• ditty
      4 months ago

      By recognizing that it was a stock picture of a person putting eye drops in their eyes that somebody photoshopped to replace the eyedrop bottle with Tabasco.

  • @[email protected]
    444 months ago

    Oh yay another Windows 11 being bad meme, and all the same comments about it too. Feel like it’s groundhog day cause this place only has 2 jokes that get recycled on repeat.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      We need someplace to get rid of the windows complaints from people close to us or our own experiences when people expect us to use it.

      I do agree though that the joke is getting old but when you’re frustrated with windows this seems to be the place to let off steam.

  • linuxgator
    354 months ago

    Putting tobasco in your own eye is still easier than getting sound card drivers to work in Windows ME.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      I’m a pretty patient person when it comes to technology… But Windows ME (Mistake Edition) is the only OS that made me legitimately throw my Compaq ESN pro computer down a flight of stairs

      (Yes it still worked fine afterwards)

      • linuxgator
        84 months ago

        Yeah. It was so bad that they didn’t even bother releasing and service packs, just skipped straight to XP. Then came Vista, which was also bad enough to gain the nickname Windows Me 2 (or Me too).

        • Thassodar
          4 months ago

          So many fond memories of running the XP beta more than a year past the official release lol

          *Forgot to add finding alternative ways to update the beta version to the release version patches was fun, too

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Nah, Vista wasn’t even nearly as bad as ME, it was just released with hardware requirements that were too high and OEM manufacturers that installed it anyway on their low-end hardware.

          And of course too strict UAC, but that could be disabled.

          • linuxgator
            14 months ago

            Yeah, not nearly as bad. But still bad enough to get that nickname.

      • linuxgator
        114 months ago

        No clue. I don’t even bother with Nvidia.

      • GladiusB
        34 months ago

        I have zero issues installing drivers for Nvidia on Linux

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          I’d say in the 10+ years of using Linux, and most of those have been with Nvidia. Maybe 5% of the time I’ve had an issue, half the time it’s fixed within a few minutes.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          i only had issues with nvidia in fedora, since i moved to arch i havent had many issues (other than making installing the os take a few minutes longer)

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          from my experience fedora is horrible at installing the nvidia drivers. i had no issue with arch though, other than installation taking a bit longer

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            I had ONE hick-up with Nvidia drivers on arch in about 6 years. I needed to downgrade them initially when Valve released the new Steam UI. That’s been fixed pretty fast. When I’m thinking back it was the only problem I had with arch upgrades in its entirety apart from one that was completely on me: installing KWinFT which completely messed up some system libraries (but was repairable). Arch was nothing but rock solid stable for me.

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              arch has been really stable for me too, the only things that ever happened on my pc has either been the clock unsyncing(probably errors when installing arch) or thinking an update of nvidia drivers made all the black parts of the screen glitch(my old gpu just broke down, nothing to do with the drivers)

      • linuxgator
        14 months ago

        Yep. It is definitely one of the Windows.

      • Possibly linux
        194 months ago

        There is no way I’d willingly put hot sauce in my eyes. Maybe I should change my username to “nohotsauceineyes”

  • @[email protected]
    304 months ago

    I hated Windows 11 because:

    • Constant Telemetry
    • Hogs resources. Examples include: Using 1/3 of my 1TB SSD and 1/2 of 16GB of DDR5 RAM
    • Tons of vulnerabilities, several that remain unaddressed
    • Forced updates
    • The UI and start menu is hideous, search immediately searches Bing instead of my system for an app

    I love Fedora 39 because:

    • No telemetry, optional anonymous bug reporting
    • Uses only 50GB of my 1TB SSD and 1.6GB of 16GB of DDR5 RAM on the OS plus GNOME
    • Vulnerabilities continue to be patched through kernel updates (currently up to 6.7.7 on Fedora)
    • I get to choose when to update my system
    • I like my riced UI, the application menu is clean and search searches for apps on my system first with perfect accuracy

    Did I prove my point?

    • monsterpiece42
      144 months ago

      I generally agree with your sentiment but I’m calling bullshit on a 300gb install. I work in a computer repair shop and load win11 more than 10x a week. Stock install with 23h2 and all updates, even with a GPU (big driver) is always under 50gb. A loaded down version of Pro with hyper V and a bunch of other shit including office is never even 60gb.

      And unused RAM is wasted RAM. I have seen win11 run on 2gb ddr3. As you ask for more RAM, it will unload and make space for the new request.

