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“I…I agree Cindy,” he said quietly, “You are in charge of our sex life and I will do as you say…” he was nearly whispering at the end.

Cindy’s smile deepened and that look in her eyes got stronger. She almost looked like a predator eyeing it’s next meal and John started to pant a little.

“Wonderful my love. You won’t regret it, I promise,” she cooed and kissed him, her tongue plunging into his mouth briefly. “Go to the bedroom, strip, and wait for me please,” she commanded in a sultry voice, but leaving no doubt that she was now in charge…

John was nervous and excited as he rushed off to the bedroom. Her words about him not being any less of a man, and in fact more of a man had helped immensely. He still had internal conflict of course, he probably always would, but knowing that she respected him more for doing this had made it possible for him to agree to her desire. She was now in control of all of their sexual encounters. He actually felt some sense of relief from that. It was another thing that had been causing a small amount of stress that he hadn’t even known.

The truth was she had been taking on more and more responsibility in their marriage and everything she had taken had made his life better. Her business was booming and the financial burden alone had been worth so much in how less stressed he was now.

He stripped and laid in the center of the bed, waiting. Wondering if tonight would be the same as last night. He started to stroke himself.

Cindy did not immediately follow, instead staying on the couch and sipping her wine. He had not only asked for it like she had hoped, but he had agreed to the whole thing. Well, not quite the whole thing, but their sex life, and that was big. It was way ahead of what her original plans had scheduled. She had planned to ease him into this point, perhaps multiple sessions to reenforce how much more they both enjoyed this, but the way that conversation went…

She had felt such a rush when he asked for it again, and then saw something in his eyes she hadn’t seen before as she gazed at him. And it had made her bolder and hungry for more, so she accelerated her plans and went for it. And it worked. She had the power to do so much now!

The problem was she wasn’t sure what she should do. There were plenty of things she wanted to try, but this could still go sideways if she pushed him too hard and too fast. Each step needed to not be so large that he freak out and have second doubts. She had the full sexual control she wanted and there was no reason to rush into anything. Still, she needed something new to introduce and she was pretty sure she knew what it would be tonight. It was an odd concept to an outsider to D&S, but the more she read about it, the more sense the psychology made to her, and it would help her to redefine what ‘sex’ was.

Yes, she would announce it tonight and see how it went. And she would make that purchase she was considering.

She got up and took care of her glass and slowly made her way to the bedroom, still considering what else they might do. She came in and he looked so delicious waiting for her nude, though it looked like he had been touching himself. She frowned at that. Well, she would start addressing that tonight.

She grabbed the scarves, no need to hide them now and prepared to tie him up. She mentally added to her shopping list to get some proper restraints. He seemed to really respond to the bondage, and she loved it as well. A real physical display of their power imbalance. She tied him in the same position as the previous night, hands to the headboard and legs spread to the corners. She was happy to see that his breathing got more shallow as each bond was secured and his cock grew to full hardness, without even being touched. Yes, he liked bondage.

Once the knots were done, she looked down at his prone form as she stripped slowly, knowing it would add to his arousal. Once nude, she crawled between his legs, but didn’t touch his throbbing cock immediately. She considered it for a moment before speaking.

“Since I am in charge of our sex life now, I am going to make your first rule. It isn’t going to be easy and may sound very odd at first. But you need to trust me and I know you do. It might frustrate you and you may have difficulty understanding why at first, but you’ve made this commitment, and I expect you to stick to it,” she said calmly, almost with a professional tone.

John felt bewildered. A rule? That on its own sounded a little odd, but if she had complete control it made a certain sense. Though ‘first’ implied there would be more. Why did that excite him? He tried to clear his thoughts and he nodded to indicate he understood and that she could proceed.

Her hand reached out and she traced a single finger along his cock causing him to gasp. In a low sexy voice she said, “This belongs to me now. It is mine. And I decide when it gets pleasure and when it can orgasm. Is that clear?” she asked. Her voice was not unfriendly, but despite the husky tone, it sounded firm.

His eyes widened but he was panting not only at the light touch, but at what she had said and how it made him feel. His heart had beat fiercely upon hearing her say that and his cock started to leak. He had never heard her speak quite like this and the power she wielded with what she said made his mouth go dry. “It…it is clear Cindy.”

“Good,” she said as if she knew it wouldn’t be a problem. “Just in case there is any confusion though, that means you can not so much as stroke MY cock without permission. That would upset me and I don’t think you want to upset me, do you John?” He vigorously shook his head in denial and she smiled. “So that means no masturbating without permission…” she said as if that was a forgone conclusion and he supposed it was if his cock belonged to her. She suddenly grabbed it hard, squeezing it and he cried out, more from the shock of it than any pain. “It is mine. You just hold it for me,” she said, almost in a growl. He nodded enthusiastically and she let go, resuming stroking him.

She stroked for a few minutes until his moans got deeper. That had gone well. It was kind of funny she thought to herself, every step of power she took made her feel more powerful with the desire to take more. Oh yes, they were going to go deep, but one step at a time.

“John? You won’t be having an orgasm tonight. Since this is the first time you have had me control them, I wanted to let you know up front. I won’t always. As I said, this might be difficult, but I have my reasons. We have agreed they belong to me, and tonight you won’t be having one. Any questions?” she asked while playing lightly with his cock. She seemed so confident, so in control.

John was confused. No orgasm? But they were having sex, that meant he would orgasm. Her voice though. She had warned him he might not understand it. And he certainly didn’t. Why was she teasing his cock if he wouldn’t be cumming? It didn’t make any sense.

“I…you are right I don’t understand this at all,” John started interrupted by a little moan of pleasure, “Why? I guess that is my question - why?”

She smiled at him and even seemed to show sympathy on her face as she crawled up his body and then kissed him, his hard cock pressed against her stomach. She pulled back and caressed his face and said, “Because it is what makes me happy and it is what I want. You want to make me happy, don’t you?” she asked, with a little too much innocence in her tone.

He immediately responded though. “Of…of course Cindy. Of course. I…you have control. If…if you say I won’t have one tonight than that is the way it is…” he said a little breathlessly.

“It is,” she replied with a loving smile. “Now I am going to pay some more attention to my cock for awhile, seeing how close I can get it to orgasm and yet never crossing over. I think I will be using my mouth for this. Do you have a problem with that?” she asked sweetly.

He responded immediately. After last night, he found himself craving her mouth. “No Cindy…” he said in a whisper.

“Good boy,” she cooed as she kissed her away down his body. She had said it automatically, because it had felt so appropriate at the time, and wasn’t overly concerned about a negative reaction at this point.

There wasn’t. The praise had confused John on an intellectual level, but it had been so full of her fondness for him, that he actually felt praised. He didn’t mind it at all.

Cindy finally reached his cock once again and took it into her mouth, loving his gasp. She was prepared to take her time and learn every little nuance of her new toy, and planned to edge him until instead of begging for an orgasm, he begged her to stop…

(The entire story will be posted to Lemmy, but if you don’t want to wait, the completed story is available for download on Patreon)