantic and corrupt military industrial complex, you also have a prison industrial complex, with more prisoners than any other industrialised nation. America sucks ass bro.

        • @[email protected]OP
          17 months ago

          I’m really nice to people, and love being around them. I love hosting parties with my friends/family/roommates to drink and play Magic and watch movies. I bet your little imagination is grinding hard to come up with scenarios that makes me secretly hated or that I’m making this all up. Maybe you don’t care at all. In any case I am getting “help” but toxicity in the face of bullying, stupidity, and arrogance from ignorant cunts an ocean away just doesn’t seem to come up very much in therapy.

        • @[email protected]OP
          17 months ago

          Well in theory if it were unpopular it would have more up votes. Maybe there are lurkers who agree with my “stupid” opinion that people should shut their mouth on things they don’t understand. Take you for example, you don’t understand this post and why I made it, ipso facto…

  • Ada
    377 months ago

    A single country when it’s convenient, 50+ semi independent governments when it comes time to deal with criticism?

      • Ada
        7 months ago

        The United States is a country. You don’t get to pretend that it’s not just because it’s internally chaotic. The United States is the parts that make it up. Explaining why it is dysfunctional doesn’t stop it from being dysfunctional. And it is dysfunctional…

        • @[email protected]OP
          37 months ago

          That isn’t the point of my post. Yeah, it a country and it’s fucked up. But what you think of as dysfunctional we call that the feature. That’s literally the point of the whole shebang. But yeah it’s also dysfunctional but I wasn’t talking about that. It’s about broadstoked accusations of “Americans” who are 320M people in the most diverse country in the world that chaps my ass, especially coming from a bullying, superior, dick in a turtleneck (my Eurodouche stereotype of choice).

          • @[email protected]
            157 months ago

            What’s the point of the post then? That some regions are a little less fucked up? That you are all distinct cultures in your 50 states of native genocide?

            All your comments are referring to the smug Europeans, without even realizing that Europe is actually not just a supranational government but individual, actually cultural distinct, countries. You know, with traditions, customs, language, social order of their own, usually for a few hundred years longer than you people even ran off, because you couldn’t be capitalist or religious enough over here.

            All your country is, is the sum of the worst parts of Europe wrapped in nazi germany derived military superiority (in keeping with the generalized cliches).

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              Is your goal to get more people in the U.S. to want to leave NATO and for them to want to supply Russia with equipment and buy their oil and further ignore Israels murders of innocents/genocide you are on the right path.

              Most people don’t care about details. “Enemy of my enemy is my friend” is as advanced as the standard person gets.

              These discussions provoke Europeans to speak down on people in the U.S. whether or not they know who they are speaking to and pit them against each other. Notice you don’t see much about Russians calling Americans idiots, because they want to be seen as not the ones generalizing and name calling. Russia wanted the Republicans/Americans in general to believe Russia is not that bad, and Ukraine as a threat.

              All it took was Zelenksy to be taken out of context the other day and poof, I heard people saying Ukrainians want to spit on Polish people and Americans no matter what we do. No mention of any things bad Putin has said or did.

              Discussion is needed, but when we start to generalize and name call we aren’t being productive.

              • @[email protected]
                27 months ago

                American here, these discussions have absolutely no bearing on anything. The US propaganda machine will keep churning regardless of what any of us think, our lawmakers are only doing the bidding of the corporate ruling class and if they try to go against that grain they’re blackballed from politics basically forever. I’m glad some Europeans see through the propaganda but many non-Americans truly don’t understand how bad it is here and still to this day move here seeking “freedom” that no longer exists (and arguably never did). Honestly the guy who made this post is at best a bad faith troll parroting twenty year old talking points to distract people and piss them off. Anyone with access to Google should know that the cultural distinction between the bay area and Chicago are smaller than the distinction between Sussex and Manchester. Calling OP a fucking dumbass is both an understatement and unproductive, but it’s no less productive than any comment actually trying to change OP’s mind about such an uneducated opinion.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  17 months ago

                  Lol I’m super dumbass! With the opinion that people should mind their tongue and not talk down to us like they anything about us besides BBC and Marvel. Hyper dumbass!