      And yes, I daily Linux and generally prefer it.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        54 months ago

        And unused RAM is wasted RAM. I have seen win11 run on 2gb ddr3. As you ask for more RAM, it will unload and make space for the new request.

        Personally I rather have the RAM left over for the applications to use up front, instead of the OS taking it all and then begrudgingly letting some of it go when asked.

        • monsterpiece42
          14 months ago

          That’s totally fair. It’s the eternal debate, even in Linux. There are bistros with both ideologies.

    • Vast_Emptiness
      54 months ago

      No, The God would be sad of you did not mention the TempleOS, that’s better than your bloat sistem. ;)

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      The only thing you can’t disable here are the vulns, technically MS is obligated to patch though so I’d be interested which ones apply, I’m assuming there’s a lot of vulns in certain features. My Windows SSD is 60GB fully loaded with apps and drivers. Search and other stuff are just basic config items and plenty of UI replacements and tweaks to be had.

      My Debian servers and laptop run way lighter as expected, unfortunately I need the custom hardware support of Windows for some software critical to my livelihood. All I do is deploy Windows in the same way I’d deploy and manage an enterprise workstation. No store, no live, no “apps,” no overlay bs or news feeds, just pure Windows. Gotta say I prefer 11 so far to 10, the window snapping and some other changes have been good for productivity, which is really the only thing I care about since I’d switch that machine to Debian in a heartbeat if I didn’t have a use case.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Pretty much the only thing Windows has going for it is hardware support, and that’s purely down to manufacturers not supporting Linux so I can’t even give MS kudos for that.

      If my simracing hardware ever gets decent support I’m switching all my machines over.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Honestly sometimes it gets everything right, I had others and some had all the wording correct but I liked that one.

        Example(all correct if we ignore the text on the bottle):

  • Gogo Sempai
    164 months ago

    It’s not thaaaat bad c’mon guys! I mean I’m sometimes forced to setup/debug something on my family/relative’s windows PC and all I take is a pill to keep my nausea under control that’s it.

  • @[email protected]
    164 months ago

    I use windows for work, and I just had to update to Win 11 when I got a new PC.

    Jesus Christ I hate it.

    So many fundamental parts of my workflow have been disrupted. I have yet to find one change which I actually like.

    I thought they did a pretty good job with Windows 10, but this one is five steps backwards.

    • @[email protected]
      124 months ago

      I don’t know a thing about windows 11 but they’ll have to claw windows 10 away from me to force me to switch. Why would I even want to? Windows 10 works just fine and even that I only switched to because they fucking forced me. If I could I’d still use Windows 2000. I loved that one. XP was fine as well though. I don’t want to worry about my OS. I want it to fucking work.

      But an OS you don’t need to upgrade doesn’t generate money.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      I don’t do much on my computer any more. But even with my minimal use windows 11 ruined several key things that were fine from xp to windows 10. Things that don’t even make sense to be changed, biggest one is the alt tab.

      I work in I.T., and even after doing it a hundred times I still get lost finding the fucking network adapter page

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        I can no longer alt+f+s+a to open PowerShell as admin in the current folder

        I can no longer drag files into the address bar to move files to the parent folder.

        I can no longer see the seconds by clicking the clock on the taskbar.

        File explorer search is still shit.

        File properties window is still fixed size, and cannot be resized.

        We’re regressing, billy-boy.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Learning the shortcuts for multiple workspaces was a game changer for me in Windows.

      Win + Ctrl + D to create a new virtual desktop

      Win + Ctrl + ArrowRight or ArrowLeft to move to the next desktop

      Win + Tab to arrange all Windows and desktops

      Also dragging your window to the top to place it in a corner seems nice.

      At home I’ll always use Linux but for a work PC I can live with Windows.

      • Pantsofmagic
        54 months ago

        Until you use a Microsoft office application and it is fundamentally broken with virtual desktops. If you try to open a document on one desktop it’ll switch to another if you had a different document open. There’s little glitches throughout the entire experience that make it so mediocre.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        But imagine, if you could just press win+number and then go to the exact workspace you want! Which KDE Plasma allows you to do.

        I seriously cant get used to using win+ctrl+arrows. If i could change this, and with powertoys windows would not be that bad.

