I’m a hobbyist programmer, mostly in JavaScript, but I’d like to learn Rust. I’d like to use an open-source IDE that supports Language Server Protocol. I’m currently using WebStorm, which is not open-source, and doesn’t support LSP. I’ve checked out VS Codium, which is open-source and does support LSP, but it seems like it’s a hobbled version of VS Code that still phones home to Microsoft.
Are there and other IDEs that are FOSS and that support LSP?
Edit: Thanks everybody. I’m taking the path of least resistance and sticking with Webstorm and IntelliJ.
Vscode (and vscodium) is not really an IDE but an advanced and extensible text editor. You know what is also an advanced and extensible text editor? Neovim
Neovim works well for me. If you want to get some IDE-like features out of the box you can try AstroNvim https://github.com/AstroNvim/AstroNvim. I also use rust-tools for some extra features: https://github.com/simrat39/rust-tools.nvim. Customizing Neovim might be scary at first, but there are lots of resources to learn from and you can basically do anything you want with it.
I’ve been using lunarvim, I haven’t had to make any changes for the past year. I’m liking it, simply because before with vim I never quite got it to a point where I was 100% happy with it. Of course it’s great that the cusomizability exists.
An IDE is one of those things that earns itself back very quickly imo. If I compare my hourly rate to what a yearly subscription of intellij costs it’s a no-brainer
It’s on the lighter side, but Kate supports LSP. I’ve used it with a different compiled language (I didn’t do much, but did have different compilation commands). Also note that I don’t actually use KDE so that has nothing to do with it.
Wow I had no idea Kate had support for LSP after using plasma distros for years. I always assumed it was a basic text editor and used vim instead.
Install Neovim along with the LazyVim You’ll get almost everything configured.
Maybe that’s what I should do. I’ve just recently moved back to VS Code from Neovim due to my constant issues with the LSP I was using. I would open a file, make some changes, and then return to the file tree along with a bunch of LSP warnings (as if the file tree was a file). LazyVim sounds like exactly what I want, if the name is accurate.
I use Visual Studio Code mostly when I code. I have also used CLion with the Rust plugin https://www.jetbrains.com/rust/
It’s not really FOSS since it has a subscription cost.If you need to use VS Code, download VS Codium instead. The product offered by Microsoft is licensed under a not-FOSS license, even though the vscode source is FOSS. More importantly, VS Code sends tracking and telemetry data to Microsoft!
If you’re really keen on a FOSS setup you may need to go terminal based, I haven’t tried this setup but it looks good
Emacs with lsp-mode is my preferred environment for Rust development!
Not and IDE but if you’re starting up, the Helix editor works well with rust. Bear in mind that it lacks some features of a full fledged IDE and even things neovim and kakoune already do, but it’s a slight different approach and I’m loving it.
I wish Geany had LSP support.