    • HobbitFoot
      57 months ago

      If you want to go on foreign policy, sure. The federal government is usually the lead. However, there are a lot of things handled at the state and local level that Europeans love to extrapolate to all the USA when it doesn’t go that far.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Maine. And then large parts of most other states. You do realize more than 50% of America is very in line with most of western Europe… right?

            • @[email protected]OP
              37 months ago

              I always forget that it’s just a liberal utopia of sunshine and bunnies over there and America, and Canada apparently, are knuckle dragging fascists. Literally every single person.

              Sounds like someone missed the fucking point and is doing exactly what I said makes you a smug prick.

              • GoldELox
                67 months ago

                op mentioned political parties and politicians, not the general population.

                are you ok?

                • @[email protected]OP
                  27 months ago

                  I’ve traveled the planet likely more than you have, to all the occupied continents. My mind is open. That doesn’t make me blind to prejudice, like the prejudice you just displayed in thinking Americans don’t travel.

          • @[email protected]
            67 months ago

            From an American point of view, maybe if you squint a bit. From the rest of the world that is a laughable statement.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          I find it hard to believe that Vermont Colorado and California even fit in with Western European standards considering the absolute lack of any useful public transportation in any of those states. Even NY only resembles Europe in NYC, upstate NY is some of the worst parts of the US to live in.

          • @[email protected]OP
            17 months ago

            Oh wow. You cracked the case. The only thing that matters when comparing a city… Is public transportation. Wow! What a fucking revelation! I hope you get to be mayor. No, Supreme Leader of the World someday.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              I mean if you wanna play this game, our public education also is not up to the standards of those countries, unless you’re comparing to Bosnia instead of Germany for some odd reason. Yes, especially in those states you mentioned. Also those states are still subject to the American healthcare system. And those states, possibly excluding VT, have a much higher rate of poverty and homelessness than any developed nation in Europe. All of these things are enough to destroy your argument by themselves, but when added up you have no legs to stand on

              • @[email protected]OP
                7 months ago

                But not all states have the same exact healthcare. And I’m not trying to measure dicks about about healthcare. I never brought it up, not once. It sucks because it’s not free for everyone, I get it. We alllll get it. I didn’t bring up homelessness. I see it daily. It sucks too. What fucking part of my comment don’t you understand? What is so damn hard? It’s like I say don’t be a smug ignorant prick about America and it’s people and then it’s a string of reasons why America is the worst? What? Why? Was I saying America is the best place or is that what you wanted me to say, what every bitter and jaded asshole (besides me) wanted to hear so you could vent and bitch.

                • @[email protected]
                  17 months ago

                  You literally said in your post that America is not that bad and that there’s somehow a world of difference between different states, I’m just stating facts about how everything about those statements is bullshit. You can be mad about that if you want but you can’t claim it’s not that bad here when it’s literally worse than every developed nation

  • @[email protected]
    217 months ago

    Yes unlike other countries that dont have any sort of local government whatsoever.

    Like the UK is one big monolith government. Definitely not 4 individual countries with their own parliaments that have counties with their own local governments and those counties have local councils with their own councillors and bylaws.

    Germany only has the German government, not seperate states.

    Spain doesnt have regions that are trying to gain independence.

    France doesnt have regions on the other side of the atlantic with their own local government.

    Canada doesnt have provinces

    Nor does Autralia have states

    etc. etc. for literally every country except like the vatican.

    America is just so special and different

    • @[email protected]
      107 months ago

      Special and different enough that it should be wearing a helmet and have childproof caps on the paste.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      Honestly though, America is different and special. We have states the size of the some of those countries, and states with GDPs that eclipse most of the countries you listed. Local government is a completey different scale at some levels than any of those countries you mentioned. It’s important to remember we are all different, and that’s not a bad thing.

    • @[email protected]OP
      17 months ago

      Not the topic at hand but sure.

      All those governments you listed were modeled, in part, by the ol Dead Presidents of American lore and the brilliant Iroquois Federation.