        • Pantsofmagic
          24 months ago

          There’s something called SylphyHorn that helps sort out some of this. Unfortunately for me it’s broken on my work computer because of something in their security software.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        I’ve got to say that the file explorer tabs are a great addition/comeback, and a vastly improved experience over the 90s incarnation where drag and drop was often hamstrung by system responsiveness (and could you even drag and drop to inactive tabs to activate them and bring them to the front back then? Don’t recall.) Using them in KDE Plasma at home , when i got a new win11laptop for work I was thrilled with many of the interface improvements. The telemetry and “widgets” are trash, though, as are the permanent ads in the windows context menu.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      I mean between each good version, and now between each sub-decent version there is a shit version. Or 95 and 98 were both ok iirc and I don’t know about before that but 2000, vista, 8, and now 11. You have to wait for 12 when they make it marginally better but still worse than the previous decent one. But each decent one will be progressively worse still but the anger version exists between to increase acceptance of the next one.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        I think 12 and the forced ad experience will finally break that trend. 11 was enough to get me to only buy Mac and Linux machines from here on out.

        I don’t know what happened with the w10 updates, but I had 4 machines die simultaneously with hard drive failures. That’s it…the non gaming rigs got Linux.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          The updates have been especially cursed lately. The copilot showing up with auto update seemingly disabled including registry tweaks and the start bar search field coming back every update, onedrive and edge rising from the grave repeatedly. If I could physically beat the shit out of an operating system to make it behave I totally would, something I would never resort to for animals and most humans. Windows would deserve it.

          I’m already fully on Linux for gaming. I have a GPU passthrough vm but most of the games that require it end up being totally not my thing. It’s possible thay what I’ve called the layered deception method that also uses some Ms virtualization settings in addition to the kvm/qemu doesn’t work for fooling the anti cheats anymore though. I haven’t played any anti cheat titles in some time.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      The only thing, literally the only thing, that I liked from Win11 over 10 is that it can run x86 apps on ARM - I could play Final Fantasy XI (20+ year old game) on Windows 11 dual-booted from my M1 MacBook Air, when I had one.

  • @[email protected]
    154 months ago

    I’ve been using Windows 11 on a work laptop for years now. it’s not that bad cmon. all the annoyances I’ve fixed with third party software and such as has been the case with me and Windows for decades.

  • @[email protected]
    134 months ago

    This meme is so cringe, fine you hate windows whatever but saying you would do this instead of using it makes me wanna convince you to put hot sauce in your eyes.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      Why? What service? We did everything that we could to catch sleep where we could in USN boot camp.

      • @[email protected]
        114 months ago

        US marines, we had to stay awake during the lecture periods or we would get pulled aside and absolutely smoked lol so tabasco was the better alternative for some

        • TimeSquirrel
          4 months ago

          My AF technical training squadron 20 years ago was on a joint base. I remember a tropical storm hitting the base, so they had us all huddle in the dorms and relax until it passed while we watched the Marines march around in 3 foot high water outside.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      I thought it was generally a better go to strat to rub it in your underwear if you want to stay awake

  • @[email protected]
    104 months ago

    I’d rather do a LABeast x Steve-o tribute and butt chug 4l of ghost pepper sauce than use windows 11.

  • @[email protected]
    94 months ago

    Reformatting my Windows 11 machines and replacing the OS with Windows 7 is on my (very long) to-do list

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      I had a hard time even installing Win10 in a Win11 machine (doesn’t see the drive, couldn’t find drivers for it).

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        You need to find appropriate storage driver that you then load during install (extracted in *.inf format not *.exe)

        Possible alternative is to disable some proprietary storage related feature in BIOS / UEFI so that you would use standard drivers that are included in install. UEFI update might help as well. Usually there is a guide for all this.

      • Cethin
        4 months ago

        I purchased an NVMe m.2 drive recently, installing it into my MB that is older than the format. Installing an OS onto that was difficult to say the least, but honestly not that bad. I had to find drivers for it online and inject them into a copy of my MB’s BIOS, which luckily my MB saves a backup of the last working version so it wasn’t a risk when flashing the edited version onto it. After that it worked perfectly, and I’m sure the same can be done for whatever drive you were having issues with. It probably took no more than 30m after I figured out what the issue was to solving it. It felt scary, but it was fairly trivial with guides online.

        Admittedly I’m comfortable with computers and was installing Linux. I have no idea if Windows would throw a fit for some reason.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Have fun with the same pain, this time because Microsoft doesn’t want you to use Windows 7… Because… profit.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        Probably a security issue or two… (…and they wanted to bake in data harvesting deeper into into the OS)