      But yes, partially those are true, but those national governments behave much differently than the US’s. Birmingham’s county is not an independent state from Manchester. The meaning of United States is lost in it being the name but we are a federation of countries ie. a bunch of countries inside one big one.

      And we are special and different at good, bad, and evil things. Always to the maximum it seems. I know it must be such crackup to laugh at America… And fair enough we all do it. But when outsiders do it based off ignorance, complete ignorance, it makes me go ballistic. Your Freshman level dig proves my point so fucking hard its hard to breathe, with the exception of Spain because it was just so stupid as to be a non-sequitur.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Birmingham’s county is not an independent state from Manchester.

        Yes because those are cities. Not states. So you’re purposely making a bad comparison.

        Scotland and England are partially independent countries, so would be the far more appropriate comparison to different US states. And is why i mentioned them as such in my previous comment.

        but we are a federation of countries

        No, you are a federation of STATES hence the ‘S’ in USA, with a couple of exception your states weren’t their own countries. Unlike say the UK where Scotland England and Wales have been their own individual countries before unification for longer than there have been white people in the Americas. And now still have their own governments, laws and culture and as such are as or more individual than US states. And it’s the same with German states as well and most of my other examples too.

        And we are special and different at good, bad, and evil things.

        I wish you’d said this at the start so I wouldn’t have wasted my time replying to someone that unironically believes in American exceptionalism.

        But when outsiders do it based off ignorance, complete ignorance

        It’s not complete ignorance. I have much better grasp of American internal politics than you do of any other country.

        I really wish we left people like you behind on reddit.

        • @[email protected]OP
          17 months ago

          You mentioned counties of the UK, so I mentioned the cities because I have no idea what counties they are in but assume they are different. If you’re talking about the countries then yeah, that’s more similar to the US. I should have said so.

          But you’re wrong about the federation. A solid handful of them were (briefly) countries before they were “STATES”, but some were properties/colonies of foreign governments, and with the exception of the 13 colonies, all independent lands with their own laws and currency. Also, this is beside the fact the natives were murdered and their land stolen by Europeans and/or Americans. Then, the idea of statehood was floated as a way of keeping them independent under a common roof, analogous to countries. I suppose there’s a room for interpretation, but not by much. They operated under their own law, money, norms, cultures, and religions. They were founded as, and remain separate but united states (From MW: a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory - especially : one that is sovereign)

          German states are very much a bunch of old countries and tribes, sure. Cool. And? Why are you under the impression that being similar is in anyway important?

          Read the fucking post. I said, paraphrasing, people who generalize/judge America don’t know how America works and are ignorant and smug. I wouldn’t do the same to your fucking country, but here I am, defending mine from smug ignoramuses.

          And yeah, wooooow we get it, the Old World is older than the New World. Amazing how that is such an unearned point of pride from Europeans that only Europeans make. The Chinese don’t play that card, the Egyptians don’t play that card, and the Japanese don’t play that card but lo and behold some clown online regularly goes to a dingy pub established in 1698, in some backwater village, and they’re the Wise Grandfathers of America.

          You call it American Exceptionalism, I call it the country everybody moves to and makes cool shit, choking the poor on their way, and bombing people on occasion.

          And it isn’t a high bar to know more than me about other nation’s internal politics, except Mexico and Canada. None of Europe’s or anybody’s matter to me or anyone else here besides the big stuff. I have 50+ states/territories in my own backyard to care about. It literally doesn’t matter because Europe, for example, is 3.5k miles or more away and I’m not going to be an arrogant, self-righteous, know-it-all, ignorant, condescending, annoying fucking asshole to those people about their dramas and politics when I talk to them.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            I wouldn’t do the same to your fucking country, but here I am, defending mine from smug ignoramuses.

            This whole fucking post is you doing this.

            The Chinese don’t play that card, the Egyptians don’t play that card, and the Japanese don’t play that card

            What the fuck are you on about? Have you ever actually met someone from another country? Or have you lived your entire life in like rural Oklahoma or something? All of those people are very proud of their long histories and absolutely do “play that card.”

            You call it American Exceptionalism, I call it the country everybody moves to and makes cool shit, choking the poor on their way, and bombing people on occasion.

            Okay so you’re just a troll. I’m kind of ashamed it took Mr this long to realise when this is basically a “ShitAmerkcansSay” highlight reel.

            I’m not going to be an arrogant, self-righteous, know-it-all, ignorant, condescending, annoying fucking asshole to those people about their dramas and politics when I talk to them.

            Way way way too late for that one mate, lol.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    The US is really like the EU both in scale and differences between individual states. National laws are generally just high level and very broad, with the laws most people directly interact with being state, county, city, and other local levels.

    • @[email protected]
      227 months ago

      The EU is more diverse than the US. There’s literally a language barrier everywhere you go. E.g., a Hawaiian and a Texan are more alike than, say, a Finn is to a Cypriot.

      • @[email protected]
        127 months ago

        I went to Georgia recently, and they’re definitely speaking a different language down there. I could not understand a word

      • @[email protected]
        117 months ago

        There is more to diversity than language… Race, religion, socio-economic status, and political beliefs are just a few other dimensions.

        If you broaden your definition for diversity beyond language, the US isn’t as homogenous as you’re implying.

      • HobbitFoot
        77 months ago

        Is there? No matter where I go in Europe, it doesn’t seem to be a big issue to find English speakers. It feels like the urban parts are settling on a second language now that trade and travel borders have vanished.

        If the EU sticks around for a generation, I wouldn’t be surprised if you start seeing European nations reflecting the same demographic oddities that you see in the US regarding age of residents.

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        Yeah but tell that to the Texans.

        Maybe the issue is just that you don’t realize how much we hate each other? Like America is dysfunctionally divisive at this point, there would probably be some offense at the idea that the two are alike. Republican-led states definitely don’t want to be compared to Democrat-led ones, and vice-versa. Maybe I just dunno how much you hate each other on the continent, but I’d bet a Finn would be nicer to a Cypriot than a Texan would be to a Hawaiian.

    • @[email protected]
      157 months ago

      The US is really like the EU both in scale and differences between individual states

      Bwahahahahhaha! No.

      Americans always love to think this is true, but it’s nowhere remotely true. The US has an actual federal government. The EU does not, all EU members are sovereign states.

      Secondly, difference between individual states? Rofl-fucking-mao.

      No your slight change in accent (not in dialect), and slightly different local delicacies are nowhere near comparable to Europe.

      The US has a few hundred years of history and most come from the same dozen or less groups from Europe.

      The difference between just the top of my country and the bottom of my country is larger than aany state differences in the US. Well, except for, idk, state laws. But language, customs, cuisine. The modern European states have formed all from several distinct groups. The modern nation-state only started being a thing a bit more than a century ago.

      All modern European states are made up hundreds and hundreds of previous, hundreds of years old groups.

      No offense, but the comparison is pretty ridiculous on most levels.

      The EU isn’t a federation. (Yet.)

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        I’m talking about laws. Differences like being able to freely open carry in some states while others barely allow anyone to even possess a gun. Or how some states have universal state healthcare and other do not. Or how drugs are handled, with many states ignoring the federal prohibition.

        Sure, we share a lot of language and a generic background identity of being ‘American’, but the legal differences are massively varied from state to state.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          I’m talking about laws.

          I can promise you that the sovereign European states which have their own constitutional laws and practices differ more from each other than US states do.

          You have state laws, sure, but you also have federal laws. We don’t. There are EU regulations, and through those regulations, the sovereign states synchronise their own laws if it suits the situation.

          Do you think the laws for guns are the same for us Finns as they are for the Greeks or Spaniards or Swiss?

          Do you think the healthcare systems are federated in Europe? That everyone has the same system? The systems often vary from state to state within the member states. (I could tell you horror stores of our country trying to integralize our systems.)

          Th EU decided everyone should have universal healthcare, because it’s objectively just good. So it was agreed and then they make the regulations on what it should achieve. Not how it should be done or anything.

          So each sovereign state gets to find their own way into the solution.

          The U.K. has the National Health Service (NHS), a government-operated system. One also finds public systems in Italy and Spain, while France has a public/private system. But the system in Switzerland is a privatized system, with subsidized insurance. The Swiss system is, in some respects, comparable to the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, but with much stricter regulations and much more comprehensive coverage. Obamacare pales in comparison to the Swiss system, although it’s much better than the “let the sick, lowly peasants die in the streets” approach of the Republican Party.

          Uhm, about drugs? Cannabis is still schedule 1 federally, but it hasn’t stopped the states from doing their own de facto thing. I wonder… A few years before the first state legalised recreational marijuana, if you wanted to have a holiday in a place you could smoke weed, where’d you go?

          Aaaahmm… Aaaaaaammmm… Amsterdam. Or Prague.

          The drug practices vary wildly by country.

          but the legal differences are massively varied from state to state.

          Sure, but I think you might agree that actually from country to country it might vary even more, seeing as your states all started from the same common law system and history of the system a few hundred years ago. Whereas there’s hanging rocks and churches older than the US on my way to the city.

          The point being that while we regulate our international unions systems and try to synchronize them despite most having been apart and developed into their own (from roman systems, over the course of two millenia), you have a federated system and want to set your own systems.

          It’s like. The opposites.

          I may be on an ambiem or two currently. But it was a fascinating thought.

      • @[email protected]OP
        47 months ago

        You’re being very Eurocentric about who America is which is another classic smug and quasi-racist thing to do. You’re ignoring that we have populations, heavier in some areas than others, of Native Americans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and other East/South-East Asian nations. Then there’s South Asian, Pacific Island, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and North African, sub-Saharan African, and last but not least, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. We have all those plus your so-called “several same” European countries, which is horseshit unless you’re talking about the first 100 years before America was even created. Then we have the rest of Europe. The entire planet lives in America, literally every nation is represented here. Some more than others, of course. And there are dialects between states and counties as well as accents especially if you want to include ethnic dialects then we have countless amounts.

        Ignorant. Smug.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          So does Europe, which I gather you’ve never visited.

          • “several same” European countries"

          No, you really don’t. The majority of the American population is of white, Anglo-Saxon / German/Dutch descent.

          That’s a fact.

          You have barely a few hundred years of history.

          I need only go 100 km inland in my country, and the genetic diversity between me and an average person will be greater than that of an average white New Yorker vs an average Floridan.

          But you wouldn’t know shit about that, because you are ignorant.

          Do yourself a favour and actually go abroad some day, my friend. Learn a language. How many do you know? Because I knew three before the age of 10.

          AAVE, that’s barely a dialect, if you look at the difference of language between std American English and AAVE. The distinction is so huge in the Nordic countries, with Scandinavian languages and Finnish, that there’s an actual concept called “book language”. Look it up, see what it means. If you’re not… ignorant of it. ;)

          Say what you want and cry how much you want, the US is not nearly as distinct as Europe. Sorry.

  • @[email protected]
    157 months ago

    I can appreciate that some states are better than others, in a similar manner to being able to appreciate that some EU countries are better than others. I’ve visited the USA and so I’ve seen first hand the good and the bad.

    It doesn’t change the fact that globally, you are represented by your federal government and not your local state ones. As an Australian I might expect a foreigner to know our Prime Minister but never a state premier.

    From overseas we just see a lot of the insane shit. Politically, the whole world is interested your federal elections because that is what has a chance to affect us. I don’t care who the governor of a state is really because they aren’t going to be able to declare some insane war or fuck over or save entire countries.

    Even when we see state x legalizes y or outlaws z it just blurs together from out here. Much easier to see your own state doing good things when you’re inside it.

    And yeah, USA doesn’t get enough credit for craft beer!

    • @[email protected]OP
      87 months ago

      I bet I say black lives matter, eat the rich, kill all billionaires, fuck the police, ACAB, hugs not bombs, no pity for the majority, and once or twice occupy. Def no not all men though. But I thought yes all men was poorly thought out.

      If you want my pedigree of the things I believe from far left groups and ideologies and just things I might say at a rally you can’t have it because you’re a douche.

      • GoldELox
        7 months ago

        as someone who considers themselves left wing, you certainly fit into the right wing ideal of ‘american exceptionalism’, even going so far to generalise a whole part of the world.

        racism usually isnt a tenent of the left, but i guess i just ‘dont understand’ how you guys do it over there :)

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      That’s kind of like saying “I thought the EU was a Union”.

      OP’s point is that the federal government mainly exists to regulate interstate issues and foreign affairs, but what occurs within the confines of a single state isn’t in the purview of their authority most of the time.

  • @[email protected]
    97 months ago

    To sum up, nobody likes being generalized.

    And, apparently, when Americans say we don’t like being generalized, literally everyone else will take offense, and then generalize us.

  • Nougat
    97 months ago

    As usual, the answer is “It’s more complicated than that.”

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      I’m sure the masses on social media with their 7 second attention spans and endless propaganda will get to the bottom of it.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    No they simply come from the rest of the world where it doesnt really matter how u do what u do just that you do it.

    This is an extrodinarilly american centered view of the world and failes to see the bigger picture that your fucked up system is just one piece in a bigger pie of global society.

    You all fly the same flag its on you for being incapable of self organising. You might not think it but texas says just as much about u as a californian as california says about u. The rest of the world treats america as a monolith because to us from the outside thats all that really matters to us.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      Okay but this massively discounts the fact that Texas and California might as well be two separate countries. You’re doing the equivalent of equating Spain and Poland because they’re both in the EU. Would you really expect Spanish citizens to self-organise and protest due to Poland’s abortion ban? Would a Spaniard ever expect that protest to be effective?

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        But the europe is working on adding abortion to European Convention on Human Rights. Ie europe as a whole is self organising to effect such things as a whole. The people in spain can protest for that and expect some level of success. It would seem that europe as a whole can better self organise and take responsibility for their misguided members than the USA can of its states.

        I think the way u see it is a coping mechanism so you dont have to take any responsibility for any of the bad shit that goes on in other states. You personally should feel responsible and guilty of the shit that your countries extremists are doing in government not just give up and put it in the not my state not my problem basket. Go to the friggin capital and protest to the federal government dont wash your hands of the mess and shift blame.

        Hell the trumpians stormed the godamn capital to protest what they beleived in. You and your beleifs have simply given up and called it an issue with other states. You live in a godamn democracy you dont like how things are change them you as an individual have the “god given right” to complain to protest to run friggin propaganda campaigns to shout at every street corner go change the world dont just sit in ur cushy little state and blame other people for your countries failures.

        • @[email protected]OP
          17 months ago

          I think I’ll do just that. Fuck the South. They can all burn and die of measles. You can’t fix in bred-in-evil of the South from California or DC. So fuck em. I hate them. Lincoln should have let them keep the fucking Confederacy so I could watch their third-world hell not suck all my tax dollars into a trailer park of despairing losers with greasy Klan hoods.

          Sadly, I just need a couple states to vote blue because our idiotic electoral college system.

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            Damn u really are mad. And rightly so but yeah the world not just america needs more blue states cos fuck me trump is a pig.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            You seem to display a very coastal-centric ignorance, why don’t you come hang out in flyover country sometime, help us turn it blue. Afraid you might like it?

            • @[email protected]OP
              27 months ago

              Afraid I’ll get lynched.

              My worthless family is from there and they’re all a bunch of racist, ignorant, homophobic parasites that bleed the country of resources, culture, and intellect into a bucket they kick to the floor just like that area always has and always will.

              The big cities might be coming around, sure but those states are burning red and can stay burnt. Anyone of interest has left or will leave to places that actually matter and anyone who stays is buying in or selling out.

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                It sounds like you have a lot of unresolved family trauma and are projecting those feelings onto an entire geographic region. My whole family is from rural Ohio and they’re some of the most ardent leftists I know. Believe it or not, people and societies are complex and often do not fit the stereotypes you’ve been taught. I quite like my home, even if you think it doesn’t matter.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  17 months ago

                  Nah, I’m just a student of it’s history and a victim of the political and social poison leeching out of it. I barely know my family, happily. But if you like it so much, rest assured you can keep it.

  • @Worx
    87 months ago

    I hate that the US made this post. They suck for doing that